CMM Retrofits
Eventually, measurement software, probe systems and controller electronics become outdated by newer, faster, better systems. Our range of standard retrofits and upgrade kits will inject new life into your measuring machine.
CMM Styli
Q-Mark manufactures styli and accessories for the metrology and machine tool industries.
Coordinate Measuring Machine
Entry-level CMM for the production environment. WENZEL’s SF87 has the attributes needed for a shop floor CMM and benefits from an optimum measuring volume of 800 x 700 x 700 mm , its cantilever style configuration providing a very efficient footprint relative to measuring range.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Perfect for the measurement of larger 2D profiles (e.g.),films, circuit boards, laser cut and stamped parts large and smallMachine design with the image processing sensor under the glass plate, eliminates time-consuming focusing as the workpiece is always in the correct distance to the opticsIn raster scanning mode the machine also quickly captures the selected measurement range completelyAll geometric features are then evaluated automatically in the imageQuick dimensional measurements in the scanned image and automatic gaging with ToleranceFit® comparisons
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Novacam's 3D Non-Contact Coordinate Measuring Machines are designed with versatility and superior performance in mind: Precision (better than 1um) Speed (1-30 thousand measurements per second) Simultaneous dimensional and surface inspection Smallest probes measuring 0.9mm in diameter Automation by teaching with joystick Portability
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Aberlink offers a wide range of bridge and hexapod CMMs to suit all applications and budgets, enabling the precise measurement of the smallest of components to parts of over 3 metres long and up to 6 tonnes in weight with a wide range of touch-trigger probes and non-contact measurement options. The comprehensive range of CMMs includes 32 standard sizes of both CNC and manual variants. All CMMs are supplied as a complete turnkey package including the Aberlink 3D measurement software, the easiest to use and most intuitive CMM software currently available.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
CNC CMM that has attained high accuracy and low costCNC CMM that has attained high accuracy
Coordinate Measuring Machines
ScopeCheck® FB
High performance multisensor CMM for larger workpieces in the measurement lab or production environmentFixed bridge design allows for larger measurement rangesHeavy duty granite base guarantees low measurement uncertainty even with multiple sensorsLarger measuring ranges are availableContour image processing for fully automatic measurements of simple and complex geometrical elementsTemperature compensation included for accurate measurement on the shop floor
Coordinate Measuring Machines
CNC Bridge, Manual bridge, gantry, travelling bridge and horizontal CMM's to suit all applications.
Emergency Battery Test Fixture
This test fixture will allow servicing of the 60-1321-( ) series of emergency exit light power supply. These supplies are used in many aircraft to annunciate exit lighting when aircraft power failure occurs. The TA-60 test fixture is equivalent to the suggested test fixture in the OEM 60-1321 CMM. The four load lamps are conveniently placed behind an acrylic red lens for proper viewing while performing load test. The bench cable is provided as part of the test fixture.
Emission Monitoring Systems
Gasmet manufactures complete continuous emissions monitoring systems. There are two different continuous monitoring systems:*The Continuous Emission Monitoring System CEMS II e offers TÜV and MCERTS certified solution (QAL1) for a wide range of demanding emission monitoring applications.*The Continuous Mercury Monitoring system CMM has the lowest certified range in the world (0-5 µg/m3) and is TÜV and MCERTS certified solution (QAL1) for measuring mercury continuously from hot, wet and corrosive gas streams.
Industrial Computed Tomography
TomoScope® XS FOV
Coordinate measuring machine for three-dimensional measurement according to the principle of computed tomography, Fast measurement in the field of view of the detector without moving axes with high resolution and high power
Industrial Computed Tomography
TomoScope® L
High Accuracy Multisensor coordinate measuring machine for 3D measurements using the principle of Computed Tomography, in combination with additional sensors (tactile sensor systems, optical sensors)
Motorised and Automated Probe Heads
Motorised heads enable automated, repeatable re-orientation of probes to allow access to features on all faces of the part, improving the capability of the CMM and maximising productivity.
Optical 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine
The portable TRITOP system measures coordinates of three-dimensional objects quickly and precisely. Measuring tasks that traditionally were performed by tactile 3D coordinate measuring machines can now easily be carried out with the TRITOP system. It does not require any complex, heavy and maintenance-intensive hardware. The measuring machine comes to the object!
The HandyPROBE arm-free probing system generates high-accuracy measurements (accuracy of up to 22 µm), and outperforms traditional portable CMMs on the shop floor. The HandyPROBE portable CMM is currently used on the production lines of major players from the automotive, aerospace and manufacturing industries.
Probes and Styli for Faro Arms
MetrologyWorks can provide substantial savings on your next Faro Arm probe. When it comes to unique probes and accessories we have the largest selection of ball probes and styli for portable CMM arms. This includes standard length rigid probe configurations and extended length styli in a variety of materials including Stainless Steel and Zircon (Zirconia). We also stock magnetic mounts, rolling tripods, portable stand and a number of other portable CMM accessories including leapfrog spheres and cones.
Renishaw Probe Heads
Advanced Industrial Measurement Systems
Conventional touch-trigger measurement methods rely on speeding up the motion of the CMM’s 3 axes to measure quickly – PH20 utilizes the head motion technology developed for the multi-award winning REVO system to minimize the dynamic errors of the CMM at higher measurement speeds
Renishaw Styli
Advanced Industrial Measurement Systems
Renishaw’s styli are some of the most accurate in the market. The balls on the end of the styli are bonded to the stems to ensure that there is no wiggle room – as compared to the traditional ball drilling method to fix the stem to the ball – which causes distortions, and thus measurement errors. Renishaw’s styli are a much more capable option for the CMM. These balls also perfectly spherical, are located at the optimum position on the stem, are threaded nicely and are extremely sturdy during measurement. Additionally, Revolution® CMM’s are supplied with Renishaw Grade 5 High Accuracy Styli.
Scanning Probes
3D Laser Scanning Probes for your existing CMM are options for full-time or part-time use. Laser Design’s broad range of scanning probes ensures a perfect fit between the scanner and the size and detailed features of your parts.
Contact and Non-Contact Sensors for CMM, Optical High Speed Scanning and Computed Tomogrpahy Systems
Prototype Measurement Services
On-site measurement service for prototype parts using laser tracker for large volume parts or portable arm CMM with optional laser scanning for smaller parts. Point cloud generation and full part modelling is available. API measurement services is an ISO 17025 certified organization, accredited by A2LA, our 3rd party prototype inspection reports provide the necessary confidence demanded by your customers.
Space Flight Components
A tec, Inc. specializes in the design, manufacture, and integration of complex test systems and quality critical components. Our production engineering expertise separates us from other manufacturing companies when both reliability and cost are important. Atec has the best in 5 to 9 Axis CNC machining, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), 3D additive metal and plastic printers, 9-Axis capable waterjet, cryogenic liquid flow test benches and environmental test chambers. We can deliver to the tig...show more -
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Galaxy series of single and duplex horizontal arm coordinate measuring machines offered as manual or CNC models. Automotive styling studio 5 axis clay model milling machines.
Hot Wire Anemometer
Air Velocity Measurement: m/s, km/hr, ft/min, MPH, Knots & Build In Temperature ºC / ºF, Humidity %RH, Air Velocity Compensation In Atmospheric Pressure, Air Flow Measure: CMM, CFM, Telescoping Hot Wire Probe
Additional Rotary Axis for High Precision Co-ordinate Measurement Machines
Rotary Precision Instruments UK Ltd
QuadMatic delivers a whole new world of accuracy and precision to the CMM industry. Held in granite, it simplifies the measurement of symmetrical or prismatic components including scanning applications by simplifying measuring procedures, increasing CMMs’ application range and effective measuring volume which in turn increases the flexibility, productivity and efficiency of the CMM.
SINE Sinusoidal Vision Demonstration Array
The Sinusoidal Visual Demonstration Array is designed to demonstrate the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) of the human eye. Its transmittance varies sinusoidally and increases in spatial frequency from 0.2 to 20 c/mm, following a logrithmic scale. The modulation increases linearly from top to bottom. One can see, in the image, where the visual contrast contour disappears which is the MTF of the eye. Ideally suited for teaching and demonstration, the Array is available on film mounted in glass (-G), or mounted in a 2″x 2″ projection slide.(-SL)