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field of measurement.
See Also: Measurement, Instrumentation, Coordinate Measuring Machines
CEP Stable Lasers And CEP Phase Stabilization
Carrier envelope phase stabilization (CEP) is an enabling technology for metrology and for the generation of few cycle pulses. As one of the pioneers in the field we have developed products that allow to stabilize the carrier envelope phase of light pulses of few cycle pulse oscillators and amplifiers.
CMM Styli
Q-Mark manufactures styli and accessories for the metrology and machine tool industries.
Contract Services for X-ray and CT Inspection
If you are manufacturer of components or assemblies incorporating plastics, metals, ceramics, electronic components or any combination of these, Nikon Metrology has in-house Inspection centers to perform X-ray and CT contract inspection services for new or existing clients.
Custom Systems
Metrology systems rapidly developed at the aperture, wavelength or configuration specified, without being limited to one manufacturer’s range of products, or the risk and expense of creating an inhouse expert team.
DATACAL is a metrology software that is both powerful and easy to use tools for configuring and managing and automate calibration procedures.
DC Current Shunts
DC current shunts / standards are true 4-terminal devices that precisely measure DC currents from 10 A to 10,000 A. They use special alloys in the resistive elements which are supported on an insulating base for mechanical stability. The 9230A includes special features to reduce the effects of power dissipation and associated self heating errors. These shunts are designed to operate in air at full rated current. These are the best performing, and most widely used, DC metrology shunts in the world.
Dimensional Metrology
Nova Measuring Instruments Inc.
Nova offers in-line optical integrated and stand-alone metrology platforms. The metrology product portfolio, combined with our modeling algorithm software, delivers unique measurement capabilities for the most advanced semiconductor technology nodes.
Dimensional Metrology
Stand-Alone Metrology Family
Nova Measuring Instruments Inc.
Nova’s stand-alone metrology platforms are utilized to characterize critical dimensions such as width, shape and profile with high precision and accuracy and are used in multiple areas of the fab such as photolithography, etch, CMP and deposition in the most advanced technology nodes, across all semiconductor leading customers.
Dimensional Metrology
Fleet Connectivity & Control Family
Nova Measuring Instruments Inc.
Nova’s Fleet Management and Performance Monitoring Center simplify the management and enhance the productivity of Nova tools in the fab. The platform’s ability to process and analyze large amounts of fleet and metrology data using advanced data analytic tools provides our customers with intelligent and predictive insights on tool performance and process trends.
Dimensional Metrology
Integrated Metrology Family
Nova Measuring Instruments Inc.
Nova is the market leader in the space of integrated metrology platforms with multiple generations of products. Our integrated metrology platforms enable advanced process control (APC) to monitor and control wafer to wafer variations of complex high-end CMP and Etch applications with high productivity and reliability required for the most advanced logic and memory technology nodes.
Dimensional Metrology System
Pinnacle+ Plus elevates Pinnacle performance to the next level. Pinnacle+ Plus features a rigid granite optical support structure and a high performance Z-axis motion assembly to produce the lowest possible uncertainty on micro-electronic parts and assemblies/
Dimensional Metrology System
The VIEW Summit systems are designed for components requiring a large work envelope and high accuracy. Based on the same core technologies of optics, high speed linear motors, and high resolution scales used in the VIEW Pinnacle, the Summit features a fixed bridge design. Separate X and Y axis motion systems ensure that neither influences the mechanical integrity of the other, while also enabling easy loading and unloading of large parts.
Displacement Transducers
Displacement transducers are suitable for direct, accurate measurement of displacements in automatic control and metrology.
Electrodeless Z-Pinch™10 Watt EUV Source
The EQ-10 is a compact, easy-to-use, reliable, and cost-effective EUV light source, based on Energetiq's proven Electrodeless Z-pinch™ technology using Xenon gas. The EQ-10 EUV source is uniquely suited for metrology and research applications.
Engineered Measurement Solutions
Our mission is to deliver integrity based calibration services, cost effective metrology engineering solutions for individual customer requirements, reputable instrument repair services, sales of industry-known brands of test equipment, and full service test engineering, from integration of hardware and software, to documentation and training.
Inductance Standard
1482 Series
The GenRad 1482 Standard Inductors are the standard of choice in metrology labs. Used today by national metrology institutes and primary standards bodies around the world, these inductors have no peer or equivlent.
In-Line Metrology
For industrial applications, k-Space is known for its ability to provide robust data and analysis for in-line solutions in production environments. k-Space works side by side with the customer to understand their specific measurement and inspection needs, and then develops a custom solution to meet the identified requirements. Our solution includes custom measurement technology, software, database generation and integration, go/no go determination, pick and place, alarm status, and PLC communication.
INnLline Metrology Automated & Robotized Solutions
Automation projects
Bring automation to an existing manual inspection process. Integrate 3D measurements on the shop floor for better traceability. Increase part inspection throughput and reduce cycle times and costs.
InnovMetric-Polyworks Software
PolyWorks is a powerful industrial 3D metrology software solution.
Inspection and Measurement of Critical Dimensions
The Nikon Confocal NEXIV VMZ-K6555 was developed on the strength of Nikon's leading opto-mechatronics (optical, mechanical and electronic) technologies. It incorporates a variety of confocal optics for fast and accurate evaluation of fine three-dimensional surface metrology, image processing technology, and TT L laser autofocus. It allows both 2D and height measurements in the same field of view.
CNC polishing puts new demands on metrology tools. Many of these optics are aspheric with tight tolerances. The new machines can produce almost any surface and require a new level of metrology to provide feedback to the polishing process. This just cannot be done with outdated interferometers designed over 30 years ago. The S100|HR has the performance it takes, without breaking the bank. Measure 10X higher fringe densities to enable final figuring to begin sooner, saving you time and money. Plus measure these high density fringes 5X more accurately to enable large polishing corrections that converge quickly to final figure, including aspheres.
The kSA Atomic Control for Epitaxy (ACE) metrology tool is a highly sensitive instrument that measures the in situ flux rate of atomic species using the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy.
The k-Space Integrated Control for Epitaxy system (ICE) is a modular in situ metrology tool designed for today’s MOCVD and MBE reactors. It combines kSA MOS, kSA BandiT and kSA RateRat Pro patented technologies along with an Emissivity Corrected Pyrometry (ECPR) module. The kSA ICE modular design allows the user to specify which modules will be used in their kSA ICE configuration.
kSA SpectR
The kSA SpectR is a complete metrology solution for measurement of absolute spectral reflectance, growth rate and end point detection. Custom spectral features such as reflectance minima, maxima, inflection points, or baseline scatter level, over a user defined wavelength range of interest, are easily measured.
Materials Metrology
VeraFlex Family
Nova Measuring Instruments Inc.
World-class XPS and XRF metrology technologies for semiconductor process control.
Materials Metrology
Nova Measuring Instruments Inc.
Nova is a market leader for innovative thin film metrology and process control technologies. We develop highly sensitive in-line metrology solutions on high productivity platforms, thereby enabling critical metrology solutions to be closer to a semiconductor fab’s process and integration needs.Our technologies enable customers to accurately detect and quantify small variations in film composition and thickness, thereby influencing better device functionality, and improved manufacturing yield.
Measurement Systems
Sciences et Techniques Industrielles de la Lumière
STIL MicroMeasure3D, PORTICO3D and MAESTRO3D are measurement systems designed to achieve true 3D metrology of each point for the most demanding applications adapted to Industry 4.0 standards.
Metra Scan 3D
The most accurate scanning and probing solutions, whether in lab or on the shop floor.Highly accurate measurementDynamic referencingComplete metrology solution
Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
We make use of extensive measurement techniques and develop individual measurement setups in order to ensure that our optical components, assemblies and systems comply with your specifications. We create own software to measure customer-specific parameters.
Optical critical dimension (OCD) metrology and film metrology require accuracy and repeatability. Onto Innovation's techniques are well-established and trusted by semiconductor manufacturers around the globe.