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Clamp-on Transducer
Measure current without disconnecting circuit under test. Measure to 1000A DC or AC. Outputs 1mV per Amp, operates on 2V range of any DMM.
Combined Pressure and Temperature Transducers
Variohm offer some different styles of combined pressure and temperature transducers including the EPTT5100 which has an internal temperature sensor and the miniature EPTTE1400 which has an external temperature probe.
Combined Pressure and Temperature Transducers
We can offer some different styles of Combined Pressure and Temperature Transducers. The EPTT5100 combined pressure and temperature transducer has an internal temperature sensor. The miniature EPTTE1400 combined pressure and temperature transducer has an external temperature probe.
Compact Pressure Transducers And Switches
Compact Baratron® capacitance manometers are ideal for space constrained applications. Compact pressure transducers provide an analog output proportional to pressure, while compact pressure switches provide a relay output based on pressure.
Digital Eddy Current Displacement Sensor
ZET 7140-S
A digital eddy current sensor consists of a primary transducer (eddy current probe) and the ZET 7140-S measuring unit.
Displacement Sensing Products
Ideal for precise micro-position measurements, our miniature linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) provide accurate, repeatable measurement. Inductive contact, non-contact, slide, and spring-actuated sensors are available in various stroke lengths-- ideal in spaces where traditional LVDTs are too large. Our sensors operate in harsh environments over millions of cycles without degradation in performance
Displacement Transducers
Displacement transducers are suitable for direct, accurate measurement of displacements in automatic control and metrology.
Dynamometers, force and torque transducers available in many models. Buy your dynamometer or force measurment products from Vetek!The difference between a load cell and a dynamometer is that the dynamometer is optimated for fast measurement.
Force Sensors
Is defined as a transducer that converts an input mechanical force into an electrical output signal. Force Sensors are also commonly known as Force Transducers.
Force Transducers
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
Piezoelectric force transducers are suited for the measurement of tensile and compression force.
General Performance Absolute Pressure Transducers
These general performance Baratron® capacitance manometers are referenced to vacuum for absolute pressure measurement applications.
Hand-Held Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flowmeter
KATflow 200
The KATflow 200 offers measurement performance normally associated with more complex and expensive devices and is complemented by the exceptional quality and robustness of the Katronic transducers.
Handheld Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Liquid
Gentos Measurement & Control Co.
P117 is a hand-held flow meter equipped with external clip-on transducers, which can meet the needs of convenient and fast flow measurement, allowing you to quickly transfer and measure data between different working environments and improve work efficiency.
High Line Pressure Transducer
The P365D transducer is designed to make low differential pressure measurements at high static line pressures. Operating from unregulated 9 to 55Vdc, the P365D is available with 4-20mA, 5Vdc or isolated 5Vdc output over full scale pressure ranges from 8 to 10,000 psid. The output shift due to static pressure will not exceed 3% of full scale, up to a line pressure of 10,000 psig.
High-Voltage Amplifier
ZET 420
The high-voltage signal amplifier for emission of acoustic signals through capacitive emitters: sonic detectors (without integrated amplifiers), piezoelectric emitters, and transducers.
Humidity Sensors
A dedicated humidity transducer designed for OEM applications where a reliable and accurate measurement is needed.
Operating principle of the hydrophones by ZETLAB Company is based on the piezo-electrical effect, which allows to use them as linear and reversible hydroacoustic transducers. The hydrophones by ZETLAB Company meet the requirements of sound environment non-distortion, wide frequency range, and non-directedness.
In Line Load Cell (10KN-50KN)
106, 107, 108 Series
Miniature Threaded in Line Load Cells are strain gage based transducers with temperature compensation and excellent overall performance. This type measures tensile and compressive loads up to 50kN and 10klb with better than ±0.5% non-linearity. This type is also available with fully welded cover.
In Line Load Cell (200N-5000N)
100 Series
Miniature Threaded in Line Load Cells are strain gage based transducers with temperature compensation and excellent overall performance. This type measures tensile and compressive loads up to 5000N with better than ±0.25% non-linearity.
Linear Position Sensors and Transducers
Linear Position Sensors and Transducers are used throughout many industries including; test/lab applications, medical applications, Motorsport, industrial processing, industrial machinery and mobile vehicleapplications. You may have come into contact with these types of sensors in everyday life. Some of the applications that they are used for include:
Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)
Whilst there are several ways to measure displacement, the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) remains a popular transducer in most industrial applications. LVDTs initially were used as a means of taking dimensional readings in laboratories. They gained popularity in a wide variety of industrial monitoring and control applications, and whilst an LVDT is used to measure displacement the technology can be employed within other transducer types.
Load Cells
is a transducer that is used to create an electrical signal whose magnitude is directly proportional to the force being measured.
Load Cells & Force Transducers
BLH and Nobel Weighing Systems offer a wide variety of load cells and force transducers, ranging from the unique KIS load cell and weigh module to the VPG transducers range of products. Our many years of experience, our state-of-the-art instruments, and the exceptionally broad range of components that go into our systems allow us to deliver high-quality solutions tailored to your needs.
Multi-Function Transducer
The EM132 is a cost-effective multi-function transducer with local display, designed to replace analog or digital transducers. Its local display allows setup and verification of installation, without the hassle of using computers. One device supports all network configurations (i.e., 3 wire, 4 wire, wye, delta, etc.) and is field configurable.
The multiplexer MUCC01 is especially designed for use in combination with the Smartec Universal Transducer Interface (UTI). The combination of the UTI and the MUXC01 makes it possible to measure multiple capacitances with a very low capacitance value and a very high accuracy (15 bits). By cascading the multiplexers it is easy to extend to the quantity of capacitors needed. Each multiplexer contains a 9 bits shift register and can handle 9 capacitors.
Odom Transducers
Teledyne Marine Odom Hydrographic
Teledyne Odom have a wide range of echo sounder transducers to meet almost every need.
Offline Recorder
ZET 7173
Offline recorder ZET 7173 is used for recording of the data received over CAN bus from digital transducers.
Panel Meter Calibrator
Calibrate panel meters, transducers, circuit breakers and relay units with Model 1040C, a portable, field-ready unit featuring eight key calibration functions.
Phased Array
The Phased Array concept is based on the use of transducers made up of individual elements that can each be independently driven.