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Pulsed Lasers
A single or repetitive burst of laser energy with a pulse equal to or less than 0.25 s in duration.
See Also: Autocorrelators
PCI Three-Axis High Performance Laser Board with External Sampling
The Keysight N1231B PCI Three-Axis Laser Board with External Sampling is a register based PCI bus board that implements three axes of laser interferometer measurement for position monitoring and closed-loop servo control. There are four external sample inputs along with four data hold inputs that allow easy synchronization with user systems. Several threshold compare registers, with both hardware outputs and interrupt capability, can be used for travel limit and in window or out of window detection functions. The dual mode hardware position outputs, controlled by the hold inputs, provide either a 32-bits/axis parallel interface or a 36-bit multiplexed interface to the 36-bit axis position data at rates up to 20MHz. The user can programmatically access the externally sampled position and velocity data, as well as software sampled position and velocity data, over the PCI bus at rates up to 100kHz (3 axes of position and velocity) or 200kHz (position or velocity only).
PCI Three-Axis Laser Board
The Keysight N1231A PCI Three-Axis Laser Board is a register based PCI bus board that implements three axes of laser measurement for position monitoring and closed-loop servo control. The hardware outputs, optimized for connection to a DeltaTau PMAC servo control system, provide parallel digital position data at rates up to 4MHz. The same position data along with velocity data is available over the PCI bus at rates up to 100kHz (3 axes of position and velocity) or 200kHz (position or velocity only).
Fixed Wavelength CW Laser Source (DFB)
Laser 1200 Series
The Laser 1200 Series is a highly customizable fixed-wavelength Continuous Wave (CW) laser source available in a wide range of wavelengths and powers.With seamless PXI integration, it can be easily integrated into new or existing PXI test setups. Save space, lower your costs and improve testing efficiency while delivering reliable and repeatable results in production or research environments.
Tunable Laser Source - PXI
Laser 1000 Series
The Laser 1000 Series PXIe module is a Continuous Wave (CW), tunable laser source offering high-power output, narrow 100kHz linewidth and 0.01pm resolution tunability.With seamless PXI integration, it can be easily integrated into new or existing PXI test setups. Save space, lower your costs and improve testing efficiency while delivering reliable and repeatable results in production or research environments.
Tunable Laser Source - MATRIQ
The Laser 1000 Series is a fully-compliant micro-ITLA laser with up to four channels in a compact benchtop form factor.Offering 0.01 pm resolution tunability across C or L bands, exceptional power accuracy up to 16.5dBm, and optional dither suppression, this is a versatile and cost-effective general purpose instrument.
Fixed Wavelength CW Laser Source (FP) - PXI
Laser 1100 Series
The Laser-1102 is a Continuous Wave (CW) laser source offering high power 850 nm output into multimode fiber with stable output power operation.
Fixed Wavelength CW Laser Source (FP) - MATRIQ
The Laser-1102 is a Continuous Wave (CW) laser source offering high power 850 nm output into multimode fiber with stable output power operation.
Current Pulsers and Laser Diode Drivers (Pulsed Current)
These instruments generate current pulses whose amplitude is largely independent of the load voltage. This makes them ideal for pulsing device whose voltage may vary with time (for instance, the voltage drop of laser diodes may vary with temperature, or explosive squibs which change impedance during ignition). This voltage independence is a trade-off with speed. If faster rise times are required, consider using pulsed voltage instruments instead.
KATANA & PILAS Pulsed Diode Lasers
With external trigger functionality, nano- to picosecond pulse duration, and a wide range of wavelengths, the KATANA & PILAS series are our most versatile offering.
Laser Diode
Yisinc Optical Technology Co., Ltd
Laser diode is an efficient radiation source for CW and pulsed operations.
Laser Diodes
Our laser diode portfolio is broad, extending from cw laser diodes to pulsed laser diodes to high-power laser diodes. For special areas of application VCSELs and quantum cascade lasers are also included in our range of products.
Lasers FP/DFB-LDs For OTDR
C is a 1 650 nm Multiple Quantum Well (MQW) structured Distributed Feed-Back (DFB) pulsed laser diode DIP module with single mode fiber and internal thermoelectric cooler. It is designed for light sources of Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR).
Nanosecond Pulsed Lasers
Our nanosecond pulsed lasers feature pulses in the ns range. For picosecond and femtosecond lasers please see Ultrafast Lasers.
Nitrogen Laser
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The NL100 Nitrogen Laser is ideal for fluorescence measurements, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers, and other pulsed UV radiation experiments. It provides 3.5 ns pulses at 337 nm (UV), with repetition rates up to 20 Hz.
Power Probes
RkT Thermopile Series
The RkT Series thermopile power probes are ideal for measuring Nd:YAG, CO2, and other mid-power lasers. The probes are designed to withstand average power densities up to 20kW/cm2 (15MW/cm2 peak pulse power density). The flat UV to far-IR spectral response allows the probes to measure broadband sources as well. Measure the power of cw sources or the average power of sources pulsed at 5Hz or greater.
Spectrometer - OSA
HighFinesse optical spectrometers LSA and HDSA are designed to analyse the multi-line or broadband spectrum of (un-)known light sources like cw and pulsed lasers, gas discharge lamps, super luminescence diodes, semiconductor laser diodes and LEDs. They are suitable to analyze the spectrum of telecom signals, resolve Fabry-Perot modes of a gain chip, and produce a spectral measurement of gas absorption.
Visual Fault Locator
OrienTek Optical Technology Ltd.
powerful, mini visual laser source for fiber fault locating. It has attractive design and small size and it is easy to operate. ● Bright red laser at 650nm● Pulsed and CW operation● Outpower: 1mw,10mw,20mw,30mw● 2.5mm universal connector● 40 hours of operation(1mW)● Pocket size design● 1.25 mm adapter for LC (optional)
Widely Tunable Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser
Block Engineering's next generation LaserTune represents a significant leap forward in offering the ultimate mid-IR, pulsed Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) source to meet the ever challenging requirements of the research community. The fully integrated "single box" concept has been taken to new extremes with a significant reduction in footprint size, saving considerable laboratory bench space. This single box also offers the widest gap-free tuning range available on the market of 5.4 - 12.8 microns. No external power supply or control peripherals are required.
FAYb Fiber Laser Markers
LP-S Series
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
The LP-S Series Fiber Laser Marker features:- Compact IP67G-Rated Head For Harsh Environments- 17 And 42 Watt Models, Pulsed Fiber Laser- Marking Area Up To 160mm- Removable Fiber Cable For Ease Of Installation
12-Watt Pulsed FAYb Fiber Laser
LP-V Series
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
The LP-V series is a 12-watt, pulsed fiber laser.Characteristics:- Very high resolution- Fine marking area- Small air cooled head
Pulsed Source Measure Unit
The SpikeSafe SMU is a precision pulsed source measure unit that precisely sources pulsed current and simultaneously digitizes voltage. Optimized for precise and repeatable high-power LED and laser testing, SpikeSafe™ SMU (Source Measure Unit) current sources deliver precise pulsing with low microsecond rise times, low-jitter triggering and integrated digitizer for more accurate and repeatable high-power LED and laser testing.
Picosecond-Diode Lasers for Spectroscopy
Designed and manufactured by Becker & Hickl – bh delivers prominent picosecond diode lasers with wavelengths from the NUV to the NIR. All bh pulsed diode lasers work with simple +12V power supply or pull their power from the USB port of a PC or Notebook Computer. Other features are high repetition rate, short pulse width, unprecedented timing and power stability, and extremely low electrical noise level.
Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources
The NanoLED range is a novel and economical light source system that utilizes pulsed laser diode and LED technology to generate short optical pulses over a wide range of repetition rates and wavelengths. Optical pulses as short as 70ps can be generated at repetition rates up to 1MHz.
Beam Profiler
WinCamD series
CW & Pulsed laser profiling. Wavelength Range: 190 nm- 15 m*. Resolution: 5.0 m*. Smallest Beam: 42 m*.
Beltronics International Units
The Beltronics V940i is the perfect international detector for those enthusiasts that require exacting performance at an affordable price. The New V940i includes selectable band preferences (ON/OFF), expanded K band sweep, K Pulse detection, and Hyper K detection for low-power K band pulsed sources. Laser detection and Safety Warning are standard features.
PLD Systems
Pulsed Laser Deposition
Is a versatile thin film deposition technique. A pulsed laser (~20 ns pulse width) rapidly evaporates a target material forming a thin film that retains target composition. This unique ability of stoichiometeric transfer of target composition into the film was realized first by the research team led by Dr. Venkatesan at Bell Communications Research, NJ, USA, nearly 30 years ago while depositing high temperature superconducting (YBa2Cu3O7) thin films. Since then, PLD has become the preferred deposition technique where ever thin films of complex material compositions are considered. Another unique feature of PLD is its ability for rapid prototyping of materials. The energy source (pulsed laser) being outside the deposition chamber, facilitates a large dynamic range of operating pressures (10-10 Torr to 500 Torr) during material synthesis. By controlling the deposition pressure and substrate temperature and using relatively small target sizes, a variety of atomically controlled nano-structures and interfaces can be prepared with unique functionalities.
Tunable, Pulsed THZ OPO Integrated Pump Laser
A high brightness practical alternative for generating terahertz laser light. Firefly THz is compact, efficient and convenient with its integrated pump laser, sealed maintenance-free laser head, and novel optical parametric oscillator design that produces widely tunable, high power THz output. With automated tuning, a readily collimated output beam, microwatt average powers, and Watt-level peak powers.
UV-NIR Beam Profiler
CINOGY Technologies CinCam is optimized to provide excellent sensitivity from the UV to NIR spectral range involving CCD/CMOS/InGaAs technologies. Thanks to its high resolution and its small pixel size, the CinCam ensures the highest accuracy in laser beam analysis of cw and pulsed laser systems. The plug and play design facilitates easy and flexible adaption to standard optical components.
Continuous-wave (CW) Lasers
Continuous-wave lasers (cw lasers) emit a continuous laser beam as compared to ultrafast or pulsed lasers that emit a pulsed laser beam. Spectra-Physics offers wavelength tunable cw lasers, standard cw lasers, quasi-cw lasers, and accessories for continuous-wave lasers.
PED Systems
Pulsed Electron Deposition
Is a process in which a pulsed (80-100 ns) high power electron beam (~1000 A, 15 kV) penetrates approximately 1 μm into the target resulting in a rapid evaporation of target material. The non-equilibrium heating of the target facilitates stoichiometric ablation of the target material. Under optimum conditions, the target stoichiometry is preserved in the deposited films. All solid state materials – metals, semiconductors and insulators, including those transparent to laser wavelengths in PLD – can be deposited as thin films with PED. By combining PLD and PED, the range of complex materials that can be prepared as thin films can be greatly enhanced.