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Code Debug
Program to locate run-time errors.
Software Test Tool
The basic premise behind the development of testIDEA was simple: if our development tools have access to the source code and binary code of an embedded application, and our debug hardware can access all of the internal workings of the microcontroller, surely we can simply test embedded software on the target microcontroller.
The Imperas Instruction Set Simulator
The Imperas ISS is often the first simulation product used in an embedded software development project. The Imperas ISS allows the development and debug of code for the target architecture on an x86 host PC with the minimum of setup and effort. It simply requires the cross compilation of your application and running the ISS with an argument to specify the name of the application object.
In-depth Execution Time Analysis For Critical Software
*Timing analysis (inc. WCET) for Ada, C & C++ on-target & host**Identify code to optimize for worst-case behavior*Debug rare timing events*Simplify verification through integration with your CI tool*Produce evidence for DO-178 and ISO 26262 certification
Zero-footprint Timing Analysis For Critical Software
*Collect timing metrics from systems that produce branch traces* Identify code to optimize for worst-case behavior*Debug rare timing events*Simplify verification through integration with your CI tool*Analyze timing behavior of libraries without source code
Software Debug and Trace Products
SourcePoint ARM
Today's systems require high octane code to unleash the power of the system. Thus right tools for debug are essential. They must be context aware. Whether working on bare metal systems, as embedded developers often do or working on UEFI base platforms with the complexity of the firmware now rivaling some operating systems. The tools must provide a view into the hardware/software interaction to isolate that illusive bug. SourcePoint hardware assisted debugger has just what is needed for the toolbox of the software developer.
JTAGulator 24-Channel Hardware Hacking Tool
On-chip debug (OCD) interfaces can provide chip-level control of a target device and are a primary vector used by engineers, researchers, and hackers to extract program code or data, modify memory contents, or affect device operation on-the-fly. JTAGulator is an open source hardware tool that assists in identifying OCD connections from test points, vias, or component pads on a target device.
Testing C/C++ Code With TPT
You can test C/C++ code via the TPT-internal virtual machine or by using the TPT-internal co-simulation platform FUSION.The test environment that is needed to connect the C-code with TPT can be generated automatically by TPT.You can use multidimensional arrays, maps, curves, and structured data types in your test settings. Function calls and function stubs are also supported by TPT.You can even debug your C-code during testing. Tools like GCC, Visual Studio, BCC, or LLVM can be used to compile the executable.
Free Imperas RISC-V Instruction Set Simulator
*RiscvOVPsim - RISC-V Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) - fast, simple, easy to use, cross software development for embedded systems*The riscvOVPsim ISS is an ideal starting point for an embedded software development project. *RiscvOVPsim allows the development and debug of code for the target RISC-V processor on an x86 host PC with the minimum of setup and effort. It simply requires the cross compilation of your application and running riscvOVPsim with an argument to specify the name of the application object.
Frame Grabber Software
Alacron provides the complete software environment needed to get your machine vision or imaging application up and running quickly — from concept to working high performance systems. O/S environments supported include Windows 2000, WIN XP, Solaris, and Linux. Alacron's CODE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS provides all the facilities needed to develop and debug code for simple framegrabbers to multiprocessor applications.
In-Circuit Debugger for RS08 Family of Microcontrollers
P&E's ICDRS08 is a powerful tool for debugging code. It uses the processor's background debug mode Module(BDM), via any of P&E's RS08 compatible interfaces (see product add-ons for more information), to give the user access to all on-chip resources.
Power Architecture 5xx/8xx In-Circuit Debugger
P&E's ICDPPC for Windows is a powerful tool for debugging code. It uses the processor's background debug mode (BDM), via the ICD cable, to give the user access to all on-chip resources. The ICDPPCZ software works with Freescale's MPC5xx/8xx devices.
68HCS08 In-Circuit Debugger
P&E's ICDHCS08 is a powerful tool for debugging code. It uses the processor's background debug mode (BDM), via the ICD cable, to give the user access to all on-chip resources.
68HC(S)12 In-Circuit Debugger
P&E's ICD12Z for Windows is a powerful tool for debugging code. It uses the HC(S)12 processor's background debug mode (BDM), via one of P&E's hardware interfaces, to give the user access to all on-chip resources.
CPU3xx Incircuit Debugger
P&E's ICD32 for Windows is a powerful tool for debugging code. It uses the processor's background debug mode (BDM), via the ICD cable, to give the user access to all on-chip resources.
68HC16 In-Circuit Debugger
P&E's ICD12Z for Windows is a powerful tool for debugging code. It uses the HC(S)12 processor's background debug mode (BDM), via one of P&E's hardware interfaces, to give the user access to all on-chip resources.
Trace Extensions
Trace based debugging adds a powerful set of features to complement and enhance your existing debug tools. Many modern devices include a trace port which is capable of providing real-time, non-intrusive information about program flow and data operations. This can be used to work out where code has been, how long things took, to analyze task switches, interrupts, and to generate code coverage reports. If you think of traditional debugging as a series of snapshots, then trace-based debugging is a video with timestamps.
Debug probe for ARM Cortex processors
USB Multilink ACP
P&E’s USB Multilink ACP is a debug probe which allows a PC/laptop access to JTAG/SWD on ARM Cortex devices from several manufacturers (see complete list below). It connects between a USB port on a Windows machine and the standard debug connector on the target. The product photos to the left of this page show how the headers can be accessed by simply flipping open the plastic case. Ribbon cables suitable for a variety of architectures are included. By using the USB Multilink ACP, the user can take advantage of the debug mode to halt normal processor execution and use a PC to control the processor. The user can then directly control the target’s execution, read/write registers and memory values, debug code on the processor, and program internal or external FLASH memory devices.
NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2-Based AI Smart Camera Starter Kit/Lite Kit
NEON-2000-JT2 Series Kit
- Integration of NVIDIA Jetson TX2, image sensor and vision software suites, ready to deploy- All-in-one design minimizes cabling, footprint and maintenance- FPGA base DI/O for accurate real-time triggering- Validated and comprehensive accessories, saves effort on surveying and debug- Pre-installed software and sample code, easy to get started- Two kit configurations to satisfy different applications
Simulation Tool
Would you like to do code development with minimal hardware or see real-time switching and debug information? The LXI Simulation Tool can do that for you. This tool supports the simulation of all our PXI and LXI switching products, and most of the PXI simulation products in one highly portable package. The tool provides you with a simple and highly portable platform for application development.
JTAG Boundary Scan Tools
Blackhawk has teamed with Corelis, an EWA company, to offer customer Intuitive and High Performance JTAG Boundary Scan Tools that are compatible with our JTAG emulator product line. This allows developers not only to debug code on TI devices but also leverage boundary scan testing using the same emulator hardware.
Advanced JTAG Emulators
Blackhawk offers JTAG Emulators ranging from entry level to full-capability debug probe models supporting System Trace (STM), starting at $99. This includes XDS100v2, XDS200 and XDS560v2-class models that are compatible with Code Composer Studio.