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Industry Pack
Mezzanine standard supporting 16 bit transfers at 4 MHz.
The cPCI [CompactPCI] compatible cPCI4IP design adds 4 Industrypack compatible slots to your cPCI host. The cPCI4IP acts as an adapter, converter, carrier, or bridge between the cPCI bus and your IndustryPack hardware. The cPCI4IP is a 6U 4HP cPCI design with 4 IP slots.
Compact PCI
The cPCI [Compact PCI] compatible cPCI2IP design adds 2 Industrypack compatible slots to your cPCI host. The cPCI2IP acts as an adapter, converter, carrier, or bridge between the cPCI bus and your IndustryPack hardware. The cPCI2IP is a 3U 4HP cPCI design with 2 IP slots.
Cyclone II FPGA with Digital I/O
This series of plug-in mezzanine modules provides a user-customizable Altera® Cyclone II FPGA on an Industry Pack (IP) module. The module allows users to develop and store their own instruction set in the FPGA for adaptive computing applications.
Industry Pack I/O Products
Acromag IndustryPack mezzanine IP modules deliver maximum I/O density when used with industry-standard IP carrier cards for VME, PCI, CompactPCI or PCI Express. These plug-in Industry Pack modules give you mix-and-match flexibility and high channel density to save your valuable card slots. Combining different IP types on one carrier simplifies the design of a low-cost, custom I/O board.
IndustryPack Module
The IP-OptoISO-16 is an IndustryPack Module with 16 optically controlled FETs [switch]. Each FET acts as a single pole normally open photovoltaic relay. The solid state approach has several advantages including bounce free operation, low on resistance, long life, fast switching, and higher reliability when compared to relays.
IP Mounting Hardware
The Industry Pack mounting hardware kit provides the necessary hardware to mount an IP board to a carrier board.
IP-Parallel-BA1 "IP-Tape"
The IndustryPack compatible IP-Tape design adds 48 digital parallel IO lines to one slot of your carrier board. The IO is dedicated to a DTC interface. Other interfaces can be implemented. The DTC interface has 22 Address, 16 Data plus Parity, 4 control and 5 status lines. Parity is automatically generated in write mode and checked in read mode.
IP Parallel IO
IndustryPack compatible IP-Parallel-IO with counter and timer design adds up to 48 digital parallel IO lines to one IP slot of your carrier board.
The IndustryPack compatible IP-QuadUART-485 design integrates a quad UART onto an IndustryPack module. The UART (16C854) features 128 byte FIFOs for RX and TX ports on each channel. The UART is supported by an advanced IP module interface implemented within a Xilinx FPGA.
PCI card with 3 IP sites
The PCI compatible PCI3IP design adds 3 Industrypack compatible slots to your PCI host. The PCI3IP acts as an adapter, converter, carrier, or bridge between the PCI bus and your IndustryPack hardware. The PCI3IP is a half size PCI card with 3 IP sites; compatible with the smallest chassis and the tallest processors that prevent full size solutions.
PCIe Carrier Boards
These non-intelligent carrier cards interface XMC and PMC mezzanine modules and Industry Pack Modules to a PCI Express bus in a PC-based embedded computer.
Standardized Bus Interface
Connect to your Avionics with IP-429. Pick 2,4,6,or 8 ARINC 429 compatible receivers and 1, 2, 3, or 4 transmitters. Transorb protected IO. Software programmable transmit rates [100K or 12.5K]. Time Tag on received data. IndustryPack campatible with 8 or 32 Mhz. bus operation.
16-Bit D/A Analog Output
PMC230A modules have eight 16-bit D/A converter (DACs) to provide highly-accurate analog voltage outputs. A unique two-piece board design brings the proven reliability of Acromag’s IndustryPack® (IP) A/D modules to a PMC format. An IP230A module is embedded on a PMC interface card that maintains maximum performance and transparent communication to the host.
2-slot IndustryPack Carrier
The CPCI-100A-BP 2-slot IndustryPack carrier for 3U CPCI is available with back-panel I/O via the CPCI J2 connector. The carrier provides an 8 MHz IndustryPack clock for each slot. The standard 8 MB memory space is available for each IndustryPack site.
Analog Output Industry Pack Module, 12-bit D/A
The IP220A outputs analog voltage signals to drive up to 16 devices. When used with a carrier that holds four IP modules, up to 64 voltage outputs can be obtained from a single card cage slot.
Battery Testers
Battery testers are designed for the new measurement requirements of the battery industry. They are special for measurement use in low-resistance batteries, large-scale lithium battery packs and fast product sorting in production lines.
Universal Voltage Signaling PCI Card w/ 5 IP Slots
If you want to use IndustryPack¨ modules with your PCI system then the PCI5IP is the choice for you. The PCI5IP combines features you need with simplicity and speed. Up to 5 IP modules can be installed. 32 bit and double wide modules fit right in. Each slot has independent operation - control, clocking, IO, power filtering and protection.
Pack (IP) Modules
Industry Pack (IP) modules are international standards as per ANSI-VITA 4.These are mezzanine modules of approximately the size of a business card (99mm x 45mm). Featuring a 16 or 32 bit wide I/O interface and 50 user defined I/O pins, these modules are ideal for providing the capability for high density I/O.IP carriers provide multiple slots on a single carrier. This allows multiple IP modules to be provided on a single slot in a Compact PCI / VME / VXI / PCI card cage.Industry Pack modules provide some unique advantages in system integration. These include:
IndustryPack modules
If you want to use IndustryPack modules with your PC/104+ system then the PC104pIP is the choice for you. The PC104pIP combines features you need with simplicity and speed. One IP module can be installed per carrier. Multiple carriers can be used in a stack. The PC104pIP is highly integrated with the PCI and IP interfaces closely coupled within the same FPGA
IndustryPack system trouble shooter
IndustryPack system trouble shooter providing testpoints on all of the IP IO signals. Loop back is as easy as wire-wrap. Custom feedback signals are supported with socket and power connector support. Now with 2 ribbon cable connectors to support in system debugging.
Leak Tester
Shandong Drick Instruments Co., Ltd.
DRK134 Leak Tester is an advanced and intelligent tester designed according to related standard. It is applicable to test the seal property of flexible pack in food industry, pharmacy industry and daily chemical industry.
Slave Dual Industry Pack Carrier
The new CPCI-SIP-3Module provides a 3U high performance flexible I/Oscheme, that supports industry standard IndustryPacks. Choose from over a 100 different IndustryPacks from Alphi Tech and others. For applicationrequiring low cost, high density I/O or unique combinations, the CPCISIP-3 is the perfectsolution.
VME Module
The new VME-4SIP Module provides a 6U high performance flexible I/O scheme, that supports industry standard Industry Packs. Choose from over a 100 different Industry Packs from Alphi Tech and others.
VME Module
The new VME-5SIP Module provides a 6U high performance flexible I/O scheme, that supports industry standard Industry Packs. Choose from over a 100 different Industry Packs from Alphi Tech and others.
Industry Pack Carriers and Digital I/O
The CPCI-2IPC-6U module provides a high performanceflexible I/O scheme, that supports industry standard IndustryPacksÔ. For application requiring high performance, highdensity I/O or unique combinations, the CPCI-2IPC-6U is theperfect solution. The Local DSP’s can be used to simplymove data to and from the CPCI bus or provide localprocessing functions such as local PID controls, FFT’s, digitalfiltering, etc.
CPCI Dual Industry Pack Carrier
CPCI-6713-2 IP
The board consists of private SDRAM and Flash memory attached to the 300 MHz, TMS320C6713B floating point DSP. An FPGA provides the timing and control. Peripherals include a serial port and connectors for IP mezzanine boards. Flash memory is available for downloading programs into a nonvolatile memory. A PCIbus connector provides the interface to the host computer.
Dual DSP Module Quad Industry Pack Carrier
The CPCI-2IPC-6U module provides a high performance flexible I/O scheme, that supports industry standard Industry PacksÔ. For application requiring high performance, high density I/O or unique combinations, the CPCI-2IPC-6U is theperfect solution.
Dual Industry Pack Carrier Module
The CPCI-SIP module provides a 3U high performance flexible I/O scheme that supports industry standard Industry PacksÔ. For application requiring low cost, high density I/O or unique combinations, the CPCI-SIP is the perfect solution.The CPCI-SIP is also available with the Industry Pack lines routed to the CompactPCI P2 connector for application that require rear panel I/O.
Intelligent CPCI Quad Industry Pack Carrier
CPCI-6713-4 IP
The board consists of private SDRAM and Flash memory attached to the 300 MHz TMS320C6713B DSP. An FPGA provides the timing and control. Peripherals include a serial port and connectors for IP mezzanine boards. Flash memory is availablefor downloading programs into a non-volatile memory. A PCIbus connector provides the interface to the host computer. A serial port is available for debugging.
3U CPCI Dual IP Carrier
The CPCI-SIP module provides a 3U high performance flexible I/O scheme that supports industry standard Industry. PacksÔ. For application requiring low cost, high density I/O or unique combinations, the CPCI-SIP is the perfect solution. The CPCI-SIP is also available with the Industry Pack lines routed to the CompactPCI P2 connector for application that require rear panel I/O.