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Linerizers and Integrators
Linearizers with freely selectable parameters are designed for industrial applications in which non-linear analog signals or frequencies are to be linearized on the display and at the analog and data outputs. Depending on requirements, devices with 19 to 4000 linearization points are manufactured. The linearization can be entered directly via the device keyboard or via the serial interface from the PC. Several linearization methods are available, such as direct overwriting of the display with the desired value, table with setpoint and actual values or polynomial linearization.
Gain Shape Linearizer Amplifiers
Gain Shape amplifiers are used in a number of applications where it's necessary to flatten the gain characteristic of the preceding or following component. This would include flattening the attenuation of a long cable run or perhaps changing the input gain response to a MPM (Microwave Power Module) or TWT (Traveling Wave Tube) to compensate for the gain variation within the tube.
Gain Shape Linearizer Amplifiers are used in a number of applications where it's necessary to flatten the gain characteristic of the preceding or following component. This would include flattening the attenuation of a long cable run, or perhaps changing the input gain response to a MPM (Microwave Power Module) or TWT (Traveling Wave Tube) to compensate for the gain variation within the tube.
Gain Shape Linearizer Amplifiers are used in a number of applications where it's necessary to flatten the gain characteristic of the preceding or following component. This would include flattening the attenuation of a long cable run, or perhaps changing the input gain response to an MPM (Microwave Power Module) or TWT (Traveling Wave Tube) to compensate for the gain variation within the tube.