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Cell Stand
The CS-3A Cell Stand is adopted with CHI series Electrochemical Analyzers and other apparatus directly. The cell is enclosed in a Faraday cage to reduce electrical interference. A built-in gas control allows purging a sample. Gas line is provided to purge next sample, while analyzing the present sample separately, thus increasing productivity. Magnetic stirrer allows for controlling the mixing of the sample for experiments requiring mass transport of electrolyte or analyte to the electrode surface. Cell top positioner with detachable cell cap allows easy removal and replacement of the cell vial as well as the electrodes for rinsing, cleaning, and replacement.
Conductivity Electrode
As current-carrying and potential difference measuring electrodes, platinum was deposited on a quartz glass substrate. Voltage terminal distance can be varied by changing the connection pin. In-situ measurement of the metal transition produced in a conductive polymer insulator doping, 4 terminal electrode is used, where for insulator layer with low doping side 2 terminal method and for metal layer with high doping side 4 terminal method is used for the measurement. With this electrode, become possible to have measurement in 15 distances by combining the connection terminal.
Conductivity-Resistivity Electrodes
Signet Conductivity/Resistivity electrodes are designed to provide versatile installation and accurate sensing across a very broad dynamic range. These electrodes are built with a controlled surface finish to ensure accuracy and repeatability. The standard electrode is constructed 316 SS or Titanium, but there are other materials available for maximum chemical compatibility.
Conductivity Sensors
Conductivity sensors measure the specific conductance of liquid processes. The specific conductance is directly related to the presence of ionic species and their concentration. Barben Analytical offers a full range of two electrode and four electrode contacting conductivity sensors for a variety of industrial measurement applications.
Conductivity Switches
B/W Controls offers a simple conductivity holder and electrode that can be configured for multiple measurement points. This is a simple level switch that can be used on liquids and light slurries. The B/W products utilize the conductive properties common to aqueous liquids to provide point level control and alarm functionality.
Control Relays
Drexelbrook manufactures a supporting line of control relays that are developed especially for use as safe, reliable, economical original equipment components in many different types of commercial and industrial products.Designed to operate from electrodes or probes contacting conductive liquids, our control relays are ideally suited for level control applications in such products as vending, dispensing, ice-making machines, water softeners, dishwashers, and coffee makers, plus many types of operating equipment in the food, drug, dairy, brewing, distilling and chemical processing industries.
Crossed-Field Amplifiers
Communications & Power Industries
CPI BMD’s crossed-field amplifiers (CFAs) are broadband, phase-stable microwave amplifiers used in coherent radar chains to efficiently generate very high peak output powers from relatively low input voltages which can be either applied to the cathode or an electrode similar to a TWTs cathode or grid pulsing, and in relatively small, lightweight packages. These characteristics make CFAs particularly well-suited for applications in which the transmitter must be either airborne, transportable, mobile or portable.
Cross Flow Cell
Working electrodes for flow cell are mounted on blocks of PEEK. This resin protects the electrodes from external noise and allows researchers to utilize them regardless the content of mobile phase of HPLC because of their hard, organic solvent-resistance. Glassy carbon is usually chosen for the redox reaction study on liquid chromatography. Platinum, Gold, Carbon paste and Nickel electrodes are utilized for special purposes. Thin Layer Cell has been used as a electrode for research such as flow injection analysis (FIA) and the HPLC.
Dairy Portable Meters
Ensure the integrity of your dairy products no matter where you test with our durable portable meters. Portable meters can come with sample-specific electrodes, and HACCP compliant materials.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Micro-Varicon sensor is a miniature, thin, flexible dielectric sensor designedfor cost-sensitive use where space is limited. The electrode array is patterned on apolyimide substrate, and the Micro-Varicon sensor can be supplied with or withoutTeflon insulated leads.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Varicon sensor is designed for use in presses, molds, bulk materials or laminates where a thin, flexible dielectric sensor is necessary. The Varicon sensor is thin enough to be implanted within a sample or between the plies of a laminate and may be discarded after use. Patterned on a polyimide substrate, the electrode array is designed to allow a choice of three sensitivities, which are selected by cutting off portions of the array at designated lines.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Mini-Varicon sensor is a thin, flexible dielectric sensor designed for cost-sensitive use with presses, molds, bulk materials or laminates. Patterned on a polyimide substrate, the electrode array is designed to allow a choice of high or low sensitivity, selected by either using the whole sensor or cutting off a portion of the array at a designated line. The Mini-Varicon sensor can be supplied without leads, or with custom-length Teflon-insulated leads attached.
Direct Burial Half Cell Reference Electrode
Model DB-A Copper-Copper/Sulfate Reference Electrode designed for direct burial for long term monitoring of buried or earth contacting structures.
Dissolved Oxygen Meter with 3m Cable Electrode
DO 6+
User Customisation for user's flexibility like toggling of various modes from ppm, mg/l to % saturation, view electrode diagnosis, etc.
DryLoc pH/ORP Preamplifier and Connectors
The 2760 preamplifier allows any DryLoc pH/ORP electrode to work with Signet ProcessPro and ProPoint pH/ORP instruments. It is also sold as a simple connector for use with other manufacturers' instruments that do not require a preamplified signal.
Electrochemistry Research Equipment
Our electrochemical equipment will help your group achieve laboratory and research goals. The best-selling EZstat Pro potentiostat/galvanostat can run cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), battery tests, and high speed galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). The EZstat HV potentiostat delivers up to 1 amp at 25 volts. The Powerstat comes in two configurations (5 amp vs 20 amp). The Duostat bipotentiostat can operate rotating ring-disk electrode experiments. The Arraystat and ArrayPGstat feature multichannel operation with different customizable options (current range, number of channels, etc.).
Electrode Measurement Meter
Ion 700
Ion-selective electrode measurement has never been this easy – or economical! The Ion 700 measures and records up to 100 data points with 0.01 resolution.
Delmhorst offers a wide assortment of electrodes known throughout the industry for their durability. All Delmhorst electrodes fit any Delmhorst moisture meter.
Electrodes Sensor
When selecting electrode sensors an important factor is to consider the specific characteristics of the liquid involved, the lengths required to obtain the desired control of levels, and the physical nature of the container.B/W Controls' line of electrodes has been developed to provide a practical, economical solution to almost every conceivable application and installation problem.Our electrode sensors are available in several varieties: solid rod (rigid), wire suspension, and standard gland plugs for high vibration applications. In addition, we offer custom options made per customer’s requirements.
Fixture and Software for Open/Leak Inspection
In addition to jigs and fixtures for probing conductors and electrode pads, NIDEC-READ provides specialized software for test point selection and log analysis.
Fully Automatic Transformer Oil Test Set
OTS-A series
The Motwane Manufacturing Company
OTS-A series is fully automatic microprocessor based transformer oil test set designed with advanced features to measure breakdown voltage of insulation oil accurately. The OTS-A Series preprogrammed with worldwide acceptable standards.The user can define customized standards. The large LCD display with menbrane key pad for easy operation. It is provided with internal memory for 100 data storage & built-in thermal printer for onsite report. The kit is protected by automatic detection of poor input ground.The acrylic oil test vessel provided with adjustable electrode gap setting. The voltage calibrator for on site calibration saves cost & time of user.
Grid Electrode
Grid electrode is produced by the deposition of the platinum, gold or carbon onto the quartz glass. The dimension of the glass is 8 x 27 mm, with a 1 mm of the thickness, and the grid line is 100 m width with a distance of the 150 m between lines.
IDA Electrodes
Interdigitated Array (IDA) electrode is an electrode developed for electrochemical measurements to be performed in a very small quantity of the sample. IDA electrode could be applied for the detection and reaction analysis of the compounds in a small quantity of the sample. IDA electrode is a microelectrode pattern fabricated by using the lithography technology. The Electrodes are composed of 65 pairs. In each one of the pair has a function of the oxidation and reduction electrodes.
Ion/pH/mV Meter with Single Junction pH Electrode
Ion 6+
Direct Ion Concentration for use with most mono- or di-valent Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) :: mV measurement mode allows you to check performance and calibration of your ISE
ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) Electrode
This quite unique material transmits only visible light whereas it does not transmit UV radiation. Our ITO electrodes consist of 100 nm thick of ITO layer deposited on quartz or borosilicate glass substrate (0.5 mm thick).
L20 Meters
Model L20 pH/ORP
The Model L20 pH/ORP/Temperature meter is an AC line powered or battery powered precision instrument. The Model L20 features auto buffer recognition during calibration for both USA Standard and NIST pH buffers. The L20 has automatic temperature compensation and it monitors the electrode’s slope and offset reporting the electrodes efficiency assuring that the measurement is correct.
Localized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
The VersaSTAT 3F applies an AC voltage to the sample emerged in electrolyte. This "global" voltage generates AC current to flow at the electrode / electrolyte interface. A dual-element probe is positioned in solution close to the surface of the sample. The electrometer measures a differential voltage measure between the two measurement elements as a measure of local voltage-drop in solution. This voltage-drop exists in solution because of current flow from local reactions at the sample, the resistance of the electrolyte and the spatial separation of the dual measurement elements.
Low Power Potentiostats
Potentiostat Wenking MP 04T, max. current 400 mA, max. voltage 25 V, output power 10 W, reference electrode input 1012 Ohms, slew rate 10 V/ µs, 1 control input, floating current output, buffered potential output, control range ± 10 V external, internal control voltage source ±2 V, rise time constant (closed loop, ohmic load) 1 µs typ., dimensions 165 x 105 x 165 mm (w x h x d), weight 1.4 kg
Meter with "3-in-1" pH/Temperature Combi Electrode
pH 6+
Multi-Point Calibration (up to 3 points) with Auto-Buffer Recognition - choice of USA, NIST or pure water buffer standards with ±0.01 pH accuracy
Meter with "3-in-1" pH/Temperature Combi Electrode
pH 5+
Multi-Point Calibration (up to 5 points) with Auto-Buffer Recognition - choice of USA, NIST or pure water buffer standards with ±0.01 pH accuracy