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Lightning Detectors
Sense atmospheric discharges of electricity.
Lightning Detection Accessories
Check out all of our accessories for a perfect compliment to any of our lightning detectors. They are designed fora wide range of applications and installation setups, and even for a more personalized custom setup, or simply tohave on hand for spare replacement parts.
Long Range Systems
Long-range lightning detectors are helpful in advance planning. The LD-250 and LD-350 are suitable for both desktop and laptop computers. The LD-250 can be used mobile for storm chasing. The LD-350 can be used as a stand-alone lightning network detector. Similar to the LD-250 & LD-350, StormTracker is a long-range lightning detector helpful in advance planning and can also be used as a lightning network detector. The StormTracker PCI requires installation in a desktop PC. CLICK HERE FOR A PRODUCT COMPARISON CHART
Specialty Instruments
Specialty Instruments represents a mixed variety of special-purpose professional-quality instruments. It includes a stroboscope, a refrigerant charging scale, two lightning detectors, a microwave leakage detector, a vacuum meter, and handheld and USB vibration data loggers.
Thunderstorm / Lightning Detectors
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral Thunderstorm Detectors are self-contained standalone devices that detect the presence of all forms of lightning including intra-cloud, cloud to cloud and cloud to ground. Additionally our sensors can warn of the risk of overhead lightning before the first discharge.
Lightning Sensors
Scientific Sales boasts a full line of lightning detectors and lightning warning alarms to protect people from unpredictable and deadly lightning strikes. Lighting monitors can detect electrical activity from up to 40 miles away and track a storm as it approaches with audible and LED alarms. Choose from a permanent lightning detector or hand-held lightning sensors for accurate and reliable lightning detection. Scientific Sales’ lightning monitors and lightning sensors are professionally rated and are used by NASA, major airlines and professional sports teams. Industry related applications of lightning meters include construction and drilling sites, golf courses, outdoor event venues, university facilities and more.