Power Amplifiers
WBPA Series
Besides offering wide bandwidth, WBPA series wide band power amplifiers have exceptional gain flatness and ultra high linearity. The IP3 are from 40 dBm to over 50 dBm. The different models cover the frequency bands of VHF, UHF, Celular, GPS, DCS, PCS, 3G, MMDS, and S band. The amplifiers have optimum return losses, gain flatness, high power and high added power efficiency, wide bandwidth matchings, and unconditional stability.
The 01311 attenuator chip series is designed to achieve precision and tight flatness with an attenuation accuracy of ± 0.2 dB on our 1-10 dB pads and ± 0.3 dB on our 11-20 dB pads. SemiGen tests 100% of all attenuator chips prior to shipment to verify that they meet specifications.
Active Components
MUD frequency doublers featuring Millitech technology are balanced resistive-mode multipliers covering full waveguide bands. Power flatness for a given input power level for these units is typically ± 2.0 dB across the band.
Laser Microgage
The Microgage 2D laser alignment tool can be adapted to a wide variety of industrial measuring and alignment requirements. Each receiver measures in two axial directions (X & Y) and can be used for checking straightness, flatness, parallelism, squareness, bores, spindles, and other alignment needs.
Wafer Flatness Measurement System
*Measures Thickness, TTV, Bow, Warp and site and global Flatness (ASTM compliance)*Measures all materials including Si, GaAs, Ge, InP, SiC*Full 500 micron thickness measurement range without re-*calibration2-D /3-D Mapping software
Measurement Of Straightness, Flatness, Positioning Uncertainty Of Round Tables
ELCOLEVEL - Software For 3D-straightness Measurement
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
ELCOLEVEL is a software with interfaces to electronic autocollimators and inclination levels of different manufactureres. This allows for example the 3D-Straightness measurement (twist-, roll- and yaw-angle) of slides in one and the same measuring procedure.
Measurement Of Straightness, Flatness, Positioning Uncertainty Of Round Tables >
ELCOWIN - Software For 2D-straightness Measurement With Electronic Autocollimators
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
The software ELCOWIN serves for the measurement of straightness, squareness, parallelism of slides and flatness of precision tables by the autocollimation principle. ELCOWIN can be used in connection with electronic autocollimators of the ELCOMAT series from Moeller-Wedel-Optical.
Semiconductor Technology, Micro Scriber + Flatness, Bow, Warp, Curvature, Glass Thickness
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Non contact automated 2D- or 3D measurement of warp, bow, slope and surface curvature with software module for calculation of thin film stress (wafer stress) of wafers and glass substrates.
Flatness, Bow, Warp, Curvature, Glass Thickness
1D-glass Thickness Profile Measuring Instrument GPM2
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Highly accurate automatic measurement of glass thickness distributions. The glass thickness profiler GPM has the function to execute a fast and precise determination of the thickness profile of flat glass samples or another transparent material with a thickness range from 30µm to 700µm (option with sensor type 1) and width to 1200mm. The measuring point distance of the profile measurement can be varied over a micro-step-controlled positioning steering between 0.1mm and 1mm. The measured value a...show more -
Flatness, Bow, Warp, Curvature, Glass Thickness
Standard Warp Measuring System
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Optical, non contact measurement of warp and bow of specimen with size up to (1600 x 1200) mm. The system is designed for the contactless, optical measurement of the curvature (Warp) horizontal, coated float glass substrates. For that measurement the heights on different measuring points is evaluated.
Optics Test Equipment + Flatness, Bow, Warp, Curvature, Glass Thickness
Wedge Angle Scanner For Car Windshields
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Scanning of complete car windshields for measurement of wedge angle and thickness distribution, in particular in the HUD area.
Measurement Of Straightness, Flatness, Positioning Uncertainty Of Round Tables
RTM - Measurement Of Positioning Uncertainty Of Indexing Tables
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
RTM is a software for the measurement of positioning uncertainty of indexing tables using an electronic autocollimator and a polygon mirror as angle reference.
Flatness, Bow, Warp, Curvature, Glass Thickness + Optics Test Equipment
Mobile Wedge Angle Sensor WAS 160
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
Portable sensor for measurement of radius and wedge angle. Application: windshields of cars, helicopters, airplanes.
Flatness, Bow, Warp, Curvature, Glass Thickness
Optik Elektronik Gerätetechnik GmbH
High accurate flatness & thickness measuring system for large substrates.
Testing and Measurement
AkroMetrix provides a variety of products to help you identify and evaluate warpage: For warpage measurements along a production line or at room temperature, AkroMetrix has developed the LineMoiré Production Level Automated Flatness Inspection System. If you need to measure warpage and flatness during pre-defined temperature profiles, AkroMetrix's TherMoiré In-Process Warpage Measurement Systems may fit your requirements.
Pulsed-DC Systems
Extend process innovation with Advanced Energy’s comprehensive pulsed-DC suite. Minimize arcing, enhance deposition rate, improve film flatness and packing density.
CATV Line-Amplifier EDFA
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai HA5200 series C-Band line-amplifier EDFA (also knows as relay EDFA), is designed for the application of single channel or 1~8 continuous ribbon channels (ITU wavelength). Fiber CATV system operates generally in single wavelength that has no strict requirement on gain flatness. In order to reduce the effect of CNR deterioration caused by EDFA, input power should be as high as possible to make EDFA operate in saturated output power. The typical value of input power is >+3dBm.
Semi-automated Metrology System
Full wafer surface scanning for thickness, thickness variation, bow, warp, sori, site and global flatness
Multi-Axis Laser Interferometer
The award-winning XD Laser is a multidimensional laser measurement system that simultaneously measures all 21 degrees of freedom including linear, angular, straightness and roll errors for rapid machine tool error assessment. Measurements Include:- Rotational accuracy- Geometric error- Angular error- Flatness- Squareness- Parallelism
The NC346 Series waveguide is designed for narrow-band high ENR noise figure measurement applications. For high power waveguide systems the series has an optional built-in isolator to provides very low VSWR and superior flatness, typically <= +/- 1.5 dB.
Sapphire/SIC Wafer Flatness and Surface Appearance System
Sapphire/SIC wafer flatness and surface appearance system provide a previous surface flatness testing solution, though non-contract lighting testing to record the whole information of the surface, rapid and fast measurement for various of surfaces, line and all kinds of surface information.
Geometrical Measurement Software
PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
Activate your machinery more quickly, and help it run longer. PRÜFTECHNIK geometric laser alignment tools and software enable you to easily check and adjust your machine geometries for: straightness, flatness, level, inclination, plumbness, parallelism, and right angle check. Our tools are powerful, precise, and easy to use on a vast range of machinery—they can measure for the most demanding alignment jobs, including a bore of almost any diameter, and/or any surface type or inclination. Find the right geometric measurement tool for your machines.
C-Band DWDM Pre-Amplifier EDFA (WPA-C)
HWA4300 (With SNMP)
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai HWA4300 series, is designed for C-Band 44 waves or 88 waves DWDM system design Pre-Amplifier gain flatness. Products using the most excellent optical performance, the most advanced electronic control technology and comprehensive software features, has a wide operating wavelength range, Low noise, excellent gain flatness characteristics and transient characteristics.
C-Band DWDM Booster EDFA (WBA-C)
HWA4100 (With SNMP)
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai HWA4100 series, is designed for C-Band 44 waves or 88 waves DWDM system design power fiber amplifier gain flatness. Products using the most excellent optical performance, the most advanced electronic control technology and comprehensive software features, has a wide operating wavelength range, low noise and excellent gain flatness characteristics.
C-Band DWDM Line Amplifier EDFA (WLA-C)
HWA4200 (With SNMP)
Hangzhou Huatai Optic Tech. Co., Ltd.
Huatai HWA4200 series, is designed for C-Band 44 waves or 88 waves DWDM system design Line Amplifier gain flatness. Products using the most excellent optical performance, the most advanced electronic control technology and comprehensive software features, has a wide operating wavelength range, Low noise, excellent gain flatness characteristics and transient characteristics.
Mask Flatness Measurement System
Tropel® UltraFlatTM 200 Mask System
The Tropel® UltraFlatTM 200 Mask System was designed specifically for the photomask industry. It delivers the lowest measurement uncertainty for ever-tightening mask flatness specifications. Shrinking device features require not only flatter wafers, but flatter masks.
Manhole Mechanical Properties Tester
Manhole mechanical property tester is designed to determine the performance of inspection chamber, manhole frame as well as manhole wall. It can be used to test shear strength and the axial loading performance of manhole base. It can also be used to test Ring stiffness, flatness and ring flexibility test.
Flatness Accessory Kit
The 55282A Flatness Accessory Kit is composed of an 10759A Footspacing Kit and two 10773A Flatness Mirrors. The footspacing kit provides three precision baseplates, with 50.8 mm (2 in), 101.6 mm (4 in), and 152.4 mm (6 in) pad spacing respectively, that minimize the grid setup and data accumulation time required for plate calibration. The flatness mirrors provide 100 percent reflectance and turn the direction of an incoming laser beam 90 degrees.
Footspacing Kit
The Keysight 10759A Foots pacing Kit, included in the Keysight 55282A Flatness Accessory Kit, provides three precision baseplates with 50.8 mm (2 in), 101.6 mm (4 in) and 152.4 mm (6 in) pad spacing. As an accessory to the Keysight 5530Laser Calibration System, the kit simplifies the mounting of the flatness mirror used in flatness measurement applications. The Keysight 10759A minimizes the grid setup and data accumulation time required for plate calibration.
EUV (Extreme UltraViolet) Chucks
Lightweighted and low-expansion chucks with 10nm active-area flatness are required in EUV lithographic tools. These chucks also have low outgassing and low particle generation.