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Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM) is a versatile tool for nano-characterization and nanomanufacturing.Conventional microscopes have fundamentally limited resolution due to diffraction, but there is no such restriction for near-field interactions, that is why near-field microscopy is becoming one of the most important techniques for nano-science.
Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope Platform
MoScan-F is a device that enables you to get the best up-to-date available spatial optical resolution using the near field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) principle
Scanning Near Field Optical Microscope
SNOM microscopes employ SPMs precision of piezoelectric raster-scanning together with sharp probes to obtain light optical images at rather better than the usual wavelength-limited resolution. The possibility to go beyond the Abbe diffraction limit has been achieved with the Near-field light optical microscopes (SNOM or NSOM).
Ultrafast Nearfield Optical Microscope
Femtosecond NSOM
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM) is a versatile tool for nano-characterization and nano-manufacturing.
NSOM Is the premier tool for imaging and manipulation of light on the nanoscale and is a critical instrument for understanding plasmonics, photonic waveguides, photovoltaic and photoconductivity studies. The optical openness of the NSOM system permits any illumination scenario while the Multiprobe NSOM head offers optical transport and dynamic study on the nanoscale for the first time. Offering a variety of options from entry level to low-temperature systems, the MultiView NSOM series has been the platform of choice for imaging on the nanoscale for nearly two decades.
Single Probe Scanning Probe Microscope
MultiView 2000
an advanced single probe scanning probe microscope enabling a variety of modes of AFM/SPM/NSOM imaging. Nanonics has designed The MultiView 2000TM for excellence in scanning probe microscopy while allowing for near-field and far-field optical NSOM/Raman/TERS imaging without perturbation. The Multiview 2000TM is the only commercially available instrument that offers both tip and sample scanning. This versatility is important for different operation modes where the user can now choose whether the sample or tip is static. The Multiview 2000TM further offers the most stable feedback mechanism available in the form of normal force feedback with tuning fork actuation.
Nanopositioning Systems
Mad City Labs'' nanopositioning systems move and maintain the position of objects with sub-nanometer precision and high stability. Applications for nanopositioners include super resolution microscopy, high speed confocal imaging, AFM, NSOM, SPM, optical trapping, fiber positioning, single molecule spectroscopy, single molecule/particle tracking, high resolution optical alignment, nanoscopy and lithography.
A new sample scanning atomic force microscope (AFM) designed for ease-of-use and simple installation.