Shield Level / Pathloss Equipment
SG1000B/PR1000A - Praxsym
The SG1000 Signal Generator and PR1000A Preamplifier have been designed to simplify the measurement of shielding integrity in a shielded enclosure. When coupled with a high stability spectrum analyzer and an appropriate selection of test antennas, the SG1000/PR1000A combination can measure shielding effectiveness at all of the NSA 94-106 (supersedes NSA 65-6) defined test frequencies from 1 kHz to 10 GHz.
The PR1000A amplifies the received signal from the test antenna and overcomes the high noise figure of the companion test receiver or spectrum analyzer. The PR1000A will ensure that the system noise figure will be less than 4.5 dB at all test frequencies from 1 kHz to 10 GHz. When used with a spectrum analyzer measurement bandwidth of 100 Hz, the system exhibits a sensitivity of -150 dBm at the test antenna output.
To overcome high cable loss between the test antenna and the PR1000A assembly at 10 GHz, a remote low noise pre-amplifier (Praxsym PN 310-010091-001) is mounted directly onto the 10 GHz antenna.