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UV Lasers
A laser source of ultraviolet light.
PCI Three-Axis High Performance Laser Board with External Sampling
The Keysight N1231B PCI Three-Axis Laser Board with External Sampling is a register based PCI bus board that implements three axes of laser interferometer measurement for position monitoring and closed-loop servo control. There are four external sample inputs along with four data hold inputs that allow easy synchronization with user systems. Several threshold compare registers, with both hardware outputs and interrupt capability, can be used for travel limit and in window or out of window detection functions. The dual mode hardware position outputs, controlled by the hold inputs, provide either a 32-bits/axis parallel interface or a 36-bit multiplexed interface to the 36-bit axis position data at rates up to 20MHz. The user can programmatically access the externally sampled position and velocity data, as well as software sampled position and velocity data, over the PCI bus at rates up to 100kHz (3 axes of position and velocity) or 200kHz (position or velocity only).
PCI Three-Axis Laser Board
The Keysight N1231A PCI Three-Axis Laser Board is a register based PCI bus board that implements three axes of laser measurement for position monitoring and closed-loop servo control. The hardware outputs, optimized for connection to a DeltaTau PMAC servo control system, provide parallel digital position data at rates up to 4MHz. The same position data along with velocity data is available over the PCI bus at rates up to 100kHz (3 axes of position and velocity) or 200kHz (position or velocity only).
Fixed Wavelength CW Laser Source (DFB)
Laser 1200 Series
The Laser 1200 Series is a highly customizable fixed-wavelength Continuous Wave (CW) laser source available in a wide range of wavelengths and powers.With seamless PXI integration, it can be easily integrated into new or existing PXI test setups. Save space, lower your costs and improve testing efficiency while delivering reliable and repeatable results in production or research environments.
Tunable Laser Source - PXI
Laser 1000 Series
The Laser 1000 Series PXIe module is a Continuous Wave (CW), tunable laser source offering high-power output, narrow 100kHz linewidth and 0.01pm resolution tunability.With seamless PXI integration, it can be easily integrated into new or existing PXI test setups. Save space, lower your costs and improve testing efficiency while delivering reliable and repeatable results in production or research environments.
Tunable Laser Source - MATRIQ
The Laser 1000 Series is a fully-compliant micro-ITLA laser with up to four channels in a compact benchtop form factor.Offering 0.01 pm resolution tunability across C or L bands, exceptional power accuracy up to 16.5dBm, and optional dither suppression, this is a versatile and cost-effective general purpose instrument.
Fixed Wavelength CW Laser Source (FP) - PXI
Laser 1100 Series
The Laser-1102 is a Continuous Wave (CW) laser source offering high power 850 nm output into multimode fiber with stable output power operation.
Fixed Wavelength CW Laser Source (FP) - MATRIQ
The Laser-1102 is a Continuous Wave (CW) laser source offering high power 850 nm output into multimode fiber with stable output power operation.
Nitrogen Laser
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The NL100 Nitrogen Laser is ideal for fluorescence measurements, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers, and other pulsed UV radiation experiments. It provides 3.5 ns pulses at 337 nm (UV), with repetition rates up to 20 Hz.
Power Meters
The Rk-5700 Series Power Meters accept a wide variety of probes – pyroelectric, silicon, and thermopile – enabling them to perform absolute radiometry, total laser power (cw and average), and irradiance measurements from the UV to far-IR, pW to kW. Integrated lock-in amplifier circuitry allows for synchronous detection of chopped optical signals, improving both S/N ratio and background rejection. The dual channel Rk-5720 simultaneously measures Channel A, Channel B, and the ratio B/A. An IEEE-488 GPIB computer interface, Analog Outputs, Background Cancel, and Autorange are all standard features.
Power Probes
RkT Thermopile Series
The RkT Series thermopile power probes are ideal for measuring Nd:YAG, CO2, and other mid-power lasers. The probes are designed to withstand average power densities up to 20kW/cm2 (15MW/cm2 peak pulse power density). The flat UV to far-IR spectral response allows the probes to measure broadband sources as well. Measure the power of cw sources or the average power of sources pulsed at 5Hz or greater.
All WITec''s Raman microscopes are operated with ultra-high throughput spectrometers (UHTS) that were distinctively developed for high speed and high resolution Raman imaging. The UHTS series comprises of six models in several focal lengths to accommodate multiple laser excitation wavelengths (UV to IR) and spectral resolution requirements.
Multi-Spectral Test Set
The Multi-Spectral Test Set (MSTS™) is a two-color infrared (IR), ultra-violet (UV), and multi-band laser hand-held test set with an integrated detector. The MSTS provides an end-to-end flight line confidence test for directional infrared countermeasure (DIRCM), UV missile warning systems, IR missile warning systems, and multi-band laser warning systems. The MSTS is ruggedized, battery-operated, and can be hand-held or mounted on a tripod.
Multi-Spectral UV/Laser Range Stimulator
The Phantom is a long-range laser and ultraviolet (UV) stimulator capable of testing aircraft electro-optical sensor suites up to 5 km. Phantom can operate as an independent laser and/or UV stimulator or can be integrated with our other electro-optical and radio frequency range systems (see GTESS and PRTS). The Phantom provides both a laser threat and a synchronized temporal missile plume signature to stimulate both the aircraft’s laser and missile warning systems. Training aircrew to counter maneuver a Laser Beam Riders (LBR) threat is considered essential to survival and in-air training. The Phantom can be deployed either on a shoulder or tripod mount.
UV Man Spectrometer
UV Raman (with laser wavelengths below 400nm) can be used to probe specific sample properties, and benefit from experiment properties different from typical visible Raman measurements – for example, greatly increased Raman scattering efficiency, modified laser penetration within the sample, and resonance coupling to different chemical moeities. However, UV analyses come with a number of technical challenges, that require considered instrument design to allow UV Raman to be a truly useful tool for the researcher.
Ultra-Stable, High-Power, CW Laser in the UV & Visible
SolsTiS Titan
SolsTiS Titan is based on M Squared’s award-winning SolsTiS CW Ti:Sapphire laser platform. It’s a fully-automated, high-power, single-frequency laser operating in the UV and Visible and offers unprecedented stability and reliability. Titan is simple to operate and integrate into diverse industrial and deep-tech application scenarios and delivers dramatic cost savings over legacy laser technologies.
UV & Visible Frequency Mixing Module
The SolsTiS External Mixing Module (SolsTiS EMM) provides fully automated tuning in the visible (480-670 nm) and IR (1.1-4.5 µm) with further extensions options into the UV (300-350 nm). It delivers high stability sum and difference frequency mixing of SolsTiS wavelengths with other single frequency sources, primarily via high efficiency single pass mixing in PPLN. This all-solid state solution for wavelength coverage supersedes dye lasers, removing the hazards and instabilities associated with this toxic gain material. SolsTiS EMM delivers unparalleled performance and reliability, enabling you to automatically tune and scan over a broad wavelength range.
Xenon Illuminator
Luzchem's Xenon Illuminator was recently developed for use with photovoltaic cells. It is also being used with Luzchem’s transient absorption laser flash photolysis and time-resolved diffuse reflectance systems. Customers can expect the Xenon Illuminator to be useful for a wide range of spectroscopy applications including photovoltaic testing, laser photolysis monitoring, UV exposure, and as a microscopy light source.
M2 & BPP Systems
The M2 factor wil define the beam propagation characteristics compared to ideal Gaussian beam propagation. According to ISO Standard 11146 rightfully offers the laser beam characterization as "M2 times diffraction limited beam", as such, a perfect beam will have an M2 of 1. 1 will be the best achievable value and no beam could have an M2 less than 1. Our conceptual design is based on sub-assemblies allowing to change the sensing head in the M2 device, offering multiple wavelengths heads up to 2.7 microns from deep UV (knife-edge technology) and camera based technology with built-in automatic filter wheel for adjustment. For focused beams, the same measuring head could be attached to a device for meauring highly divergent or highly convergent beams - FocusGage-BA, wherein the Laser Analyzing Electronic Autocollimator offers the capability of divergence measurement with Coming Soon M2 definition. M2Beam is the cornerstone of those measuring devices.
Excimer Lasers
Powerful and versatile light sources in the UV range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Because of their cold ablation and short wavelength, excimer lasers are used for countless applications.
UV Nanosecond Lasers
355 nm wavelengthPower: 0.5W* to 5W*Air-cooled design, water cooled optionAll-in-one (AIO) single box design for 0.5 & 1W modelPatented intracavity UV generationCompact, rugged, monolithic laser headTotal pulse controlTEM00 beam with typical M² < 1.2Pulse rates from 1Hz to 300kHzRS232 computer controlField replaceable pump diodes
UV-NIR Beam Profiler
CINOGY Technologies CinCam is optimized to provide excellent sensitivity from the UV to NIR spectral range involving CCD/CMOS/InGaAs technologies. Thanks to its high resolution and its small pixel size, the CinCam ensures the highest accuracy in laser beam analysis of cw and pulsed laser systems. The plug and play design facilitates easy and flexible adaption to standard optical components.
NanoModeScan M² Measuring System
This scanning slit M² measurement system accurately analyzes lasers with wavelengths from UV to Far Infrared with its silicon, germanium, or pyroelectric head. It features a compact portable design, immediate results, ISO compliant measurements, and operates in CW or kHz Pulsed modes which makes it ideal for comprehensive analysis of lasers of most wavelengths.
*Photodiode Energy Sensors
Ophir photodiode laser energy sensors are able to measure low energy pulses down to 10pJ at frequencies up to 20 kHz. Silicon photodiodes for the UV and visible spectrum and Germanium photodiodes for infrared.
Camera Based Beam Propagation Analyzer: M2
The BeamSquared® system is a compact and fully automated tool for measuring the propagation characteristics of CW and pulsed laser systems from the UV to NIR to Telecom wavelengths. Users can also measure wavelengths above 1.8 microns, including CO2 and terahertz in manual mode (a bench set-up; without the automated optical train) with a Pyrocam IV or IIIHR. Our longer optical train and patented Ultracal™ Calibration makes BeamSquared the most accurate product on the market and is ISO 11146 compliant. Its operational robustness and reliability ensures continuous use applications in industry, science, research and development.
Software For SALD-2300 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
LabSolutions SALD
Providing Secure, Confident Data Management on a Network System! The SALD-2300 laser diffraction particle size analyzer is now compatible with data integrity requirements. Connecting LabSolutions SALD to the LabSolutions system, with its proven compatibility with ER/ES regulations, enables confident, reliable data management. In addition to SALD data, consolidated management is available for LC, GC, and UV data.
TCSPC Lifetime Kit
The DeltaTime time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) lifetime plug-in offers acquisition speed, flexibility, and affordability unavailable in any other multifunctioanl fluorescence solution on the market. DeltaTime seamlessly integrates monochromators, polarizers, and other accessories with the widest array of sources (LEDs, laser diodes, supercontinuum lasers) and detectors (including NIR), providing lifetime coverage from 25ps to 1sec over wavelengths spanning the UV to NIR.
Engineering Services
Edmund Optics® (EO) offers a variety of design services in order to meet the specialized needs of our customers. We excel at designing optical and optomechanical systems from components to assemblies and from direct view to imaging to laser optics, spanning from the UV to IR. Our design engineers are well versed in tolerancing and complex optical and mechanical analysis.
Capacitor Charging Power Supplies
Excelitas Capacitor Chargers are tailored to meet your exact needs by configuring modular platforms based on proven designs. Single-phase AC input designs are capable of up to 6 kW of output power and our three-phase designs provide up to 35 kW of output power. A modular design approach results in lower cost, higher reliability, and faster time-to-market. Typical applications for capacitor charging power supplies include flashlamp pumped laser systems (Nd: YAG, pulsed lasers, dye lasers, Intense Pulsed Light Systems (IPL) and aesthetic Medical Laser Systems, Medical Holmium YAG Laser), excimer lasers, pulsed UV curing and sterilization, radar and RF systems.
Sensitive Short-wave IR Fluorometer & Absorption Spectrometer
NS3 NanoSpectralyzer
A customizable, modular NanoSpectralyzer: In addition to its core function as a sensitive short-wave IR fluorometer and absorption spectrometer, the NS3 can be configured with any of the following spectral capabilities: Visible emission, extended SWIR emission, UV absorption, visible absorption, extended SWIR absorption, Raman. Up to 5 excitation lasers (405 to 830 nm).
Laser Power Sensors
Make accurate laser power measurements, from the deep UV to the infrared, with these calibrated, traceable sensors.