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Surface Roughness Tester
A precision instrument used to evaluate the texture of a surface, determining whether it is rough or smooth.
Texture Analyzers
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration
High precision texture analysis requires a dedicated texture analyzer designed to perform accurate and high quality analysis of your test results. A texture analyzer can perform a variety of test types within food testing, pet food testing, pharmaceutical testing and cosmetics testing.
Food Texture Analyzer TA-3000
TA-3000 Food Texture Analyzer is applicable to test physical properties of food and other consumer products.
Benchtop Sphere (d/8°) Geometry Spectrophotometers
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
Diffuse d/8° benchtop sphere spectrophotometers are recommended for transmittance color and haze measurements of transparent liquid and solid samples, and color measurements of opaque samples where it is desired to negate the effects of sample gloss and texture, as is necessary in the color formulation process when determining the effect of pigment variations irrespective of surface characteristics.
Benchtop Directional (45°/0° And 0°/45°) Geometry Spectrophotometers
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
Directional (45°/0° and 0°/45°) geometry benchtop spectrophotometers replicate the human visual response to color and include applications where gloss and texture affect the color measurement.
MiniScan EZ 4000L: Portable Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The MiniScan EZ 4000L is a large area view diffuse illumination spectrophotometer/colorimeter. This large area view portable spectrophotometer provides a 25mm port size that has a 20mm view area. This product is ideal for a wide range of sample types and is especially useful for measurement where user wishes to minimize the effect of gloss or sample texture.
CTX Texture Analyzer
The CTX Texture Analyzer is AMETEK Brookfield's new advanced model for the compression/tension testing of materials. It brings an exciting new dimension of quick, efficient testing to busy labs that need to improve productivity while maintaining quality.
Texture Analyzers
High precision texture analysis requires a dedicated texture analyzer designed to perform accurate and high quality analysis of your test results.
Texture Analyzers
High precision texture analysis requires a dedicated texture analyzer designed to perform accurate and high quality analysis of your test results.