Raman Spectroscopy
We provide complete Raman spectroscopy solutions for analytical measurements, research Raman, UV Raman, QC/QA and industrial Raman applications. These include Raman microscopes, hybrid Raman systems (such as Raman-AFM), modular Raman systems, transmission Raman analysers, dedicated in situ process Raman spectrometers, and miniaturised Raman instruments for high volume OEM manufacture.
Bench-top Raman Spectrometer
MacroRAM™ - HORIBA, Ltd.
Bench-top Raman Spectrometer - Best in Class Raman Sensitivity and Software, with Class 1 Laser Safety. The new MacroRAM Raman spectrometer brings simplicity to Raman measurements without compromising the ability to handle even the most complex samples. Its compact and robust design, including Class 1* laser safety means it''''s safe for use in most environments, from undergraduate teaching labs to industrial QC applications.
Extensions for CathodoLuminescence, Photoluminescence & Raman Spectroscopy
Clue Series
Clue Series - HORIBA, Ltd.
CLUE SERIES offers the unique capability to evolve with your requirements. Start with an affordable panchromatic CL detector to end up with a complete combination of all spectroscopic techniques, hyperspectral & panchromatic CL, Raman & photoluminescence. multiple UV, visible & NIR mono and multichannel detectors (CCD and PMT), vacuum technology (VUV), time-resolved fluorescence TCSPC (IBH fast electronics & detection components), Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, fast imaging with EMCCD and SWIFT, angular-resolved CL, high performance gratings…
Easy Navigation Package for Optimal Raman Imaging
EasyNav - HORIBA, Ltd.
The new EasyNavTM package makes it easy to navigate through your image and acquire sharp Raman images in the blink of an eye, thanks to three new revolutionary applications: NavMapTM, NavSharpTM and ViewSharpTM. With the groundbreaking EasyNavTM package, it is fast and easy to navigate in-focus, in real-time, to identify the region of interest and obtain sharp, clear Raman chemical images. EasyNavTM has been tested and validated on a large variety of samples. HORIBA NavMapTM+ NavSharpTM+ ViewSharpTM apps can be used together or separately to deliver a powerful user experience for all Raman users.
Ultra-Low Frequency Raman Spectrometer Down to 10 cm-1
Modular TeraHertz Raman Spectrometer
Modular TeraHertz Raman Spectrometer - HORIBA, Ltd.
HORIBA’s modular terahertz modular Raman spectrometer extends the spectral range of a measurement to < 10 cm-1. Consisting of an Ondax SureBlock™ module fiber coupled to HORIBA’s iHR320 imaging spectrometer, this custom system provides an affordable option for macro-Raman measurements close to the laser line. Below are Stokes and anti-Stokes spectra of elemental sulfur recorded with this system.
High Efficiency Dedicated Process Raman Spectrometer for Rugged and Robust Raman Monitoring
HE Spectrograph
HE Spectrograph - HORIBA, Ltd.
The HE high efficiency Raman process analyzers have been developed to provide an advanced and robust performance with increased reliability for process control. The compact, rugged construction with no internal moving parts is perfectly adapted to demanding industrial environments. The analyzer has been designed to function with low maintenance, minimal downtime and little operator training.
Bench-Top Macroscopic Raman Spectrometer
Modular Raman Microscope
Modular Raman Microscope - HORIBA, Ltd.
HORIBA’s modular Raman spectrometers allow the user to have a flexible Raman system to handle high performance spectroscopy at a price to fit most budgets. The modular microscope can also be used with a range of sampling options, including remote probes. A Raman spectrum recorded with a fiber-coupled Raman microscope of acetaminophen is shown below.
Mini Raman Spectrometer
Mini CCT+
Mini CCT+ - HORIBA, Ltd.
Raman CCD spectrometer with high sensitivity and dynamic range for OEM Raman hand-held applications.
Bench-Top Macroscopic Raman Spectrometer
Modular Raman Microscope
Modular Raman Microscope - HORIBA, Ltd.
HORIBA’s modular Raman spectrometers allow the user to have a flexible Raman system to handle high performance spectroscopy at a price to fit most budgets. The modular microscope can also be used with a range of sampling options, including remote probes. A Raman spectrum recorded with a fiber-coupled Raman microscope of acetaminophen is shown below.
Ultra-Low Frequency Raman Spectrometer Down to 10 cm-1
Modular TeraHertz Raman Spectrometer
Modular TeraHertz Raman Spectrometer - HORIBA, Ltd.
HORIBA’s modular terahertz modular Raman spectrometer extends the spectral range of a measurement to < 10 cm-1. Consisting of an Ondax SureBlock™ module fiber coupled to HORIBA’s iHR320 imaging spectrometer, this custom system provides an affordable option for macro-Raman measurements close to the laser line. Below are Stokes and anti-Stokes spectra of elemental sulfur recorded with this system.
Bench-top Raman Spectrometer
MacroRAM™ - HORIBA, Ltd.
Bench-top Raman Spectrometer - Best in Class Raman Sensitivity and Software, with Class 1 Laser Safety. The new MacroRAM Raman spectrometer brings simplicity to Raman measurements without compromising the ability to handle even the most complex samples. Its compact and robust design, including Class 1* laser safety means it''''s safe for use in most environments, from undergraduate teaching labs to industrial QC applications.