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Micro Spectrophotometer
The USPM-RU III is a reflectometer that provides highly accurate spectral reflectivity measurements of small, curved, and thin samples without interference from rear surface-reflected light. The curved surface of the lens can be measured from a minute spot as small as ø60 µm formed on the sample surface. This provides the ability to use a goniometer to examine even the curved side lenses or other optical component.
Retroreflectivity Goniometer System
The 933 Retroreflective Workstation measures retroreflection (RA) and the retroreflective color of materials. The 933 contains a 3-axis motorized goniometer that features continuously adjustable β1 (-60° to 60°), β2 (-60° to 60°), and ε (-180° to 180°) angles, as well as a motorized, continuously adjustable α (0.2° to 2°) angle mechanism. The observation angle on the color detector is fixed at 0.33°.
X-ray Diffractometer
LabX XRD-6100
Provide solution to XRD analysis by ease of use and versatility Shimadzu XRD are designed with the concept "Provide solution to XRD analysis by ease of use and versatility". Basic system with high precision goniometer can be varied with optional items to adapt to the purpose. Please experience versatility based on firm technology.
Spectroscopic Ellipsometers
SENresearch 4.0
The SENresearch 4.0 is the new SENTECH spectroscopic ellipsometer. Every individual SENresearch 4.0 spectroscopic ellipsometer is a customer-specific configuration of spectral range, options and field upgradable accessories. SENresearch 4.0 uses fast FTIR ellipsometry for the NIR up to 2,500 nm or 3,500 nm, respectively. It provides broadest spectral range with best S/N ratio and highest, selectable spectral resolution. Silicon films up to 200 µm thickness can be measured. The measurement speed of FTIR ellipsometry compares to diode array configurations, which are also selectable up to 1,700 nm. The new motorized Pyramid Goniometer features an angle range from 20 deg to 100 deg. Optical encoders ensure highest precision and long term stability of angle settings. The spectroscopic ellipsometer arms can be moved independently for scatterometry and angle resolved transmission measurements.
Anton Paar’s precise and flexible XRD solutions combine the best possible data quality with unrivalled measurement efficiency. Our reliable systems are designed for intuitive use and offer a high degree of automation so every user can benefit from increased sample throughput and maximum instrument uptime. The XRDynamic 500 powder diffractometer features advanced optics, a next-generation goniometer, and state-of-the art detectors with a wide range of applications covered by the extensive ambient and non-ambient sample stage portfolio so you can always find the optimal XRD system for your needs.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
High performance multisensor CMM with Integrated Werth Zoom® optic with magnification 0.7x – 6.8xRotary/Tilt Axis with high speed air bearing rotary axisRotary OnTheFly for fast measurementsContour image processing for fully automatic measurements of complex geometrical elements with sub-micron repeatabilityIntegrated goniometer (tilting axis) allows for the measurement of non-cylindrical geometriesUnique lighting design optimized for measurement of stentsTemperature compensation included
High performance multisensor
Werth StentCheck®
High performance multisensor CMM with Integrated Werth Zoom® optic with magnification 0.7x – 6.8xRotary/Tilt Axis with high speed air bearing rotary axisRotary OnTheFly for fast measurementsContour image processing for fully automatic measurements of complex geometrical elements with sub-micron repeatabilityIntegrated goniometer (tilting axis) allows for the measurement of non-cylindrical geometriesUnique lighting design optimized for measurement of stentsTemperature compensation included
Beam Pattern Measurement System
The BP100 is purpose-made for luminous intensity measurement of lamps, using a diffusely transmitting screen to provide a flat image that can be measured by an imaging photometer. This is a low cost, versatile solution in comparison to the traditional method of measuring lamp properties as a function of angle of emission, using Goniometers that are often costly and dedicated for one specific measurement.
Goniometer Systems
Our Goniometetric measurement systems are optimized to provide precise measurement of angle dependent spatial radiation properties of LED luminaires, lamps and other light-producing modules. Using a variety of photometric and spectroradiometric detector options, our goniometer systems achieve optical properties as a function of angle with accuracy, precision and speed.
Imaging Goniometers
Radiant Vision Systems fully-automated goniometric systems are combined with a ProMetric® Imaging Colorimeter or Photometer and specialized software to capture a precise, comprehensive model of a light source’s near-field output.
Goniometer has the capability not to only fit into almost every optical laboratory, but also to provide measurement data on concise level.
WDXRF Analyzer
The S6 JAGUAR offers more analytical power with typically more than 50% reduced measurement times than any other compact WDXRF instrument, featuring its new compact WDXRF goniometer, closely coupled optics, and 400 W direct excitation power. Based on the brand new HighSense XE detector with its ultimate linear range of more than two Million cps, it delivers excellent accuracy and precision for quality control in industrial labs.