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Electron Multiplying CCD ("EMCCD") Cameras
Evolve Series
The Evolve® is a high-resolution, back-illuminated EMCCD providing high sensitivity for the lowest light applications.With proprietary Teledyne technology throughout, the Evolve provides a new standard in EMCCD performance and reliability. For single molecule imaging, TIRF microscopy, and more, achieve the best imaging performance when every photon counts.
EMCCD Cameras
iXon Life
With the iXon EMCCD cameras, Andor have delivered a dedicated, truly high-end, yet accessible ultrasensitive scientific camera platform, designed specifically to drive the absolute best from EMCCD technology across all critical performance specs and parameters. Andor’s new iXon Life EMCCD platform is available exclusively for fluorescence microscopy applications and is engineered to deliver single photon sensitivity with absolutely unparalleled price/performance. Perfect for single molecule detection and live cell microscopy with minimized phototoxicity or photobleaching, but at a price more normally associated with back-illuminated sCMOS cameras.
Photon Magnetic Resonance
Numis Lite
The Numis lite device is a Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) system for the direct detection of shallow groundwater down to 50 m of depth.
Photon Magnetic Resonance
Numis Poly
The Numis Poly device is a Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) system for the direct detection of shallow groundwater down to 150 m of depth
Photoreaction Evaluation System
Lightway (PQY-01)
This system can measure the number of photons absorbed, which is necessary for calculating the quantum yield of photoreactions.
Raman Spectroscopy
Raman is a spectroscopic technique that uses laser light to interact with molecular excitations and determine what a substance or element is composed of. It relies upon the inelastic scattering of photons which produces a weak signal, making the collection of information challenging particularly when the substance to be measured is at distance or can only be given short exposure times. Our Raman spectrometers are particularly effective at making Raman measurements due to their configuration which delivers a higher throughput/etendue than standard instruments.
Scientific CMOS Camera
Prime 95B
The Prime 95B Scientific CMOS camera allows you to overcome many difficult imaging challenges by converting nearly every available photon to useful signal through an incredible 95% Quantum Efficiency by using the first available scientific CMOS sensor with back-side illumination. The result is the most sensitive CMOS camera available for scientific imaging.
id300 SERIES
The id300 short-pulse laser source is an externally-triggered optical source that generates sub-nanosecond laser pulses. Used in combination with a variable optical attenuator, this source cost-effectively approximates a single photon source.
Single Photon Counting Module
COUNT Q - the single photon counting module for the wavelengths range between 900 and 1600 nm! Wavelength range 900 - 1600 nm Detection efficiency: adjustable up to 20% Dark count rate: typ. 1000 cps
Single Photon Counting Modules
Single photon counting modules. So-called single photon counting modules are used to count single photons. These photon counters, sold under the brand name COUNT®, offer phenomenally low dark count rates with the best low noise characteristics.
Single Photon Counting Modules
The SPD_A_VIS from AUREA Technology is the "best-in-class" high-performance and easy-to-use single photon counting modules engineered for the most demanding low-level-of-light [400 nm - 1060 nm] applications. The SPD_A_VIS can be used in continuous mode (free-running) or in gated-mode.
SWIR Camera with 85% QE, Low Noise, and over 10 Minute Exposure Times
NIRvana® 640
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
The NIRvana® 640 offers incredible sensitivity with greater than >85% Quantum Efficiency between 950 nm and 1500 nm, ensuring you collect every photon you can.The biggest barrier to low light SWIR imaging is dark current. The NIRvana® 640 offers incredible low dark current – only 40e-/p/s, enabling longer exposures for faint samples.
Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Module
The LynXea_VIS from AUREA Technology is a stand-alone [400-1060 nm] Time Correlated Single Photon Counting TCSPC module, which fully integrates the Time to Digital Converter and the best single photon avalanche detection (SPAD) counting technologies within the same box. As a matter of fact, TCSPC measurements are now available without assembling multiple boxes!
Twin Photon Source at Telecom Wavelengths
AUREA Technology offers the first worldwide high-brightness stand-alone Entangled Photon Pair Source at telecom wavelengths, ideal for quantum information technologies. The TPS photon-pair source series are high-performance, compact and easy-to-use self-contained twin photon source. With only 5mW of pump power, it performs a spectral brightness of more than 100,000 photons/s/pm!
Avalanche Photodiodes
These avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are silicon photodiodes with an internal gain mechanism. As with a conventional photodiode, absorption of incident photons creates electron-hole pairs. A high reverse bias voltage creates a strong internal electric field, which accelerates the electrons through the silicon crystal lattice and produces secondary electrons by impact ionization. The resulting electron avalanche can produce gain factors up to several hundred.
SWIR Cameras
Our SWIR or Short-Wave Infrared imaging covers the wavelength range from 900nm to 1700nm. A large number of applications that are difficult or impossible to perform using visible light are made possible, with great results, using short-wave infrared (SWIR) imaging thus enabling the user to "See Beyond the Visible". SWIR is similar to visible light in that photons are reflected or absorbed by an object, providing the strong contrast needed for higher resolution imaging– unlike thermal images, that rely on radiated photons. At NIT, we offer unique SWIR cameras and sensors, see below for more information on our products.
Fluorescence Lifetime Systems
TCSPC, short for time-correlated single photon counting, refers to a powerful analysis method used especially in life sciences and fundamental physics. This technique is used to perform hyper-accurate fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime measurements. As technology leader in equipment for multidimensional single photon counting, Becker & Hickl has been offering a wide range of high-efficiency TCSPC systems since 1993.
Hybrid Picosecond Photon Detectors
HPPD Series
technology.The HPPD is our latest development in TCSPC detector technology that combines the benefits of conventional PMT design (wide spectral response and large active area)with the advantages of solid state APD technology (good detection efficiency, negligible after-pulsing and exceptional temporal resolution). Hybrid detectors are becoming thefirst choice for FLIM and short lifetime determination.
Analysis Software for FCS and cross-FCS
*FCS Fit with User-Defined Model Functions*Identification of Single-Molecule Photon Bursts in Parameter-Tag Data*Analysis of Fluorescence Intensity and Lifetime within Photon Bursts*One- and Two-Dimensional Histograms of Burst Parameters*Filtered Histograms of Burst Parameters*Discrimination of Different Fluorescent Species or FRET States*Determination of FRET Efficiencies*Exclusion of Artifacts in Intensity Traces
Analysis Software for FLIM, PLIM
*Analysis of Single-Decay, FLIM and PLIM Data*Analysis by Iterative Convolution and Fit Procedure or by First Moment of Photon Distribution*Calculations of Decay Parameters and Lifetimes by Various Decay Models*Calculation of FRET Efficiencies*Display of Lifetime and FRET Images*Display of Lifetimes, Amplitudes, Intensities or Ratios*Export of Lifetime Data and Images
AOI Programming Software
ProntoAOI used by electronics manufacturers will quickly program your Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machines. Program most popular AOI Equipment such as YES Tech, Mirtec, Orbotech, Agilent, Omron, CyberOptics, Viscom, Quad, Machine Vision Products (MVP), ViTechnology, Landrex Technologies, Christopher Associates / Marantz, Photon Dynamics, Camtek, etc.
Low Light Sensors
The ever-evolving technologies push the lower limit of measuring the photon energy. Look no further than Newport to find a solution for low light sensing applications. Please see our Low Light Sensor Guide for additional information.
Hybrid Photon Counting Detectors
MYTHEN2 Series
MYTHEN2 detectors guarantee noise-free performance, maximum resolution, and outstanding signal-to-noise ratios for an extended energy range from 4 to 40 keV. These systems include two module sizes: 1K with 1280 strips, and 1D with 640 strips. Their compact size, symmetrical sensor position, and DCS4 control unit make the MYTHEN2 series suitable for any diffractometer geometry — from portable instruments to large systems.
Single Photon Detector System For Near-Infrared (1.3 - 1.6 Um Wavelength) Waves With Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat
Insight Product Company is proud to offer Single Photon Detector System for Near-Infrared (1.3-1.6 um wavelength) with Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat. Insight Product Co. offers superconducting single photon detectors and ultra-low noise registration systems for the near infrared range. All systems operate in continuous mode, no gating required.
Single Photon Detector System For Near-Infrared (1.6-2.3 Um Wavelength) Waves With Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat
Insight Product Company is proud to offer Single Photon Detector System for Near-Infrared (1.6-2.3 um wavelength) with Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat. Insight Product Co. offers superconducting single photon detectors and ultra-low noise registration systems for the near infrared range. All systems operate in continuous mode, no gating required.
Photon Counting PMT Detection System
For spectroscopy and microscopy experiments in the UV/Vis/NIR region of the spectrum, a photomultiplier tube (PMT) is the ideal detector for quantitative low light level measurements. A PMT is extremely sensitive, with very wide dynamic range so it can also measure high levels of light. PMT’s are also very fast so rapid changes in optical signals can be reliably monitored. As a practical matter, PMTs are durable, long-lived, and economical.HORIBA provides a simple, self contained PMT housing that operates in either analog or photon counting modes with the flick of a switch. This ambient PMT housing is ideal for standard side-on PMTs that are used from 185 to 900 nanometers. It has a very low dark count for a non-cooled PMT housing providing a dark count of only ~ 50 to 500 counts per second (cps) depending on the PMT selected.
Single Photon Counting Camera
Photon counting is the only way to get as much information brought by light as it is physically possible. Here we present the system allowing to detect not only arrival time of individual photons but also a position as straightforward as camera. Standing on the shoulders of night vision technology LINCam allows to extend any simple wide-field microscope to the powerful fluorescence lifetime imaging system.
SEM- Based Dectors
ScintiFast™ is El-Mul’s flagship scintillator technology enabling the next generation of detectors with shorter response time and higher sensitivity. Recently released, ScintFast™ has the highest available photon yield for the nanosecond scintillator category. ScintiFast™ is the scintillator of choice for detectors in SEM-based tools for the semiconductor market as well as in Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry instruments.
The FR-103TPM is a high resolution, easy-to-use Autocorrelator for Two Photon Microscopy. It can be introduced into the beam path without disturbing the optical alignment, with the detector package replacing the sample.
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
The DeltaFlex time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system is one of our Delta series of next generation time correlated single photon counting lifetime instrumentation. The DeltaFlex offers the ultimate in flexibility.