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Synthetic Instruments
Generic hardware whose function specificity is completely defined by software.
PXI Digital Test Instrument
Conduct pattern-based digital tests incorporating the latest parallel, digital, serial, and bus protocols with the PXIe-6943 digital test instrument.This instrument is TPS-compatible with the legacy VXI digital test instrument from Astronics as well as other instrument vendors.
VXI Digital Test Instrument
T940 Series
The T940 Series for the VXIbus provides the basis for a complete state-of-the-art digital solution at the subsystem level. The T940 is the solution for both legacy digital replacement and new test stations to be built for digital test including aircraft/ avionics, weapons systems, spacecraft, semiconductors and medical devices.
Test Instruments
Test instrumentation from COTS to custom, including VXI, PXI and LXI-based platforms.
Semiconductor Testers
Our integrated team of semiconductor test innovators delivers a complete system tailored to achieve your specific objectives, incorporating:Test strategyHardware designSoftware development and integrationManufacturingInstallationProgram managementOngoing support
Digital Test Instruments
Conduct pattern-based digital tests incorporating the latest parallel, digital, serial, and bus protocols with the PXIe-6943 digital test instrument.
Bi-Directional Differential-TTL I/O PXI Card
The GX5642 is a 3U PXI instrument card that can be used for general data acquisition, process control, Automatic Test Equipment (ATE), Functional Test, and factory automation applications. The GX5642 consists of 64 bi-directional TTL-to-differential LVDS I/O channels. Each channel has two ports (TTL and LVDS) and can be individually set to operate in either conversion or static I/O modes.
VXI 12-Channel Digital-to-Analog
NAI’s 65DA2-55 is a 12-channel Digital-to-Analog Instrument on a VXI board. This single-slot, message-based board provides twelve independent, single-ended, 16-bit, Digital-to-Analog (D/A) channels.
Spectroscopy Card
The microDXP is a complete, low power compact digital spectroscopy card design for a wide range of handheld, benchtop and other embedded applications, lowering cost and speeding time-to-market.
Molecular Weight Analyzers
Brookhaven Instruments Corporation
Molecular weight and size are two key properties of all macromolecules including biologically important and synthetic polymers. Performance and processability are directly related to these parameters. Light scattering is capable of absolute measurements in either batch or flow mode. For distribution information, couple a GPC/SEC instrument to a light scattering detector.
Thermogravimetric Analyzer
The TGA801 is the latest generation of automated macro thermogravimetric analyzers to enter our lineup. The TGA801 maintains the core capabilities and reliability of previous generations of LECO macro TGA instruments, while providing key improvements in performance and robustness. By incorporating state-of-the-art hardware with an on-board touch-screen software platform and a rugged design, the TGA801 provides accurate, high-precision thermogravimetric constituent analysis—moisture, ash, volatile content, and LOI in various organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials. Complying with ASTM standardized methods, the TGA801 is applicable to many industries and applications including coal, cement, catalyst, foods, and feeds.
Signal Analysis Synthetic Instrument
Textron Systems’ SASI 240 is a Signal Analysis Synthetic Instrument that combines the capabilities of six distinct measurement systems into a single device. Our dual-channel architecture enables two independent radio frequency (RF) measurements to be run simultaneously. Whether used as a benchtop device or an integrated automated test equipment (ATE) RF subsystem, our SASI’s simple and intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) ensures easy, out-of-the box functionality.
RF Sources
Textron Systems’ commercial RF Sources (RFS 340, SSI) provide an unmatched combination of frequency coverage, power range, signal fidelity and switching speed in either a two-slot VXI, 1U LXI®, or VME Synthetic Stimulus Instruments (SSI) format.
Frequency Converter Upwards
UPCONVERTER 10 GHz осуществляет программно управляемый перенос вверх спектра шириной 150 МГц, поступающего на вход сигнала, в любую точку спектрального диапазона от 10 МГц до 10 ГГц. Перенос спектра осуществляется по супергетеродинному принципу с тремя ступенями переноса. Благодаря этому во всем рабочем диапазоне спектра достигаются высокие уровни подавления несущей частоты и зеркального канала. Также UPCONVERTER 10 GHz обладает уникальной возможностью, не имеющей аналогов среди приборов подобного типа – задавать значение промежуточной частоты (входного сигнала) для переноса в диапазоне от 50 до 400 МГц. Помимо этого, прибор позволяет передавать входной сигнал частотой от 0,1 до 400 МГц напрямую на выход, без переноса. Благодаря этому, совместно с UPCONVERTER 10 GHz в качестве генератора промежуточной частоты может быть использован широкий спектр генераторов зарубежного и отечественного производства. Холдинг «Информтест» предлагает потребителям генераторы собственной разработки MGKS and MGVCh , as well as the first Russian MT transceiver module , which are fully compatible with the input characteristics of UPCONVERTER 10 GHz. Together with generators produced by the holding "Informtest" UPCONVERTER 10 GHz under the control of a common software shell makes up a synthetic instrument - a ready-made solution for testing microwave devices and radio reception channels.
Yellowing Resistance Chamber
Sataton Instruments Technology CO., Ltd
Yellowing resistance chamber also called as discoloration meter is the professional testing instrument for measurement of yellow resistance performance by simulating sunlight. It is a useful tool for testing the yellowing resistance property of light color materials or products such as white thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer shoe sole or light synthetic materials. The chamber can also be used for printing and packaging industry for deploying chemical dyes.
OLLI - gas detector / measuring device
Gas measurement & warning instrumentExplosion-proof & compact handheld gas measurement instrumentas diffusion device. It can be used for up to 5 combustible and toxicgases as well as oxygen and comes in an extremely rugged2C synthetic housing with a Li-Ion rechargeable battery.Explosion-proof measurement instrument formethane (CH4),propane (C3H8),oxygen (O2),carbon monoxide (CO),carbon dioxide (CO2),hydrogen sulfide (H2S)