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Low Energy Cable Phasing System
Polarity Phasing Device
The Polarity Phasing Device ( P.P.D.) is a Low voltage cable phasing system for use on de-energized conductors. The Polarity Phasing Device eliminates the confusion and errors in phasing when using headsets or other makeshift techniques.
Manikins for realistic simulation of the acoustic properties of a human
Head & Torso Simulators
If you need to carry out realistic in-situ measurements of headphones, telephones or hearing aids, you need a Head and Torso Simulator such as the B&K ‘HATS’ – Type 4128D or GRAS’ Kemar to complete your test setup. These manikins have built-in ear and mouth simulators that provide a realistic reproduction of the acoustic properties of an average adult human head and torso. They are commonly used for tests on telephone handsets, headsets, audio conference devices, microphones, headphones, hearing aids and hearing protectors. Please contact your sales engineer or email for more information.
SparkFun TRRS 3.5mm Jack Breakout
TRRS connectors are the audio-style connectors that you see on some phones, MP3 players and development boards. TRRS stands for "Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve," which reflects the fact that, unlike a standard stereo connector, this actually has three conductors and a ground. Some devices use the extra conductor for a microphone (like hands-free headsets) or to carry a video signal (like in some MP3/MP4 players). This breakout board makes it easy to add a TRRS jack to your prototype or project by breaking out each conductor to a standard 0.1" spaced header.
Stationman Speaker Probe
250 SSP
This probe is designed for those technicians that want the best tool available. The Model 250SSP is supplied with a cone-shaped tip and a duckbill tip that is longer and flatter, permitting insertion into larger cables, or cables under tension where slack cannot be obtained. Another feature is the built in speaker for audio without the need for a butt set or headset. The speaker is operated by a slide switch that has a "lock" position for continuous monitoring.
Designed for any intercom application, Trilogy headsets offer:*Heavy duty single or dual muff headset according to personal preferences and ambient noise considerations.*Robust moulded enclosed flexible mic boom to withstand the rigours of broadcast operations.*1.5m steel cable terminated with XLR5 plug for connection to common beltpack units.
Bluetooth Measurement Interface
The Portland Tool & Die BTC-4148 is a complete interface for measuring and characterizing Bluetooth audio devices including handsets, headsets, speakers, car kits and other devices with Bluetooth audio input or output.
Available as either single or dual channel units, the Trilogy 410 Series beltpacks are designed for 4 wire operation providing a convenient portable connection to any Trilogy intercom system. Each is fitted with a momentary ‘push to talk switch’ plus individual volume control(s) for the incoming audio level. These high performance beltpacks are suited for use with any quality low impedance headset equipped with dynamic microphone depending on the model.
Telephone Headset and Handset Test System
TE2000 Headset Tester for audio testing headsets and handsets using computer generated test sounds.
Acoustic Fault Detector
K&S Engineering and Scientific Ltd
This compact acoustic headset, designed and manufactured by K&S Engineering and Scientific Ltd has been developed with state-of-the-art components to not only to achieve superior performance but also to offer the user an acoustic headset that is smaller than equivalent units currently available on the market. Housed in an IP67 enclosure, the unit, which is used in conjunction with a high voltage surge generator, can easily contend with wet conditions.
Binaurales Headset
*Mobile, binaural measurements.*Quick identification of disturbing noise components.*Service and quality control.*Training and education.
PD Pipe & Cable Locator
Audio frequency 750cpsMaximum 100v outputFine Tune knob and LED's to easily match maximum impedanceInterrupter feature on oscillatorLCD meter on receiverReceiver loud speaker or headset useHoliday detection on buried pipe (PD/H)