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VUV PIONA+ Analysis
This high-speed gasoline PIONA analyzer is compliant with ASTM D8071. It supports simultaneous analysis of PIONA compounds, specific oxygenated compounds, and BTEX in gasoline, and can quickly analyze samples within 30 minutes by classifying compounds based on VUV absorption spectra. The simple system configuration provides broad applicability, including analyzing other petroleum products.
VUV Spectroscopy Detector
All gas phase molecules absorb strongly in the vacuum ultraviolet region (120 – 240 nm), yet application of VUV absorption technology to routine analytical detection and measurement has not been addressed…until now. The VGA-100 is the world’s first benchtop VUV spectrometer. It is a universal mass-sensitive gas chromatography detector that provides both qualitative and quantitative data. The strong absorption of gas phase molecules in the VUV spectrum provide excellent sensitivity, and the compound-specific absorption spectra provide unparalleled selectivity.
X-Ray Cameras for Soft X-Ray, VUV, and EUV Applications
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
SOPHIA® XO offers high-sensitivity (>95% QE) and high-speed for the widest range of VUV and x-ray detection, with thermoelectric cooling up to -90℃ and high frame rates. With a rotatable, industry-standard CF flange and high-vacuum seal design the software-selectable gains and readout speeds make this camera well suited for UHV applications.
Deep Cooled UV/Vis/NIR and VUV Scientific Cameras
Syncerity Scientific Cameras
HORIBA Scientific offers a complete line of spectroscopic multi-channel detectors for scientific research. For spectral detection from UV to near-IR, two dimensional CCDs offering a faster acquisition option over single point detectors with relatively high sensitivity. Coupled with HORIBA’s range of aberration corrected flat field imaging spectrographs, OEM packages can be assembled for a variety of applications.