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High Performance Linear Accelerometers
Columbia Research Laboratories
The sensors featured in Columbia's High Performance Force Balance Accelerometers offer extremely rugged, high performance accelerometers. These sensors are used in applications ranging from severe vibration and shock environments, to demanding missile and airborne applications and downhole well servicing applications. Columbia also offers high temperature and miniature High Performance Sensors.
Microwave Cables
Silicon Dioxide cable is a high stability cable at high temperatures and high frequencies. Because of thishigh stability silicon dioxide cables are currently used in nuclear reactors, decoy boxes, radars, satellites,aircraft and sophisticated missile applications. Measure Tech's Silicon Dioxide cable assemblies are excellentfor operation in extreme environment conditions where stability is crucial. Measure Tech's Silicon Dioxidecable is currently used by Lockheed Martin in their JASSM missiles. Measure Tech currently has 100% on timecdelivery for the Silicon Dioxide Cables delivered to Lockheed Martin.
Missile Seekers
L3 Cincinnati Electronics has been producing infrared missile-seeker detectors for over 25 years. We have designed, prototyped and mass-produced thousands of detectors for the Department of Defense and international customers as well. Our experience includes single-element one-color and multi-element linear array detectors and imaging Focal Plane Array seekers.
Signal Conditioning Instrumentation
Columbia Research Laboratories
Columbia offers a wide variety of Signal Conditioning Instrumentation for a variety of Sensor types. These range from Laboratory as well as Airborne Charge Amplifiers, Differential Charge Amplifiers, In-Line Charge Converters, Constant Current Power Supplies and ICP Compliant Amplifiers all in support of Columbia's extensive Piezoelectric product line. Additionally Columbia offers unique Strain Gage Instrumentation Amplifiers which provide built in auto zeroing of gage offset voltages which can increase typical measurement accuracies. These robust Signal Conditioning products have been flight qualified on many current military aircraft and missile programs and are now available for your distinctive program needs.
Threat Warning
Long-range, multi-threat capabilities provide continuous tracking while search and verification of surface-to-air and air-to-air missile launches for unsurpassed survivability.
Triaxial Linear Accelerometers
Columbia Research Laboratories
The Triaxial Force Balance Linear Accelerometers range from general purpose, low cost sensors, capable of measuring DC and low frequency acceleration simultaneously in three axes, to Miniature Airborne, Highly Reliable Sensors that operate from +24 to +32VDC Aircraft power. Also offered are compact, premium performance, extremely rugged sensors, well suited for demanding missile and airborne applications.
Integrated Tester for Aircraft Survivability Systems
The Integrated Tester for Aircraft Survivability Systems (ITASS) verifies radar warning receivers (RWRs), missile warning systems, laser warning systems and other radio frequency (RF) systems onboard aircraft, providing operators the tools they need to confidently validate the operational status of the systems.
Multi-Spectral UV/Laser Range Stimulator
The Phantom is a long-range laser and ultraviolet (UV) stimulator capable of testing aircraft electro-optical sensor suites up to 5 km. Phantom can operate as an independent laser and/or UV stimulator or can be integrated with our other electro-optical and radio frequency range systems (see GTESS and PRTS). The Phantom provides both a laser threat and a synchronized temporal missile plume signature to stimulate both the aircraft’s laser and missile warning systems. Training aircrew to counter maneuver a Laser Beam Riders (LBR) threat is considered essential to survival and in-air training. The Phantom can be deployed either on a shoulder or tripod mount.
Missile Warning System Test Set
Baringa™ IR/UV
Baringa™ is a handheld, ruggedized aircraft survivability test set used to stimulate the electro-optic sensor suites on various aircraft platforms. Available in ultraviolet (UV) as well as one-color or two-color infrared (IR), Baringa simulates dynamic multi-engagement profiles and is easily reprogrammable to meet user testing needs.
Phase Shifter
HTYX-III / 330
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Radar, missile attitude control, accelerator, communication, instrumentation and other fields have a wide range of applications.
VECTOR Electronics and Technology, Inc.
Vector designs and manufactures standard and custom VME, VME64x, CompactPCI backplanes. Our backplanes meet and exceed industry standards and reliability and actively supply chassis and backplanes for numerous aerospace, missile and industrial programs.
Brahmos Checkout
Data Patterns designed and built the BrahMos Missile Checkout Equipment based on the requirements and support of DRDO and BrahMos. This unit validates the complete performance of the Missile through interfacing with it's umbilical and maintenance connections. The shelter mounted checkout equipment is utilized to test the articles on the field during it's life cycle, thus ensuring readiness for launch on demand.
Countermeasures Dispenser Testers (CDT)
The nation’s Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and key government agencies all depend on countermeasure dispensing systems – including the AN/ALE-47 and others – aboard their aircraft for self-protection against missile attacks and other airborne munitions. Especially when operating in contested areas, a properly-functioning countermeasure dispensing system can make all the difference to the success of a mission. That’s ample reason for aviation maintenance and flight prep crews to prefer the unmatched reliability of BAE Systems Rokar Countermeasure Dispenser Testers (CDT) for keeping their countermeasure dispensing systems performing effectively and safely.
Laser Source Simulator
MT1888 Series
The MT1888 products are state-of-the-art Laser Source/Spot Simulators (LSS) used for the testing of laser guided munitions such as the Hellfire & Hellfire II missiles, Paveway, and the AGM-65E Laser Maverick missile.
Missile Systems
IES Systems is a turnkey test system solution provider with proven experience in Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) testing, Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) and Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) testing.
Cryogenic Hygrometer
CR - 2
Buck Research Instruments, LLC
The CR-2 exhibits the same wide range, fast response and high reliability as the CR-1A, but it is designed specifically for aircraft and similar high-stress applications. Instead of using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2), mirror cooling is accomplished using a tactical cryocooler, which is a high-tech device used primarily to cool IR detectors in missiles and tank turrets to LN2 temperatures.
PXIe Controllers
VTI is the first choice for mission critical applications or applications where the cost of test is high and failure is not an option. Applications include missile system testing and solid rocket motor testing. This is because our products are recognized in the industry for their reliability and are designed with built-in capabilities to maximize measurement confidence. Simply put, if you need equipment that is going to give you the results you need, contact us to get started.
We design, manufacture, upgrade, and support tracked and untracked and amphibious combat vehicles. We also manufacture ammunition and precision munitions as well as being a supplier of artillery systems and missile launchers, and precision imaging and targeting solutions. We manage and operate munitions facilities that support and sustain national capabilities.
Advanced Threat Detection
The Passive Airborne Warning System (PAWS) family of IR-based Passive Warning Systems provides a comprehensive, turn-key solution for airborne platforms. The sophisticated IR missile warning systems enhances airborne platform survivability by providing advanced warning of the presence of threatening missiles and by automatic management to all types of applicable countermeasures available onboard.
Airborne/Missiles/Space Antennas
Our broad range of off-the-shelf and buildto- print antenna systems featuring TECOM technology are designed to meet program-specific needs. We offer flush mounted, blade and microstrip antennas that maximize performance and minimize physical size. Used for instrumentation, flight termination, datalink, and telemetry applications in aircraft and missile platforms, our antennas support hemispherical and spherical pattern coverage while operating in both normal and extreme thermal environments.
Missile Warning System Testers
CI Systems provides a wide range of Missile Warning System (MWS) testers that can accurately simulate approaching threat signatures in the IR / Dual IR / UV /SWIR wavebands. These test systems can also test the MWS evaluation and acquisition of targets, tracking, and the performance of countermeasures. Also available is an infrared target simulator that projects an IR scene (background, target, and flare).
RCS Software
CEMExpert is a software dedicated to the prediction of radar cross-section of aerial and naval targets. The software uses both the high-frequency asymptotic method (PO-PTD) as well as the full-wave equation solver (FVTD). A quick calculation is made possible by automated meshing, scripts for azimuthal scan and parallel processing. The software has been used for improving stealth performance of UAVs, for shape optimization of naval ships and RCS characterization of target missiles.
Project Management
Precision Development Consulting Inc
Process Chamber Development, PVD Gun Prototype, Prototype Batch CVD Tool, Fifty-wafer Enhancement to Batch Tool, Manufacturing Equipment Process, Test Systems for Missile components
Aeronautical Telemetry Channel Emulator
It is extremely important to prepare, fine tune and validate ground telemetry systems, objectively for a given flight profile and link parameters, so that once it is put in real world application, it can deliver the desired performance. The flight vehicles are typically missiles, aircraft, and satellites. The ATCE acts like a Hardware in Simulation System (HILS), simulating flight profile and propagation effects acting as a virtual channel, so that various parameters of telemetry system can be adjusted to optimal levels for achieving desired performance and finding any faults that are present.
Flight Safety Systems
L3 Cincinnati Electronics is a world-leader in range safety protection. Applications include missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, heliostats and decoys. L3 CE is the provider of the next-generation flight termination receiver.
Gearbox Tester
The gearbox tester was designed to test the Azimuth Drive Unit (ADU) for a missile launcher. The ADU is the horizontal position controller for the launcher. It consists of a main drive shaft, a manual drive shaft and an output drive shaft. This system uses a multi-axis motion controller to operate.
GPS Filter Amplifiers
Mercury Systems’ family of GPS filters/amplifiers is the right choice for your high reliability GPS receiver. Whether your application is ground, airborne, missile or launch/reentry vehicle, you can trust the technology behind these advanced products. Custom designs including multiple outputs and integrated receiver protection limiters are also available.
Electronic Safe & Arm Devices
Excelitas Technologies specializes in the design, manufacture, and testing of MIL-STD-1316 compliant Electronic Safe and Arm Devices (ESAD), Electronic Safe, Arm and Fire Devices (ESAF), and Firing Modules (FM) for safe fuzing requirements of both legacy and next-generation missiles and munitions. Our dedicated staff of research and design experts use the latest advances in technology to design smaller, lighter, and more cost effective ESAFs and FMs to meet evolving requirements of newer more sophisticated weapon systems. Capabilities include a line of components and subsystems that have been qualified for hard target penetration environments and next-generation smaller-class munitions.
CAES Interferometers are ruggedized subassemblies with optimized SwaP-C and can be integrated into virtually any asset, be it manned or unmanned aircraft, surface vessels, ground vehicles, or missiles.
Power Amplifiers
CAES Power Amplifiers are ruggedized subassemblies and can be integrated into virtually any aerospace or defense system, be it manned or unmanned aircraft, surface vessels, ground vehicles, missiles or space.