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Design Verification
Examination of design requirement fulfillment.
Circuit Simulation, Power Analysis and Jitter Analysis Design Tools
The GreenPoint Design Simulation Tool is an interactive online design and verification tool to help you generate and validate an electronic design. The simulation module provides an interactive design and verification environment. The power analysis module provides an interactive environment to analyze the performance of intelligent power modules (IPMs). The Phase Noise Explorer module enables an interactive environment for advanced phase noise/jitter analysis of clock tree designs.
Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer for Rates up to 45 Mbps
The Lumistar LS-45-DB Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digitaldesign assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability. Dual channel design can feed each channel of the LS-55-DD dual decom. The LS-45-DB also has a post D combiner that allows for optimal ratiocombining of the two input signals A unique Built-in-Test feature allows performance verification for the Bit Synchronizer to ensure the highest level of operation. Auto-test BIT is performed for a short duration on the application of power and tests more than 90% of the Bit Synchronizer components. This test verifies that power is properly applied, verifies that there are no internal bit errors, and performs other tests to ensure that the bit synchronizer is fully operational with status indication of results. Command-test BIT performs the same functions and can be initiated by the user at any time through the Lumistar software when used on Lumistar PC products. The user has the ability to generate internal pseudo-random patterns and calculate internal bit error rates with or without the injection of forced errors.Various status indicators are also available through the software. The Bit Synchronizer also contains a BER reader as well as frame sync pattern indicator.
SD 3.0 / eMMC 4.51 IP Family
The eMMC Host IP is an RTL design in Verilog that implements an MMC / eMMC host controller in an ASIC or FPGA. The core includes RTL code, test scripts and a test environment for full simulation verifications. The Arasan MMC / eMMC Host IP Core has been widely used in different MMC applications by major semiconductor vendors with proven silicon.
FPGA Simulation
Active-HDL™ is a Windows® based, integrated FPGA Design Creation and Simulation solution for team-based environments. Active-HDL’s Integrated Design Environment (IDE) includes a full HDL and graphical design tool suite and RTL/gate-level mixed-language simulator for rapid deployment and verification of FPGA designs.
Framework for Soft-Error Protection
RobustScan™ provides a platform for users to pick patented Configurable Soft-Error Resilience (CSER) cells or their preferred SER mitigation cells. First, Soft-Error Rate (SER) analysis is performed. Then it performs automatic robust-scan-cell and hardenedcombinational- cell selection and synthesis. Finally it generates verification testbenches for the final design. RobustScan™ can be used with scan chains inserted using third-party tools; it can be linked to third-party�s SER analysis programs and is fully compatible with SynTest�s existing DFT tools for test, debug, and diagnosis.
Functional Test Fixtures
EMC Technologies designs and manufactures discretely wired and wireless functional test fixtures used for performance verification of PCBs and Electronic Assemblies. Commercial applications have included work in support of many industries including: satellite TV, computer servers, medical, networking, and telecommunication.
Functional Verification
The Mentor Graphics Scalable Verification" is the most comprehensive EDA solution for functional verification, merging standards support, tools and a "design for verification" methodology to minimize verification cycles and costly design respins.
Hybrid Verification Platform
HES-DVM™ is a fully automated and scalable hybrid verification environment for SoC and ASIC designs. Utilizing the latest co-emulation standards like SCE-MI or TLM and newest FPGA technology, hardware and software design teams obtain early access to the hardware prototype of the design. Working concurrently with one another they develop and verify high-level code with RTL accuracy and speed-effective SoC emulation or prototyping models reducing test time and a risk of silicon re-spins.
An extensive SPICE toolset for extensive circuit design. Includes everything for analog and mixed-signal circuits, less ICAP/4's Smith chart, Library Manager and model generation tool (SpiceMod). Contains newly enhanced analyses for advanced design verification, design pass/fail measurement capability and automated component stress alarms.
Logic Analyzers
Verification and debug of today's high speed, low voltage digital signals requires probing solutions that can accurately acquire from a wide variety of electronic designs and protect signal fidelity. Tektronix logic analyzer probes contain a variety of connectivity options that are engineered to ensure that signal acquisition is a true reflection of your design's performance. Compare and learn more about Tektronix logic analyzer probe solutions.
MIPI Total Display IP Solution
The Arasan MIPI Display Serial Interface (DSI) Controller IP provides both device and host functionality. Additionally, the DSI Controller provides a high-speed serial interface between an application processor and display and follows a rigorous verification methodology to ensure interoperability of our DSI digital controller with our D-PHY analog IP. Arasan’s DSI solutions are MIPI standards-compliant and are designed to accelerate integration, lower risk and accelerate time to market for developers of display applications. Arasan’s expertise is backed by our unique silicon proven design discipline and product development process that ensures fast silicon success with our analog and digital IP.
PCB Simulation Solutions for High-Performance Designs
HyperLynx® offers a complete suite of analysis and verification software that meets the needs of PCB engineers at any point in the board design flow. Easy to use and integrate into your flow, HyperLynx equips PCB engineers to efficiently analyze, solve and verify critical requirements to avoid costly re-spins. Achieve greater innovation, faster time-to-market and decreased costs with HyperLynx.
Peak Power Analyzer
The Boonton Model 4500C is the instrument of choice for capturing, displaying, analyzing and characterizing microwave and RF power in both the time and statistical domains. It is ideal for design, verification, and troubleshooting of pulsed and noise-like signals used in commercial and military radar, electronic warfare (EW), wireless communications (e.g., LTE, LTE-A, and 5G), and consumer electronics (WLAN), as well as education and research applications.
Portable Sequence Generator for Verification, Firmware & Validation
The complexity of modern SoC has raised the requirement for HW/SW co-simulation to catch the bugs from the early design stage. There is lack of common set of sequences which can be shared across the teams. ISepenceSpec helps design teams to generate the unified test and programming sequences in UVM and Firmware from the specification. ISequenceSpec uses the register information from importing the standard formats like IP-XACT, SystemRDL, XML. User can define the test sequences in a simple editor, and then generate the unified test sequences from verification to validation.
Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser
Keysight's protocol test solutions for each technology typically consists of both protocol analyzer application as well as a stimulus solution, such as an exerciser or traffic generator. Keysight's protocol test solutions combine multi-protocol analysis, traffic generation, performance and conformance verification to debug, validate and optimize your designs using high speed protocol standards.
Software Tools for Efficient Code Development and Analysis
Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter
SystemVerilog is a rich object-oriented programming language that provides powerful constructs and a high level of programming flexibility. Such capabilities meet the needs of today's complex design and verification requirements, but at the same time introduce new challenges in code development. For example, the possibility of implementing the same functionality in multiple ways may impact the simulation performance or lead to unexpected behavior.
Surveyor – ESS
Surveyor – ESS is a resistance-monitoring, event-detection suite of tools specifically designed for standards-based design verification test applications, including:
Magneto-Electric Rotation Detector
The MP-981 is a magneto-type detector using a hall element which is suitable for revolution (r/min) measurement from low speed to high speed.Magneto-type detectors use an internal hall element, a permanent magnet, DC amplifier, and voltage regulator and respond to flux, so that a rectangular wave form is derivable from much lower speed all the way though high speed.In addition, a signal indicator is provided in spite of the detector's compact design, making verification of operation and mounting position possible.Meanwhile, the AP-981 is the water and acid proof type, which conforms to Class ' of JIS C0920.
Triple Alarm CAT IV Non-Contact Voltage Detector with Flashlight
The FLIR VP50-2 is a durable, CAT IV-rated non-contact voltage detector featuring light, vibration, and beeper feedback alarms and a powerful LED flashlight. Use the VP50-2 to reliably check if an AC circuit is live before beginning work; detect voltage on exposed conducting parts or through insulation; identify live wires within electrical panels, switches, and outlets; or trace live wires and map circuits. With an ergonomic and drop-tested design, the FLIR VP50-2 is the right choice for professionals performing field troubleshooting and verification of electrical installations within residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
High Performance Embedded Development Kit
The TySOM™ Embedded Development Kit is for the embedded designers who need a high-performance RTL simulator/debugger for their embedded applications such as IoT, Automotive, Factory automation, UAV and Robotics. The kit includes Riviera-PRO™ Advanced Verification Platform and a TySOM development/prototyping board. TySOM boards come with either a Zynq 7000 chip (FPGA + Dual ARM® Cortex™-A9) or with a Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC device. These boards include memories, and various communication and multimedia interfaces in addition to FMC connectors for peripheral expansion. Reference designs for application such as IoT, ADAS, 4K UltraHD imaging and Robotics and a complete reference design, which contains the SW (Linux) and all the hardware blocks required to support the peripherals on the board, are provided.
Simulation And Training
With more than 25 years of experience, Textron Systems Simulation and Training provides comprehensive end-to-end training solutions for air, land, sea, space, unmanned and electronic warfare platforms. We design, develop, and support integrated training devices, classroom courseware, virtual, live and constructive training, and software solutions. Our products and services support advanced platforms including C-17 Globemaster®, B-1 Lancer, F-35 Lightning II®, F-22 Raptor® and other high-value assets. Textron Systems also produces electronic, RF, and/or multispectral test equipment for verification and validation of these and various other air, land, sea, space, unmanned and electronic warfare platforms.
Active FET Probe Kit 1.2 GHz, 10x, ±40 V
The CT4121 is a compact FET probe with very high input resistance and low input capacitance. With a 1.2 GHz bandwidth, this probe is ideal for timing analysis or troubleshooting high speed logic circuits, for design verification of disk drives, as well as for wireless and data communication design. The CT4121 can measure up to ±40 V (DC + AC peak). Compatible with oscilloscopes from all major manufacturers, the probe is powered by the included 9 V battery or direct from the oscilloscope using the included USB power lead.
Analog Custom IC Design Solution
Silvaco offer a full IC-CAD design flow including design capture, circuit simulation, layout design, physical verification, parasitic extraction and reduction, and post-layout analysis including statistical variation, IR-drop/EM.
Automated Test Equipment
Viewpoint Systems offers design verification and manufacturing quality inspection systems to help customers reduce human error in repetitive tests, increase testing speeds, and ultimately get products to market faster at a lower cost. Viewpoint Transforms Test from Design to End-of-Line. Our R&D test systems are designed with the flexibility to validate ever-changing prototypes while accelerating your development schedule.
Electrical Testing
Innovative Testing Solutions, Inc.
Our specialty is Direct Current automotive components. We perform product validation and design verification testing on both electrical components and systems. Also, we perform warranty investigation testing and failure analysis. We have voltage capabilities to 300 volts and current capabilities to 1000 amperes. Both two-wire and four-wire resistance measurements are supported from NanoOhms to GigaOhms.
Modal Exciters & Amplifiers
Experimental modal analysis, or modal testing, is a process for physically obtaining a math model of a structure’s dynamic properties. Modal tests identify a structure’s modal properties: natural frequencies, mode shapes, mass, stiffness and damping. Modal test results help troubleshoot resonant excitation from operating forces, validate and verify finite element models, predict the benefits of structural modifications, support design verification, and understand structural responses due to complex loading conditions.
Fiber Optic Testers
SYOPTEK designs and manufactures fiber optic tester(fiber optic test equipment) for optical fiber cabling installing, maintenance, and verification; provides you quality, reliable fiber optic tester at a affordable price.
Static Design Verification
ALINT-PRO™ is a design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog, which is focused on verifying coding style and naming conventions, RTL and post-synthesis simulation mismatches, smooth and optimal synthesis, correct FSM descriptions, avoiding problems on further design stages, clocks and reset tree issues, CDC, RDC, DFT, and coding for portability and reuse. The solution performs static analysis based on RTL and SDC™ source files uncovering critical design issues early in the design cycle, which in turn reduces design signoff time dramatically. Running ALINT-PRO before the RTL simulation and logic synthesis phases prevents design issues spreading into the downstream stages of design flow and reduces the number of iterations required to finish the design.
In-Circuit Test Fixtures
In-circuit testing provides electronic manufacturers a reliable, high fault coverage verification method for the assembly process. Circuit Check ICT fixtures are robust, reliable and designed for easy customization to cover a large range of PCB sizes without impacting turnaround time. We stock a large variety of fixture sizes and actuation methods to meet your test demands. If a stocked sized ICT fixture is not adequate our engineering staff will design a custom solution.
The compact palmOTDR now offers even more testing capacities, flexibility and value with combination of 850/1300/1310/1490/1550/1625/1650nm (Mono/double/triple wavelength) OTDR, 1310/1490/1550nm PON Power Meter, Stabilized Laser Source and VFL. The OTDR wavelengths cover the applications of regular end-to-end fiber characterization (1310/1550nm), premise/enterprise LAN testing (850/1300nm), FTTx fiber link construction verification (1490nm) and PON live fiber troubleshooting (1625/1650nm with filter). The integrated PON Power Meter can perform in-service testing of all PON signals (1310/1490/1550nm) on any spot of the network featuring pass-through design and burst mode support. palmOTDR is your ultimate solution to meet various testing requirements of entire fiber network.