Fluorescence Spectroscopy
HORIBA’s Fluorescence division incorporates technology from SPEX, IBH, Jobin-Yvon, PTI and SLM - the dominant names in Fluorescence Spectroscopy. We offer the widest range of Steady State Fluorescence spectrometers, Fluorescence Lifetime spectrometers, Steady State and Lifetime Multi instruments and Microscope-based Microscopy solutions.
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
Duetta - HORIBA, Ltd.
Duetta™ is a spectrofluorometer that combines, simultaneously, the functions of fluorescence and absorbance spectrometers. Thanks to its high-speed built-in CCD detector, the Duetta can acquire a full spectrum from 250 nm to 1,100 nm in less than one second, making it the fastest fluorescence spectrometer on the market.
Industrial QC/QA Analyzer - "Column Free" Molecular Fingerprinting Technology
Aqualog - A-TEEM
Aqualog - A-TEEM - HORIBA, Ltd.
A-TEEM™ Molecular Fingerprinting is a new optical technique that is ideal for comprehensive component analysis in a variety QC/QA applications, from water to wine to pharmaceuticals and more. It is a simple, fast, “column free” spectroscopic technique that simultaneously measures the absorbance, transmission and fluorescence of samples in solution, and offers unique benefits over traditional analytical techniques, such as chromatography, mass spec, IR, etc.. Fundamentally, this technique is best applied to samples in solution that have fluorescing components, like an aromatic molecule, although it also detects non-fluorescing species via absorbance. The fluorescence EEM fingerprint technique has also been applied to solids and skin. Fluorescence is a highly sensitive technique compared to other spectroscopic techniques such as absorbance, FTIR and Raman, and the three-dimensional nature of the data provides for a better foundation for complex component analysis.
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
DeltaFlex - HORIBA, Ltd.
The DeltaFlex time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system is one of our Delta series of next generation time correlated single photon counting lifetime instrumentation. The DeltaFlex offers the ultimate in flexibility.
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
DeltaPro - HORIBA, Ltd.
The DeltaPro has taken the complexity of time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and made it simple and affordable. Any lab can exploit the power of fluorescence dynamics using TCSPC. This system enables the seamless measurement of luminescence lifetimes from picoseconds to 1 second, using our DeltaHub timing electronics.
TCSPC Lifetime Kit
DeltaTime - HORIBA, Ltd.
The DeltaTime time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) lifetime plug-in offers acquisition speed, flexibility, and affordability unavailable in any other multifunctioanl fluorescence solution on the market. DeltaTime seamlessly integrates monochromators, polarizers, and other accessories with the widest array of sources (LEDs, laser diodes, supercontinuum lasers) and detectors (including NIR), providing lifetime coverage from 25ps to 1sec over wavelengths spanning the UV to NIR.
Imaging Camera for Dynamic FLIM Studies at Real Time Video Rates
FLIMera - HORIBA, Ltd.
The HORIBA FLIMera camera is a new concept in FLIM technology. It is a wide field imaging camera, rather than a confocal point scanning system, with the intrinsic benefit of being able to study FLIM dynamics at video rates with a simple camera technology.
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
FluoroMax - HORIBA, Ltd.
The FluoroMax® series represents HORIBA's industry-leading fluorometer performance in a convenient, affordable, easy-to-use benchtop model. The FluoroMax family, with its unique all reflective optics and photon counting was the first to bring the sensitivity of a modular fluorometer to a tabletop fluorescence instrument.
Hybrid Picosecond Photon Detectors
HPPD Series
HPPD Series - HORIBA, Ltd.
technology.The HPPD is our latest development in TCSPC detector technology that combines the benefits of conventional PMT design (wide spectral response and large active area)with the advantages of solid state APD technology (good detection efficiency, negligible after-pulsing and exceptional temporal resolution). Hybrid detectors are becoming thefirst choice for FLIM and short lifetime determination.
Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources
NanoLED - HORIBA, Ltd.
The NanoLED range is a novel and economical light source system that utilizes pulsed laser diode and LED technology to generate short optical pulses over a wide range of repetition rates and wavelengths. Optical pulses as short as 70ps can be generated at repetition rates up to 1MHz.
Photon Counting Detector - Single Photon Detection with Picosecond Accuracy
The PPD Series is a range of miniaturized single-photon counting detectors containing all the electronics necessary to detect single photons with picosecond accuracy.
LED Phosphorescence Light Sources
SpectraLED - HORIBA, Ltd.
Innovative and affordable pulsed light source for phosphorescence measurements from deep UV to NIRThe SpectraLED is a novel light source designed specifically for the measurement of phosphorescence lifetimes. These phosphorescence sources are based on LED technology and the emission wavelengths range from the deep UV to the NIR.
Ultra Fast TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
Ultima - HORIBA, Ltd.
TCSPC lifetime system for the measurements of short lifetimes down to 5 psThe Ultima Series of TCSPC systems are optimized for the measurement of short lifetimes, even less than down to 5 ps. They feature the FluoroHub A+ electronics which offer the best electrical timing resolution available (<400fs/point) and ultra-low timing jitter of <3ps RMS.
Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements
Fluorolog-QM - HORIBA, Ltd.
The HORIBA Fluorolog-QM series of modular research grade spectrofluorometers is the fourth generation of the world famous HORIBA Fluorolog, with the first Fluorolog introduced by Spex Industries in 1975.
Fuel Flow Measurement Systems
FQ Series
FQ Series - HORIBA, Ltd.
Measuring a vehicle’s fuel flow requires a precise system which can run stationary and transient tests. It must also be able to offer high reproducibility and run cycle measurements under real operational conditions, including WLTP. Our FQ Series of fuel flow measurement systems offers a highly precise method of measuring various fuel types, and covers the full range from small engines (incl. single-cylinder research engines) up to heavy-duty engines with up to 5000 kW.
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
Duetta - HORIBA, Ltd.
Duetta™ is a spectrofluorometer that combines, simultaneously, the functions of fluorescence and absorbance spectrometers. Thanks to its high-speed built-in CCD detector, the Duetta can acquire a full spectrum from 250 nm to 1,100 nm in less than one second, making it the fastest fluorescence spectrometer on the market.
Industrial QC/QA Analyzer - "Column Free" Molecular Fingerprinting Technology
Aqualog - A-TEEM
Aqualog - A-TEEM - HORIBA, Ltd.
A-TEEM™ Molecular Fingerprinting is a new optical technique that is ideal for comprehensive component analysis in a variety QC/QA applications, from water to wine to pharmaceuticals and more. It is a simple, fast, “column free” spectroscopic technique that simultaneously measures the absorbance, transmission and fluorescence of samples in solution, and offers unique benefits over traditional analytical techniques, such as chromatography, mass spec, IR, etc.. Fundamentally, this technique is best applied to samples in solution that have fluorescing components, like an aromatic molecule, although it also detects non-fluorescing species via absorbance. The fluorescence EEM fingerprint technique has also been applied to solids and skin. Fluorescence is a highly sensitive technique compared to other spectroscopic techniques such as absorbance, FTIR and Raman, and the three-dimensional nature of the data provides for a better foundation for complex component analysis.
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
DeltaFlex - HORIBA, Ltd.
The DeltaFlex time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system is one of our Delta series of next generation time correlated single photon counting lifetime instrumentation. The DeltaFlex offers the ultimate in flexibility.
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
DeltaPro - HORIBA, Ltd.
The DeltaPro has taken the complexity of time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and made it simple and affordable. Any lab can exploit the power of fluorescence dynamics using TCSPC. This system enables the seamless measurement of luminescence lifetimes from picoseconds to 1 second, using our DeltaHub timing electronics.
TCSPC Lifetime Kit
DeltaTime - HORIBA, Ltd.
The DeltaTime time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) lifetime plug-in offers acquisition speed, flexibility, and affordability unavailable in any other multifunctioanl fluorescence solution on the market. DeltaTime seamlessly integrates monochromators, polarizers, and other accessories with the widest array of sources (LEDs, laser diodes, supercontinuum lasers) and detectors (including NIR), providing lifetime coverage from 25ps to 1sec over wavelengths spanning the UV to NIR.
Imaging Camera for Dynamic FLIM Studies at Real Time Video Rates
FLIMera - HORIBA, Ltd.
The HORIBA FLIMera camera is a new concept in FLIM technology. It is a wide field imaging camera, rather than a confocal point scanning system, with the intrinsic benefit of being able to study FLIM dynamics at video rates with a simple camera technology.
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
FluoroMax - HORIBA, Ltd.
The FluoroMax® series represents HORIBA's industry-leading fluorometer performance in a convenient, affordable, easy-to-use benchtop model. The FluoroMax family, with its unique all reflective optics and photon counting was the first to bring the sensitivity of a modular fluorometer to a tabletop fluorescence instrument.
Hybrid Picosecond Photon Detectors
HPPD Series
HPPD Series - HORIBA, Ltd.
technology.The HPPD is our latest development in TCSPC detector technology that combines the benefits of conventional PMT design (wide spectral response and large active area)with the advantages of solid state APD technology (good detection efficiency, negligible after-pulsing and exceptional temporal resolution). Hybrid detectors are becoming thefirst choice for FLIM and short lifetime determination.
Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources
NanoLED - HORIBA, Ltd.
The NanoLED range is a novel and economical light source system that utilizes pulsed laser diode and LED technology to generate short optical pulses over a wide range of repetition rates and wavelengths. Optical pulses as short as 70ps can be generated at repetition rates up to 1MHz.
Photon Counting Detector - Single Photon Detection with Picosecond Accuracy
The PPD Series is a range of miniaturized single-photon counting detectors containing all the electronics necessary to detect single photons with picosecond accuracy.
LED Phosphorescence Light Sources
SpectraLED - HORIBA, Ltd.
Innovative and affordable pulsed light source for phosphorescence measurements from deep UV to NIRThe SpectraLED is a novel light source designed specifically for the measurement of phosphorescence lifetimes. These phosphorescence sources are based on LED technology and the emission wavelengths range from the deep UV to the NIR.
Ultra Fast TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
Ultima - HORIBA, Ltd.
TCSPC lifetime system for the measurements of short lifetimes down to 5 psThe Ultima Series of TCSPC systems are optimized for the measurement of short lifetimes, even less than down to 5 ps. They feature the FluoroHub A+ electronics which offer the best electrical timing resolution available (<400fs/point) and ultra-low timing jitter of <3ps RMS.
Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements
Fluorolog-QM - HORIBA, Ltd.
The HORIBA Fluorolog-QM series of modular research grade spectrofluorometers is the fourth generation of the world famous HORIBA Fluorolog, with the first Fluorolog introduced by Spex Industries in 1975.
Fuel Flow Measurement Systems
FQ Series
FQ Series - HORIBA, Ltd.
Measuring a vehicle’s fuel flow requires a precise system which can run stationary and transient tests. It must also be able to offer high reproducibility and run cycle measurements under real operational conditions, including WLTP. Our FQ Series of fuel flow measurement systems offers a highly precise method of measuring various fuel types, and covers the full range from small engines (incl. single-cylinder research engines) up to heavy-duty engines with up to 5000 kW.