Telephone Test Sets
Telephone test sets are a standard among telephone linemen. For the past 100 years, a test set’s functionality hasn’t changed much. Times are changing, networks are changing and now butt sets are changing. No longer are they single-purpose tools but are evolving into full-fledged, multi-functional test sets. Enter Fluke Networks’ newest line of VDV (voice, data and video) telephone test sets. We’ve taken the best features from our existing line, added new technology and totally redesigned them to lighten up your tool belt.
Toner Cable RJ45 To Alligator
Use when shooting tone via the data port. Cable conductors are terminated on contact #1 and #2, so program your VDV MapMaster to shoot tone on pair 1 and 2., 849160002550
VDV MapMaster 3.0 Cable Tester
The VDV MapMaster 3.0 combines continuity testing, mapping, generating tones and length measurement functions into a single easy-to-use unit for installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance for telco, network, or coax cable.
Wiremap Tester
Whether you're an electrical contractor, a home networking professional, datacom specialist or IT/network manager, the Fluke Networks family of powerful Voice/Data/Video (VDV) verification and troubleshooting tools will allow you to verify your work while delivering a quality installation.
Cable Verifiers
VDV II Series
The new VDV II Series are easy to use cable testers that check the integrity of copper cables commonly found in domestic, commercial or industrial voice, data or video installations, including telephone wiring, data network and video/security cabling.
VDV & USB Cable Tester
The VDV & USB cable tester is designed for testing today’s media computer networks which combination of telephone USOC (voice), twisted pair (data) and coax security / alarm (video) as well as PC-USB 2.0 3.0 cables.