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Crystal Oscillators
A crystal or piezoelectric element which resonates at a precise frequency made from quartz, rubidium or ceramics.
Frequency Counter (225MHz - 18GHz)
S43180 series high-precision frequency counter is a high-precision frequency measurement instrument. It has a frequency measurement resolution of 10 bits per second. The whole machine scheme adopts countdown technology and digital interpolation technology to realize the high-precision measurement of the instrument. It has measurement functions such as frequency, period, frequency ratio and powerful mathematical statistics operations (maximum value, minimum value, average value, PPM, standard deviation, Allan variance).S43180 series has reliable performance, complete functions, high measurement accuracy, wide frequency measurement range, high sensitivity, large dynamic range, high cost performance and easy to use. It is especially suitable for frequency measurement in scientific research and measurement fields such as aerospace, crystal oscillators, and components.
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs) deliver the ultimate piezo electric performance with stabilities down to less than ±1ppb. An OCXO offers frequency stabilities even tighter than those offered by a TCXO.
RF & Microwave Crystal Oscillators
A Crystal Oscillator is an oscillator which uses the resonance property of a quartz crystal to create an electric signal at a particular frequency. Compare Crystal Oscillators from the leading manufacturers on everything RF. Select a type and then use the parametric search tool to narrow down on a list of products from multiple manufacturers. Compare products, Download datasheets and get quotations.
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXO) deliver excellent temperature characteristics combined with low power consumption and fast warmup. Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (VCTCXO) combine the same excellent temperature characteristics, low power consumption and fast warmup with a voltage control function to allow precise tuning of the output frequency after PCB assembly and later, to compensate for any effects of aging as well as offering the ability to pull back to nominal frequency where there is a change of circuit conditions
voltage controlled crystal oscillator
A VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) is a crystal oscillator the output frequency of which is controlled by adding an external control voltage via a frequency control input on a variable capacitance component such as a varactor diode connected in parallel to a load capacitance (CL). Epson VCXOs are divided into two types according to Voltage-Frequency (V-F) characteristic slopes depending on the AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) input configuration of the VCXO. One is a VCXO with a positive V-F slope and the other is a VCXO with a negative V-F slope. Please note that the input voltage of a control circuit will vary according to the individual type, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Epson's VCXOs are capable of either, depending on the customer's preference. Epson's VCXOs have been increasingly used for broader applications such as slave oscillators in phased-lock loops, or frequency modulators. Among the above types, a VCXO combined with a TCXO is called a VC-TCXO , respectively. These components have the merit of delicately controlling their output frequency electrically.
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators (VCXOs) are used for fine adjustment of the operating frequency and are normally used in conjunction with a phase locked loop.
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators by Pasternack
Disciplined OCXOS
GPS Disciplined OCXOs (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators) are a range of advanced clock modules which provide electrical timing functionality for distributed network systems. These units primarily revolve around the 1PPS (pulse per second) timing synchronisation signal produced by a GPS frequency receiver which is derived from transmitted timing information received from GPS satellite systems.
Phase Noise Measurement Solution, 50 kHz to 110 GHz
The Keysight Technologies E5500 Series of phase noise measurement solutions offers the most flexible set of measurements on one-port VCOs, DROs, crystal oscillators and synthesizers. Two-port devices, including amplifiers and converters, plus CW, pulsed and spurious signals can also be measured. The E5500 measurements include absolute and residual phase noises, AM noise, and low-level spurious signals. The stand-alone instrument architecture easily configures for various measurement techniques, including the PLL/reference source technique, residual and FM discriminator methods.
Low G Sensitive Oscillators
Precision Test Systems is increasingly becoming a world leader in ultra-low phase noise (ULN) crystal and rubidium oscillators. We manufacture the CFS10B crystal frequency standard and the RFS10E and RFS10F rubidium frequency standards. All these models can also be locked to the global satellite service operated by the USA (GPS), Russian (GLOSNASS) and Europe (Galileo). We also have a complete range of distribution amplifiers to compliment these frequency standards.
Precision Test Systems is increasingly becoming a world leader in ultra low phase noise (ULN) crystal and rubidium oscillators. We also have recently launached a new range of low G sensitive oscillators. For more information on our Low G range.
USRP-2955, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, 80 MHz Bandwidth, GPS-Disciplined OCXO, Reconfigurable USRP Software Defined Radio Device
The USRP-2955 provides an integrated hardware and software solution for rapidly prototyping high-performance wireless receiver systems. It is designed for over-the-air signal acquisition and analysis. It features a two-stage superheterodyne architecture with four independent receiver channels and shares local oscillators for phase-coherent operation. It also offers a Kintex-7 FPGA programmable with the LabVIEW FPGA Module. With these features, the USRP-2955 has the RF and processing performance for applications such as spectrum monitoring, direction finding, signals intelligence, wideband recording, and radar prototyping. The USRP-2955 is equipped with a GPS-disciplined 10 MHz oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) Reference Clock, which improves frequency accuracy and synchronization.
Atomic Clocks And Oscillators
Safran is a world leader in rubidium atomic clocks and oscillators, quartz crystal (OCXO), maser, integrated GPSGlobal Positioning System is a navigation satellite system. See also/GNSS, and related testing instrument technologies that rely on accurate atomic time and the rubidium standard. Whether you need short or long term stability, our decades of experience designing and manufacturing products is trusted by companies ranging from global enterprises to space initiatives.
USRP Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Device
The USRP Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Device is built on the LabVIEW reconfigurable I/O (RIO) and universal software radio peripheral (USRP) architectures. It includes a powerful FPGA for advanced DSP that you can program with the LabVIEW FPGA Module. The device includes 2x2 MIMO transceivers or four-channel superheterodyne receivers, supporting center frequencies from 10 MHz to 6 GHz, with up to 160 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth. The USRP Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Device also optionally includes a GPS‐disciplined oven-controlled crystal oscillator (GPSDO), which provides greater frequency accuracy than temperature- compensated crystal oscillators. Prototyping applications include LTE and 802.11 prototyping, spectrum monitoring, signals intelligence, military communications, radar, direction finding, and wireless research.