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Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA) - Hot-Wire Anemometry - Thermal Anemometry
Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA), also known as Thermal Anemometry, is a technique for the measurement of turbulence in 1, 2 or 3-dimensional gas and liquid flows, using hot-wire or hot-film probes inserted in the flow. CTA is particularly suitable for the measurement of flows with very fast fluctuations at a point (high turbulence) and the study of flow micro structures, where there is a need to resolve small flow eddies down to the order of tenths of a mm.
8-Zone SMT Reflow Oven
A combination of 8 independently controlled full-convection heating zones (16), 2 cooling zones, and low-velocity, low turbulence air flow allows the CR8000 reflow oven to provide you with thermal accuracy of ±1°C and a ΔT of ±2°C across PCB assemblies to 22" (570 mm) wide. This high-performance model takes up less floorspace than comparable alternatives on the market and offers a throughput that can keep pace with even high-volume production requirements.
Airborne Gravimeter
The very large dynamic range provides high precision data even in turbulent flying conditions; data is acquired through short periods of saturation in extreme turbulence by the automatic application of a reduced order Kalman filter, enabling platform misalignment to be computed and hence controlled; the automatic calibration program computes accelerometer scale factors and errors in perpendicularity between the accelerometer sensitive axis and the platform surface. The GT-2A installation in a fixed wing aircraft is shown in Fig 1 (courtesy of Excalibur).
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a non-intrusive laser optical measurement technique for research and diagnostics into flow, turbulence, microfluidics, spray atomization, and combustion processes.
PICO Pµlse Contact Dispense Valves
This contact dispense valve provides many of the same benefits of the PICO Pµlse jet valve, including high-speed dispensing at up to 1000Hz continuous*. It also delivers more accurate contact dispensing with less turbulence for greater fluid deposit consistency, placement, and process control.
Thermal Microclimate PMV-PPD / WBGT
HD32.3TC – HD32.3TCA
Thermal microclimate for the measurement of WBGT, PMV (mean predicted vote), PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied), DR (draught rate), TU (local turbulence intensity), HI (heat index), UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), TEP (perceived equivalent temperature) indices, CO2, PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10. Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 decay time on surfaces.
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral provides a wide range of anemometers ensuring that we have a solution to almost every environmental wind measurement requirement. Our traditional cup and vane anemometers range from simple devices for general wind monitoring through to certified products for use in wind energy applications. Our ultrasonic anemometers, which benefit from having no moving parts, provide for everything from simple 2-axis measurement through to research quality 3-axis sensing and integrated turbulence measurement.
Airborne Gravimeter
The GT-1A airborne gravimeter brings proven design and fully automatic operation to mobile scalar gravity measurement. Intelligent Platform Control combined with continuously recorded wide dynamic range allows the collection of high quality data through periods of turbulence. Proprietary software provides on-side delta-g values for post-flight evaluation.