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Alpha Particle Counting System
The UltraLo-1800 is a best-in-class alpha particle counting system. Our patented design reduces background rates by 50x compared to conventional systems.
Particle Impact Detection System 10
This system is capable of vibration testing up to 10 pounds and detecting defects that produce noise, such as loose screws, particles, etc. Right from the start of PIND testing, B&W patented the first MIL-STD compliant system outperforming the competition by over 30% better detection rate as tested by the NBS (now National Institute of Science and Technology) in a well known 1978 study (NBSIR 78-1590 NASA).
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
NDT covers a wide group of testing techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material, part, product, weld or system without causing damage. NDT carried out at KLL includes:Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT) is used for the detection of surface breaking discontinuities on magnetic and non-magnetic metallic materials.Fluorescent and colour contrast penetrants are available to be used in the following methods:-Water washableSolvent removablePost emulsifiableMagnetic Particle Inspection (MT/MPI) is used for the detection of surface breaking and slightly sub-surface (up to 2mm) discontinuities.Bench type crack detectors and portable units are employed producing various waveforms (i.e. A.C, HWDC and induced magnetic flow) to give both circular and longitudinal magnetism.On-site testing is carried out using electro magnetic yokes and permanent magnets producing induced magnetic flow.Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UT), also known as Ultrasonic Inspection, is used for the detection of volumetric discontinuities in ferrous and non-ferrous products (forgings and castings etc.), and welds in magnetic and non-magnetic materials.UT is capable of penetrating metals, dependent on the material characteristics, up to 10m in length.Some thickness and depth checks can also be carried out using ultrasound.Radiography services are available through sub-contract booked in advance. Notice is required for on-site work.Personnel are available at short notice for in-house or on-site work in the UK and overseas.All inspectors undertaking non destructive testing (LPT, MT/MPI and UT) are qualified to, and meet a minimum of, PCN Level 2.PCN Level 3 supervision is available in-house for LPT, MT/MPI, UT offering consultancy services including procedure writing and commentary, auditing of techniques and Level 3 Supervisor cover.We can assist clients in product qualification, material testing, quality assurance and audit programmes.
Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
ViewSizer 3000
Exosomes? Virus? Nanoparticle? Use multiple lasers for complete, detailed analysis of all the particles in your sample.Exosomes, viruses, and nanoparticles all have wide size distributions which defeat traditional Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) analyzers. The ViewSizer 3000 features simultaneous measurement with three lasers to collect the most accurate distribution and concentration information over a wide range of sizes within the same sample. Where the signal from a particle is too bright and saturates the detector from one laser, the software automatically uses data from a lower power laser to ensure the most accurate size and concentration information. On the other hand, when scattering from one laser is too weak for detection, the software uses data from a higher power laser to accurately track the particle.
Smallest Multimetric Nanoparticle Detector
partector 2
Naneos Particle Solutions gmbh
The naneos partector 2 is the world's smallest multimetric nanoparticle detector. The partector 2 uses dual non-contact detection stages to measure not only lung-deposited surface area like the partector 2 Light, but also particle number concentration and average particle diameter. Additionally, ultrafine particle (UFP) surface and ultrafine particle mass concentrations are calculated and displayed. In contrast to some of our competitors, the UFP mass is displayed online, and it is calculated using the measured diameter of the particles, rather than estimated by a simple multiplier for LDSA.
Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) Test
This test detects the presence of free moving particulate contaminants within sealed cavity devices. This test is specifically directed toward relays and other devices where internal mechanism noise makes rejection exclusively by threshold level impractical. This test method also may be used prior to final sealing in the manufacturing sequence as a means of eliminating loose particles from the interior of the device.
Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis Technology
FlowCam® 8100
The new FlowCam 8100 particle imaging and analysis system from global laboratory instrumentation manufacturer Fluid Imaging Technologies, Scarborough, Maine, features the company''s most advanced camera with the fastest imaging speed and double the image capture area to increase throughput, increase detection rates, and reveal more images and data. Imaging at up to 120 frames per second, the new FlowCam 8100 automatically detects thousands of individual particles and microorganisms in seconds, takes a high-resolution, digital image of each one detected and measures them in real-time based on their actual size and shape, not by an inference of their size and shape. Sampling at up to 100% efficiency with limited sample volumes as small as 200L, the company said, the FlowCam 8100 measures more than 30 different parameters from basic particle size, count and concentration to color, grayscale and advanced morphological characteristics such as circularity, elongation and fiber curl.
SparkFun Photodetector Breakout
MAX30101 (Qwiic)
The SparkFun Photodetector Breakout is an updated version of the SparkFun Particle Sensor Breakout includes the MAX30101, a highly sensitive optical sensor and successor to the MAX30105 and MAX30102. The MAX30101 Breakout utilizes a photon detector to measure the amount of returning light that is reflected back from the LEDs. This is useful for various applications like particle (i.e. smoke) detection, proximity measurements, and even photoplethysmography. To make it even easier to use this breakout, all communication is enacted exclusively via I2C, utilizing our handy Qwiic system. However, we still have broken out 0.1" spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.
Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System
iSpect DIA-10
Shimadzu's iSpect DIA-10 Dynamic Image Analyzer combines particle size and image analysis technology to offer complete particle characterization. It can perform particle imaging, size analysis, and foreign object detection, and obtain size distributions and number concentration, in as little as two minutes.
Magnetic Flaw Detector
magnetic particle flaw detector is the self-designed magnetic participle flaw detector of MITECH CO.,LTD. With small size, light weight, easy operation, multifunction in one unit. The detector can equip A, D, E O four types of probes to realize the functions of magnetic clamp detection, electromagnetic yoke detection, cross magnetic yoke detection, ring detection. It is the necessary detector to do quality control, safety check, life evaluation in the fields of petrol, chemicals, metallurgy, shipbuilding, aviation, railway etc
*Search and detection of gamma radiation sources with automatic identification of the radionuclide composition;*Measurement of the dose rate of gamma radiation;*Detection of neutron radiation and measurement of the neutron count rate (AT6102);*Measurement of the dose rate of neutron radiation (external detection unit BDKN-03);*Measurement of the flux density of alpha and beta particles from contaminated surfaces (external detection units BDPA-01 / BDPB-01)
Particle Impact Noise Detection
Computer based controller with predefined MIL-STD test sequences stored (New)Create unlimited custom tests with multiple vibration frequencies and acceleration and other parameters to meet unique requirements (New)
Geiger Counters
A geiger counter detects nuclear radiation by measuring the emission of ionizing radiation of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. Also referred to as a radiation detector, a geiger counter consists of two main elements: the processing electronics and the geiger tube. The geiger tube is filled with low-pressure inert gas like helium, argon or neon. If radioactive radiation occurs, the inert gas is ionized. An anode within the geiger tube registers the quantity of ionized particles numerically correlating with the strength of the radioactive radiation. The radioactivity measurement is then displayed on the LCD screen of the geiger counter or radiation detector.It is very important to measure radioactivity as well as to classify radioactivity values. For example, terrestrial gamma radiation is measured according to general values from 0.03 - 0.3 µSv/h (microsievert / hour). This "normal" oscillation range is conditioned by natural radioactive elements in the ground such as uranium and potassium. To calculate this factor, one must take into consideration cosmic radiation. For example, when considering cosmic radiation, the maximum radioactivity content at Schneefernerhaus, the highest-located German environmental research station, is approximately equal to 110 µSv/h.At PCE Instruments, you will find three types of geiger counter or raditation detection devices to help you measure radioactivity: 1) alpha radioactivity meters, 2) meters for detecting alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity and 3) radioactivity meters for human beings.
Reticle / Mask Particle Detection System
In semiconductor plants, where high performance and demanding functionality are required, the HORIBA PD Series'' high operating rate and long-term dependability have earned it a solid reputation. Inheriting a transfer system that has proven to provide stable, high performance and superior throughput over long operating periods, the PR-PD2HR now offers the most sensitive detection in the series with exclusive signal processing that can detect particles as small as 0.35 m.
Evaporative Light Scattering Detector
The ELSD-LTII utilizes a high-efficiency LED and enhanced digital signal treatment to minimize noise and deliver optimum sensitivity for trace analysis. An innovative cell design also reduces band broadening and allows sensitivity levels below 200 picograms. The high-performance optical detection system can also be used for combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening applications. The new Low Temperature Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD-LTII) is an easy-to-operate, universal detector that identifies analytes with uniform sensitivity regardless of their spectroscopic properties. It is not a spectroscopic detector. Instead, it removes the mobile phase through evaporation and then makes a light scattering measurement of the dried analyte particles.
Inline Particle Monitor
The Parker iCountPD is a highly compact, permanently mounted laser detection particle size monitor that enables continuous monitoring of contamination levels in hydraulic and fluid circuits.Capable of communicating results in ISO4406 / AS4059 or NAS1638
Fast Mobility Particle Sizer
The Fast Mobility Particle Sizer 3091 (FMPS™) spectrometer measures particles in the range from 5.6 to 560 nm, offering a total of 32 channels of resolution (16 channels per decade). It uses an electrical mobility measurement technique similar to that used in our SMPS. However, instead of a CPC, the FMPS spectrometer uses multiple, low-noise electrometers for particle detection
PXIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5764 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5763, 16-Bit, 500 MS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5763 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 500 MS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 225 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With over 73 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PCIe-5763, 16-Bit, 500 MS/s, 4-Channel PCI FlexRIO Digitizer Device
The PCIe-5763 is a PCI FlexRIO Digitizer Device that simultaneously samples four channels at 500 MS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 225 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With over 73 dB of SNR, the PCIe-5763 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PCIe-5763 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5764 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5763, 16-Bit, 500 MS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5763 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 500 MS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 225 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With over 73 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PCIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PCI FlexRIO Digitizer Device
The PCIe-5764 is a PCI FlexRIO Digitizer Device that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PCIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PCIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5764 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5763 , 16-Bit, 500 MS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5763 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 500 MS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 225 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With over 73 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5764 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PCIe-5763, 16-Bit, 500 MS/s, 4-Channel PCI FlexRIO Digitizer Device
The PCIe-5763 is a PCI FlexRIO Digitizer Device that simultaneously samples four channels at 500 MS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 225 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With over 73 dB of SNR, the PCIe-5763 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PCIe-5763 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5763, 16-Bit, 500 MS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5763 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 500 MS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 225 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With over 73 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5763 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5764 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.
PXIe-5764, 16-Bit, 1 GS/s, 4-Channel PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
The PXIe-5764 is a PXI FlexRIO Digitizer that simultaneously samples four channels at 1 GS/s with 16 bits of resolution and features 400 MHz of analog input bandwidth. With up to 70 dB of SNR, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for applications that require a wide dynamic range with a wideband digitizer. The FlexRIO driver includes support for finite and continuous streaming modes, and you can implement custom algorithms and real-time signal processing on the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA. Available in AC and DC coupled variants, the PXIe-5764 is ideal for both time and frequency domain applications, including radar prototyping, LIDAR, communications, microscopy, OCT, event detection, and particle physics.