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Emergency Service
911, E911, 112, 999 and so on emergency communication and messaging services.
McMurdo FastFind 220 GPS PLB ( Personal Locator Beacon)
The FastFind 220 Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) uses advanced technology packed into a simple, lightweight, palm sized unit. Using the dedicated 406 MHz frequency, FastFind 220 transmits your unique ID and precise location to the global network of search and rescue satellites. The FastFind 220’s electronics design was upgraded in 2018, offering accelerated location detection with the duel GNSS capabilities — GPS & Galileo recivers. Within minutes rescuers are alerted to your situation, and receive regular position updates. Finally, emergency services can home in on your beacon’s 121.5 MHz transmission to find you. Explore the world with peace of mind. If you find yourself in a remote area without any other form of communication, activating your FastFind 220 will summon emergency assistance.
Safety Monitoring Software & Services
Monitoring employee safety is easy and efficient from internet-connected desktop and mobile devices with Blackline Live. Monitoring accounts provide all the emergency management and configuration tools you need to optimize your emergency responses. With the option of 24/7 live monitoring services, Blackline can manage your emergency responses for you.
CTEK Smartpass 120 Power Management
SMARTPASS 120 is a fully automatic 120A power management system that prioritizes, controls and maximizes energy from your alternator to power your service battery. It safely separates your starter and service batteries automatically. It also distributes power between the starter battery, the service battery and on board equipment without the need for traditional diodes or VSR relays. This means that SMARTPASS 120 can make sure that critical functions like starters, radios, emergency lights and communication systems always have the power they need, and take priority over noncritical functions. SMARTPASS 120 works with any 12V lead acid battery. It can also be used with the CTEK D250SA 20A on board charger for the ultimate 140A power management system.
Custom Assembly Automation
Our team of experienced mechanical, electrical, and software engineers fabricate all types of assembly systems, ranging from complicated multi-step assemblies to simple single step assemblies. We have a full machine shop to manufacture systems from materials such as plastic, aluminum, steel, and stainless steel. All our systems are expandable and allow for future enhancements with modular components. They are available with a variety of options, including human machine interfaces, welding, marking, packaging, and test equipment. Additional features include emergency stop safety circuitry and hard guarding. All fabricated systems are provided with the necessary pneumatic and electrical system layouts in addition to the associated documentation. Our services also include onsite setup, training, and support operations.
Mobile Application Performance Testing
The increasing demand to access applications and data via mobile devices continues unabated. Smartphones and more recently tablet computers such as the Apple iPad, Samsang Galaxy and Amazon Kindle Fire are, for many people, becoming the preferred method of not only checking personal email, conducting online shopping/banking and viewing TV & other media but also for connecting up to their work IT infrastructure and accessing business applications. The use of mobile devices is also expanding rapidly in sectors such as healthcare, the military and emergency services as well as fulfilling the need to provide more traditional field-based individuals as such external sales teams with the latest information through SaaS offerings such as Salesforce Mobile etc.
Radio over IP Testing
The transmission of data over the new generation of digital radio communications is proving increasingly popular with the emergency services, government, security, transport, construction, exploration, utilities and military sectors. However, RoIP/IP over Radio systems are frequently deployed in extremely challenging conditions such as natural disasters, storms, blackouts, difficult terrains (mountains, tall buildings) etc. Therefore, it is imperative that such systems are thoroughly tested prior to live deployment to ensure they will work effectively in potentially “life or death” situations.
50-Watt Rack Mount Transmitter
Fiber optic cables are a critical part of modern life due to the vast amount of data they carry to support businesses, internet users, and emergency services. The cost of losing these services, even temporarily, is immeasurable. The FLS-2 system is designed to assist in locating, monitoring and providing damage prevention to these cables. The FLS-2 high-performance, high-power rack-mounted transmitter is typically mounted in a re-gen staton, customer access point, or central office. The FLS-2 transmits a locate tone on the metallic sheath of the fiber cable over vast distances to ensure the cable can be located quickly and accurately, even in congested areas.
On-Line Monitoring Systems
Physical Acoustics’ online monitoring products provide remote, Internet connected services for convenient Acoustic Emission monitoring. Customer focused, online monitoring provides daily summary reports and statistical data to observe the integrity and health of a structure. Our online monitoring systems feature alarm status information, parametric, and environmental data. Our systems can also monitor for alarm conditions, alerting and contacting the appropriate personnel in the event of activation or emergency.
Sarsat Distress Signal Fixed Receiver
We propose to use Sarsat Beacon Monitor 406 in seaport services, rescue marine centers, coast guard rescue centers or GMDSS rescue coordination centers. However, this system has various prospective effective use fields. SBM 406 is a wide range ground COSPAS-SARSAT signal receiver which allows to locate emergency rescue signals sent by any 406MHz beacon in local responsibility area. The device can be connected to PC or laptop, and this gives possibility to observe distress signals and beacon position data on monitor.
Tension Load Cells
These Load monitoring systems are available in telemetry/wireless (RLP), self-indicating (LLP) and cabled non-indicating (WLP) versions. Towcell a 25kN, wireless tension load cell specifically engineered for the emergency services, salvage and 4 x 4 industries. Ruggedly built and highly accurate load link style load cell dynamometers allow for force and load monitoring across a broad range of industries and applications.
System Integration
More and more customers want integrated systems in which the devices are supplemented with additional components and delivered turnkey. ET System electronic offers all services for this system integration from a single source. The sources and electronic loads are fully wired according to customer requirements, installed in 19 "cabinets and equipped with special features. For example, sources and loads can be combined with one another and supplemented with special interfaces or emergency stop functions. The integration of insulation monitors, interlock functions and the installation of industrial PCs is also possible, as is the installation of special safeguards, for example if each channel is to be safeguarded separately in multi-channel devices.The respective configuration can be based on any machine guidelines and standards, and the systems can be integrated into any existing environment with additional connections. On request, space and connection options for additional devices can be provided in the 19 “cabinets so that customers can easily integrate their own components.
McMurdo FastFind - Wrist Lanyard
10-91-060-001A Fast Find 210
10-91-060-001A Fast Find 210 - standard model with GPS for extra fast position location Announcing the amazing new McMurdo FastFind Satellite Personal Locator Beacon (PLB): the most compact, waterproof and versatile 406 MHz emergency location beacon available on the market today.The Fast Find is a 406 MHz Personal Location Beacon (PLB) that should be carried by individuals, who are embarking on trips into areas around the world where there is little or no other forms of communication or where other forms of communication are unlikely to work. The Fast Find acts as your personal Emergency Location Beacon, it is your last resort communication to the national and international search and rescue bodies and it should not be misused. The Fast Find is designed as a direct communication, to the 406 MHz Search and Rescue satellite system, its signal indicates that you are in need of urgent response and assistance. The location of a McMurdo Fast Find 210 GPS PLB can be determine to a typical positional accuracy of about +/- 62 metres (0.03 miles) within a few minutes of PLB activation. McMurdo FastFind PLB Manual (.pdf)Its small size belies its rugged construction and powerful output. There is no compromise. Once activated, the distress beacon will send out a signal for help, and continues to transmit for at least 24 hours, at a powerful 5 watt output, ensuring that your call for help gets through whatever the conditions. The pocket sized beacon transmits at the press of a button, to alert search and rescue services to your plight.McMurdo FastFind PLB is an essential piece of life-saving equipment, weighing in at just 5.3 oz (150g) and having the size of an average mobile telephone (actual dimensions being 1.34”/34mm x 1.85”/47mm x L 4.17”/106mm) it will slip into the smallest pocket or backpack compartment. The user can activate it in the most remote locations around the world: on land, at sea or in the air, and can be confident of being able to contact the world’s professional search and rescue services directly if they are to encounter a possibly life-threatening situation.McMurdo FastFind PLB comes equipped with an integral 50-channel GPS system and complies with rigid federal and international standards. It operates on the global COSPAS SARSAT 406MHz search and rescue satellite communication system, so a call for help will be acted upon…and fast. The McMurdo FastFind PLB is subscription FREE and does not rely on any commercial call centers. THE McMurdo FastFind PLB model transmits two signals simultaneously: a global 406 MHz signal and a 121.5MHz local signal. Once activated, McMurdo FastFind PLB’s signals will continue to transmit for at least 24 hours, at a powerful 5 watt output, the 406 MHz transmission ensures that a call for help gets through, no matter what the conditions. McMurdo FastFind PLB also includes a unique flashing SOS LED light to further assist in speeding up the user’s recovery time during night rescues.McMurdo FastFind PLB will operate in temperatures as low as -20°c and its integral battery has a user storage life of 5 years, so there’s no need for frequent battery changes or re-charging.Put a McMurdo FastFind PLB in your pocket, and get found fast.
McMurdo FastFind - Neck Lanyard
10-91-060-002A Fast Find 210
Standard model with GPS for extra fast position location Announcing the amazing new McMurdo FastFind Satellite Personal Locator Beacon (PLB): the most compact, waterproof and versatile 406 MHz emergency location beacon available on the market today.The Fast Find is a 406 MHz Personal Location Beacon (PLB) that should be carried by individuals, who are embarking on trips into areas around the world where there is little or no other forms of communication or where other forms of communication are unlikely to work. The Fast Find acts as your personal Emergency Location Beacon, it is your last resort communication to the national and international search and rescue bodies and it should not be misused. The Fast Find is designed as a direct communication, to the 406 MHz Search and Rescue satellite system, its signal indicates that you are in need of urgent response and assistance. The location of a McMurdo Fast Find 210 GPS PLB can be determine to a typical positional accuracy of about +/- 62 metres (0.03 miles) within a few minutes of PLB activation. McMurdo FastFind PLB Manual (.pdf)Its small size belies its rugged construction and powerful output. There is no compromise. Once activated, the distress beacon will send out a signal for help, and continues to transmit for at least 24 hours, at a powerful 5 watt output, ensuring that your call for help gets through whatever the conditions. The pocket sized beacon transmits at the press of a button, to alert search and rescue services to your plight.McMurdo FastFind PLB is an essential piece of life-saving equipment, weighing in at just 5.3 oz (150g) and having the size of an average mobile telephone (actual dimensions being 1.34”/34mm x 1.85”/47mm x L 4.17”/106mm) it will slip into the smallest pocket or backpack compartment. The user can activate it in the most remote locations around the world: on land, at sea or in the air, and can be confident of being able to contact the world’s professional search and rescue services directly if they are to encounter a possibly life-threatening situation.McMurdo FastFind PLB comes equipped with an integral 50-channel GPS system and complies with rigid federal and international standards. It operates on the global COSPAS SARSAT 406MHz search and rescue satellite communication system, so a call for help will be acted upon…and fast. The McMurdo FastFind PLB is subscription FREE and does not rely on any commercial call centers.THE McMurdo FastFind PLB model transmits two signals simultaneously: a global 406 MHz signal and a 121.5MHz local signal. Once activated, McMurdo FastFind PLB’s signals will continue to transmit for at least 24 hours, at a powerful 5 watt output, the 406 MHz transmission ensures that a call for help gets through, no matter what the conditions. McMurdo FastFind PLB also includes a unique flashing SOS LED light to further assist in speeding up the user’s recovery time during night rescues.McMurdo FastFind PLB will operate in temperatures as low as -20°c and its integral battery has a user storage life of 5 years, so there’s no need for frequent battery changes or re-charging.Put a McMurdo FastFind PLB in your pocket, and get found fast.
Temporary Power Outlet
K-271, K-272, and K-273
Knopp’s Temporary Power Outlets are an easy and safe solution for construction sites or other areas where power is not easily accessible. The device provides temporary electric service by isolating power from the breaker panel. Easy-to-use and versatile, Knopp’s Temporary Power Outlet eliminates the need for portable generators and can be used for motor homes, travel trailers, marine shore power, construction sites, and solar pump stations. Emergency situations such as hurricane restoration, storm outages and fire damage can also utilize this device.
Rugged, Fanless AIoT Platform with NVIDIA Quadro® GPU Embedded for Real-time Video/Graphics Analytics
AVA-5500 Series
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are being adopted globally by all industries to drive efficiency, improve productivity and reduce costs. The rail industry is no exception. Fueled by intelligence from AI-driven systems and applications, railway operations are becoming safer, smarter and more reliable, significantly enhancing passenger travel experience and freight logistics services. For rail transportation, AI can provide improvements including fast and convenient ticket-free check-in to accurate arrival-time predictions, personalized infotainment and onboard services, real-time track heath diagnostics, and rapid response in an emergency.
Passenger Information Display
ADLINK's Passenger Information Display System PIDS solutions deliver real-time updates on stops, arrival times, service disruptions, and emergency announcements with reliable performance. Our partnership with AUO enables the incorporation of the most advanced display technology with flexible customisation services to ensure exceptional legibility and durability across diverse environments.