checks form, height, surface area, bridges, volume, x/y offset and coplanarity of solder.
See Also: 3D Solder Paste Inspection
3D SPI Series
- Exclusive15MP / 25MP CoaXPress Camera System- Dual Projection Shadow Free Moiré Technology- Precision Compound Telecentric Camera Lens- Automated Z-Height Calibration System- Automated PCB Under Board Support System- Precision PCB Warpage Compensation- Closed Loop Communication With Screen Printer- Absolute Repeatability and Reproducibility- INTELLISYS® Industry 4.0 Intelligent Factory Automation System
3D SPI Series
- Exclusive 15MP / 25MP CoaXPress Camera System- Dual Projection Shadow Free Moiré Technology- Precision Compound Telecentric Camera Lens- Automated Z-Height Calibration System- Automated PCB Under Board Support System- Precision PCB Warpage Compensation- Closed Loop Communication With Screen Printer- Absolute Repeatability and Reproducibility- INTELLISYS® Industry 4.0 Intelligent Factory Automation System
Dual Projection 3D In-Line Solder Inspection System
The new KY8030-2 delivers 2x fasterinspection without compromising performanceand accuracy.Using patented dual projection, the systemeliminates the critical Shadow problem thatall 3D SPI systems can be vulnerable to.Easy UI and SPC Plus are included in the systempackage in order to help users achieve faster& easier printer process optimization
Solder Paste Inspection System
The new KY8030-3 delivers 3x fasterinspection without compromisingperformance and accuracy.Using patented dual projection,the system eliminates the criticalShadow problem that all 3D SPI systemscan be vulnerable to.Additionally, the new KY8030-3 has solvedthe PCB Warp problem that seriouslyimpacts inspection accuracyand reliability of result.
On Mek Solder Paset Inspection systems, items which are better inspected in 2D, such as area offset and bridging, are viewed in full colour. Using colour inspection the ISO-Spector S2 SPI can tell the difference between paste, solder mask, silk screen and other PCB features and the SPI system can intelligently give you accurate results. Volume and height measurement in 3D are combined with the 2D inspection in Real-time, to give a True colour 3D image. Other 3D SPI systems only inspect in the 3rd dimension, (Z axis) and make extrapolated assumptions about the 2D image.
3D Solder Paste Inspection Machine (3D-SPI)
3Si Series
Saki's 3D SPI identifies critical defects and assists with process improvement.
CyberOptics SE Series
SE Series
The CyberOptics SE Series offers the most accurate and repeatable, high speed 3D solder paste inspection in the market today. Utilizing the most advanced sensing technology, CyberOptics SPI products will provide manufacturers the reliability needed to compliment your overall screen print process improvement strategy.
3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI)
TR7007 SII
Offering inspection speeds of up to 200 cm2/sec, the TR7007 SII is the fastest solder paste inspection system in the industry. This highly accurate inline shadow-free solder paste inspection solution offers full 3D inspection at resolutions of 15 µm or 10 µm. Built on a high precision linear motor platform, the system's hallmark features include closed loop function, enhanced 2D imaging, auto-warp compensation and fringe pattern technology. Increase capacity without sacrificing additional space with an available dual-lane configuration.
3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI)
Systems designed for solder paste inspection (SPI) quickly and reliably check the solder paste deposits on the circuit board.
Omron’s advanced inspection systems help manufacturers meet the requirements of today’s SMT applications while improving throughput and sharpening their competitive edge.