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Voltage source of ±1000V, high-speed measurement up to 1000 readings/sec, current measurement resolution of 1fA, resistance measurement range 3x1017Ω and 5 1/2-digit display
Localized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
The VersaSTAT 3F applies an AC voltage to the sample emerged in electrolyte. This "global" voltage generates AC current to flow at the electrode / electrolyte interface. A dual-element probe is positioned in solution close to the surface of the sample. The electrometer measures a differential voltage measure between the two measurement elements as a measure of local voltage-drop in solution. This voltage-drop exists in solution because of current flow from local reactions at the sample, the resistance of the electrolyte and the spatial separation of the dual measurement elements.
Low Input Bias Current Amplifiers (<100 pA)
Low input bias current op amps are required whenever the difference of currents or voltage is small and needs to be measured accurately. These op amps are used so that the signal is not loaded down by the input of the op amps. Low input bias current op amps are critical for interfacing sensors in applications from photodiodes, pH meters, or other electrometer related functions to downstream electronics. Analog Devices has many precision op amps that fit the definition and range of these applications.
Potential Meters
Potential meters are basically electrometers which have extremely high input resistances in order to keep the feeding reference electrode free of load. This is necessary to maintain the true potential. pH - meters can be used as potential meters when fast reading is not required, because common pH meters are very slow. When the potential answer to current pulses is to be followed, potential meters are essential.
Single Channel Potentiostats
Potentiostats control a voltage and measure a resulting current. The Control Amplifier outputs power to the counter electrode (also called auxiliary electrode). A feedback loop is established to control the cell potential between the reference and working electrode. This voltage is measured by the input electrometer, that has a high impedance. This current is then measured between the working and counter electrodes while this potential is maintained at the working electrode and reference electrode.
Super Megohmmeters | Electrometers | Picoammeters
Combine with specially designed power source unit PSU-8541 for high-speed measurement Resistance measurement Max. 310^16 Current measurement 0.1fA to 100A
Femto / Picoammeter And Electrometer Meters
B2980 Series
The Keysight Femto / Picoammeters and Electrometers / High Resistance Meters offer best-in-class measurement performance and unprecedented features to maximize your measurement confidence. The Femto / Picoammeters and Electrometers both offer 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) minimum current resolution, which meets virtually all existing and future low-level current measurement needs. The Electrometers feature a 1,000 V voltage sourcing capability that supports up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω) resistance measurements. Both of the Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer have battery powered versions to eliminate AC power line noise, providing unmatched level of noise reduction, enabling low-level measurements that were previously impossible.
Reference grade instrument for use in a wide range of radiation therapy applications, including external beam, low dose, high dose, intravascular brachytherapy, diagnostic x-ray, and mammographic x-ray.
Integrated Potentiostat System
The ER466 Integrated Potentiostat System is our most popular potentiostat model, being ideal for cyclic, linear sweep, and most analytical pulse voltammetric experiments, either in the research or teaching laboratory. It also functions as a galvanostat, ZRA (zero resistance ammeter), and high impedance voltmeter (electrometer).
The SuperMAX Electrometer features two measurement channels with independent control over range, bias voltage, and applied system factor.
Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer / High Resistance Meter
B2980A Series
Both the picoammeters and electrometers provide a world-best performance of 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) current measurement resolution. In addition, the electrometers can measure resistance up to 10 P (10 x 1015 ), which is also a best-in-class specification. Finally, since AC power line noise can be difficult to eliminate when making low-level measurements, both the picoammeters and electrometers are available in battery powered versions.
Fast Mobility Particle Sizer
The Fast Mobility Particle Sizer 3091 (FMPS™) spectrometer measures particles in the range from 5.6 to 560 nm, offering a total of 32 channels of resolution (16 channels per decade). It uses an electrical mobility measurement technique similar to that used in our SMPS. However, instead of a CPC, the FMPS spectrometer uses multiple, low-noise electrometers for particle detection
High Resistance Measurement Universal Adapter
N1414A High Resistance Measurement Universal Adapter is used to simplify the connection for high resistance measurements by B2980A series electrometer.
Electrometer / High Resistance Meter, 0.01fA
The B2985B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter is the world’s only graphical electrometer that allows you to confidently measures small currents with 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) resolution and large resistances of up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω). It possesses a 4.3” color LCD with a graphical user interface that provides trend chart and histogram data in addition to numeric information.
Electrometer / High Resistance Meter, 0.01fA, Battery
The B2987B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter is the world’s only graphical electrometer that allows you to confidently measure small currents with 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) resolution and large resistances of up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω). In addition, battery operation eliminates AC line noise from your critical measurements.