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Material Science Laboratory Instruments
our material science laboratory instruments basically consists of four instruments first, young modulus apparatus which is used for determining the young modulus elasticity of a wire by stretching it. Then second is curie temperature kit which is used for determining the Curie Temperature. With the determination of dielectric constant of PZT material with Temperature variation. After that comes dielectric constant kit which is used for measuring the dielectric constant of solids and lastly our universal B-H Curve Tracer which is used for tracing the B-H loop which is very difficult and needs a good machinery for doing so.
Magnet Tester
H30 Series
AlmiCo, Ferrite, NdFeB, SmCo5, Sm2Co17 magnets are tested and their B-H and MH loops are plotted using Ferrites India make H30 Series hysteresis loop tracers. The complete system consists of a magnetizer to magnetize the test piece, an electromagnet and a BH Loop Plotter. Magnets with coersivity as high as 13 kOe and more can also be tested.
Measure total flux in industrial and measurement system settings—ideal for magnet testing and sorting and as the main component in BH loop or hysteresisgraph measurement applications.