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1) electric dipole - is the separation of a negative charge from a positive. 2) magnetic dipole - the closed circuit of an electric current system.
See Also: Dipole Antennas, Dipole Reference Antennas, Precision Dipole Antennas
Dipole Antenna
The Tuned Dipole Antenna model AD-100 is a reference antenna set specified in many EMC standards. It is used in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 GHz. This set consists of four baluns and was designed according to American National Standard C63.4. This reference antenna set is used for EMC test site calibrations and for calibrating other antennas, because it is considered a standard antenna according to ANSI C63.5 standard.
Dipole Antennas
Provides reliable, repeatable measurements. Suitable of FCC, MIL-STD, VDE, Tempest and Immunity stesting.
High-performance LPDA
The ALP690 is a high-performance LPDA (log periodic dipole array) antenna with a bypassable, built-in RF amplifier for use with wireless microphone receivers in location or studio production. The design delivers +4 dBd of passive gain in a directional pattern to extend operating range, and, when DC power is applied, the amplifier applies gain to overcome loss in long coaxial cable runs. By offering both active and passive operation modes, the ALP690 can be used as a receiver antenna (active or passive) and as a transmitter antenna (passive only).
Log Periodic Antennas
TDK Log Periodic Antennas - v-log array, log periodic dipole antenna, precision log periodic antenna, etc
Log Periodic Dipole Array
Skeletal remote antenna for decreased wind loading. The ALP Series antennas are a Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) design that provides a useful directional pattern over a broad frequency bandwidth.
Log Periodic Dipole Array
Skeletal design remote antenna with onboard amplifier ideal for long cable runs, phantom powered from Venue, UMC16 or Bias T. The ALP Series antennas are a Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) design that provides a useful directional pattern over a broad frequency bandwidth.
Log Periodic Dipole Array
Standard remote antenna ideal for fixed applications. The ALP Series antennas are a Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) design that provides a useful directional pattern over a broad frequency bandwidth.
Turned Multiple Dipole Antenna
Antenna for Radiation Immunity Test on Car Max. Input Power : 12kW & High Erectric Field at = 4 : 100V/m Contolable the Height/Deviation by own unique Stand Patent Information.
Public Safety Antennas
Antenna, IoT / LoRaWAN / Wi-Fi, RP-SMA Male, External, Dipole / Stubby
Adjustable Dipole Antenna
The SNA600 antenna is a versatile tool for use with wireless microphone receivers or IFB transmitters. The center frequency of its 100 MHz bandwidth is tunable from 550 to 800 MHz. The frequency is set by adjusting the dipole elements using the scale printed on the body of the antenna. The elements fold for storage.
The multifunctional antennas are designed to meet the harsh environmental conditions and limited space availability found on submarines. This is achieved by utilizing a unique stack array enclosed within a protecting fibre glass dome.The antenna characteristics has been developed in such a way so that aircrafts can also operate in the airspace for data and voice communications next to ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore communications. In this way aircrafts e.g. AWACS act as relay stations to transfer radio signals. Although the dipole of the lizard has a primarily plane oriented radiation characteristic – up until an elevation angle of 60 degrees-, submarines can still track aircrafts up to an elevation angle of 90 degree. This guarantees complete coverage of the surrounding airspace in 360 degree horizontal level as well as in 180 degree vertical level.With this outstanding multifunction antenna capability Aeromaritime significantly extends the military communications for submarines by offering this unique capability.
Array Solutions OCF
Series Dipoles
Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the Array Solutions, OffCenter Fed HF Dipole Antenna System. This antenna was built with the same quality workmanship and attention to detail as our military, government and commercial wire antenna products. It is ideal for ARES/RACES, MARS/CAP, USCG Aux., Red Cross, Salvation Army and other disaster and relief organization use. It is built especially for high duty cycle, harsh environmental applications. The use of the finest quality components available and our “overbuilt” quality construction means your new antenna will last for years under the most difficult conditions, while requiring little or no maintenance.
Dipole Antenna
Dipole Antenna, Frequency 20~100MHz, Gain-7dBi, VSWR 3.5, Linear Polarization, N Type Female
Omnidirectional HF Antennas
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
Broadband dipole products include the horizontally polarized 1765 antenna for short-to-medium range communications, the 3065 antenna that reduces ground-area requirements, and the 5065 series designed for locations where space is at a premium, including rooftops.
Electrical Tomography Software
This very popular software, developped by M.H.Loke, uses the method involving the Sasaki minimum squares inversion (1992) to produce a 2D sub-soil model starting from the data of apparent resistivity (up to 2000 electrodes). It is completely automatic and does not require that the user formulates a starting model. When using a state-of-art computer, the inversion of a single pseudosection will require only a few minutes.RES2DINV supports spreading types like Wenner, Schlumberger, Pole-Pole, Pole-Dipole, line Dipole, equatorial Dipole and other non-conventional spreading types.
Precision Conical Dipole
PCD 8250
Exposure evaluation next to mobile communication facilities e.g. GSM and UMTS base stations. Accurate RF radiation safety measurements e.g. nearby broadcast stations or in buildings. All kinds of field strength measurements where high precision, a wide frequency range and small antenna dimensions are required. Measurements according to our Field Nose method. Frequency range: 80 MHz 3 GHz
Precision Conical Dipole
PCD 3100
Site validation measurements according to prEN 50147-3 in fully anechoic rooms. Accurate RF radiation safety measurements (e.g. broadcast stations). All purposes of broadband precision field-strength measurements. Frequency range: 30 MHz - 1 GHz
Dipole Antennas
CAES manufactures dipole antennas for a variety of terrestrial applications including fixed-site, man-portable, and vehicular.
Biconical Antennas
Biconical Antennas have dipole like characteristics (e.g. circular directional pattern in the H-plane,"8"-shaped in the E-plane, fixed phase center, comparable gain), with an enormous wide bandwidth achieved by the double cone elements.
Monitoring & Drive Test Antennas
Linear polarized half-wave dipole with 1:1 balun and fixed element length for fieldstrength measurements at TETRA (terrestrical trunked radio) networks.
Tuned half-wave dipoles have been among the most important antennas from the beginning of rf-technique. The characteristics of half-wave dipoles have been calculable very early using the Maxwell and Hertz equations. Therefore the half wave dipole became a reference antenna.
Logarithmic Periodic Broadband Antennas
Directional, active broadband antennas that are the ideal solution for interference tracking, site surveying, and most general RF and EMC analysis applications, due to their unique dipole elements positioned along the antenna axis in a triangular shape.
Biconic Logarithmic Periodic Antennas
Stacked LPDA
The stacked Logarithmic Periodic Dipole Antenna consists of two ordinary Log.-Per. structures. The excellent characteristics (flat gain over a large bandwidth, low SWR) of the ordinary Log.-Per. designs could be maintained using the stacked LP design. The stacked design helps to focus the directional pattern of the H-plane somewhat, resulting in a typical gain improvement of ca. 2-3 dB compared to an ordinary LPDA. This is especially important for immunity testing, where a maximum fieldstrength and a good field uniformity is required. The beamwidth in the E-plane and the H-plane are nearly identical, providing an optimised illumination of the EuT with minimised ground reflection influence. Further the STLP 9128 C has an excellent cross-polar rejection.
Reference Antennas
Type NRD
Reference antennas are precision dipole antennas that offer a fixed 2.15 dB of gain over an isotropic antenna along the major lobe axis at specified frequencies (2.15 dBi). They are intended to be used for antenna field pattern and gain measurements, or general RF sensing in the laboratory.