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Controlled Environment Probe Station
Everbeing controlled environment probe station allows vacuum and cryogenic probing down to 77K with liquid nitrogen or high temperature probing up to 1273K. Efficient in characterizing your devices at extreme temperatures, vacuum, specific gas, etc.
Cryogenic Freezers
CB Series
Russells CB series cryogenic freezers are capable of achieving temperatures of -300º F to +185º F.
Cryogenic Probe Station
Materials Development Corporation
The MDC Model 441 Cryogenic Probe Station is a cost effective alternative to high-priced vacuum based cryogenic probe stations. With up to five probes available and sample diameters up to six inches, the MDC Cryogenic Probe Station allows for electrical measurements at temperatures near liquid nitrogen levels (77K).
Metis Instruments & Equipment NV
Measurements in up to 50 T environments. Cryogenic measurement environment with temperature control from 4K up to room temperature. Modular architecture with easy upgrades to higher energies & higher peak fields. Fast sample exchange possible. Large set of measuring probes for various applications
External Temperature for 3-wire PT1000 Probe
PT1000 probes are available with this logger that will record down to -200C, making them suitable for cryogenic applications. The probes are of 3-wire construction and use class A elements, making them more accurate than their 2-wire predecessors.
Fast Ramping Magnet Systems
Cryogenic Ltd has developed a new range of fast-sweeping cryogen-free superconducting magnets using high-performance Nb3Sn coils. These magnets provide an ideal platform for XMCD and other polarity switching applications. No liquid cryogens are required offering superb economy and ease of use in comparison with liquid helium alternatives.
Free Measurement System
The Cryogen Free Measurement System (CFMS) from Cryogenic Ltd is a modular research system designed to enable the user to perform a wide range of material characterisation experiments in variable field and variable temperature environments.
High field Superconducting Magnets
Cryogenic Ltd manufactures a wide range of superconducting magnets for research and industrial purposes. A range of standard solenoids between 1 to 22 Tesla is produced, and in addition split pair solenoids in the range 1 to 14 Tesla, with a typical central field homogeneity of 0.1%.
High Precision Measuring Systems
Kaman Precision Products, Inc.
Kaman offers thousands of high-precision sensors for different measurement ranges, materials, environments, temperatures, and pressures. Our extensive offerings include handmade custom precision sensors to sensors manufactured in a fully automated environment. Kaman makes sensors capable of operating in temperatures from cryogenic to 1,100° F.
Liquid Nitrogen Data Logging System
MadgeTechs LNDS, Liquid Nitrogen Data Logging System, is an ultra-low temperature measurement system created specifically for the monitoring of temperature sensitive substances that need to be preserved at cryogenic temperatures.
Low Level Voltage Measuring Instruments
This instrument has a very wide range of source resistance capability and has an equivalent noise resistance of less than 10 ohms. Sub-nanovolt resolution is possible. The N11 has many applications, including cryogenic measurements.
Low-Noise Amplifier
HYPRES is proud to announce an Analog-RF Amplifier product. Using state-of-the-art low-noise amplifier and compact cryogenic cooler, the Cryogenic Analog RF Module (CARM-02) provides amplification with extremely low noise.
Multipurpose Thermometer
This versatile thermometer has a wide temperature range and can be used in applications as diverse as cryogenic measurements for blood banking and cryosurgery, skin temperature measurements in exercise experiments, liquid measurements in spectrophotometer cuvettes, melting points of plastics and all types of animal and insect temperature measurements.
Multipurpose Thermometer-Rechargeable
This versatile thermometer has a wide temperature range and can be used in applications as diverse as cryogenic measurements for blood banking and cryosurgery, skin temperature measurements in exercise experiments, liquid measurements in spectrophotometer cuvettes, melting points of plastics and all types of animal and insect temperature measurements.
Multipurpose Thermometer-Rechargeable With Linearized Ouput
This versatile thermometer has a wide temperature range and can be used in applications as diverse as cryogenic measurements for blood banking and cryosurgery, skin temperature measurements in exercise experiments, liquid measurements in spectrophotometer cuvettes, melting points of plastics and all types of animal and insect temperature measurements.
Multipurpose Thermometer With Linearized Ouput
This versatile thermometer has a wide temperature range and can be used in applications as diverse as cryogenic measurements for blood banking and cryosurgery, skin temperature measurements in exercise experiments, liquid measurements in spectrophotometer cuvettes, melting points of plastics and all types of animal and insect temperature measurements.
NBS-Series Cryogenic Primary Noise Standards
The NBS-Series provide the ultimate accuracy when measuring extremely low noise figures (noise temperatures).
Scanning Probe Microscopes
The mission to create scientific impact has kept attocube at the frontier of cutting edge research instrumentation. Decades of combined experience in all relevant fields, an excellent team, and close cooperations with some of the world’s leading research institutes have evolved into a broad portfolio of high-end cryogenic scanning probe microscopes.
Specific Heat Capacity
The heat capacity probe uses a miniature AC calorimeter to measure the heat capacity of samples weighing as little as one microgram. The AC technique employed is highly sensitivity and combined with the automated Cryogenic Software, is simple to use.
Temperature Logger for PT1000 Probe
PT1000 probes are available with this logger and will record down to -200C making them suitable for cryogenic applications. The probes are of 3-wire construction and available probes are listed in the 'You will also need' section.
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
The Cryogenic Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) is designed for measurement of the DC magnetic moment of a sample with a noise floor sensitivity of 10-6 and at 10 seconds integration time.
Cryogenic Platforms
QMC Instruments are able to build standalone dry cryogenic platforms and support equipment to suit customer needs. Our range spans everything from off the shelf 4k cryostats that we cool our TES detectors in, to bespoke sub-kelvin systems.
Liquid Helium Bath Cryostats
We offer a range of helium bath cryostats suitable for cooling cryogenic detectors and other applications where long hold time, optical access, and easy access to the cryostat cold plate are required.
Low Noise Cryogenic Amplifiers
These amplifiers allow methods of communication with distant spacecraft or probe the history and composition of the universe through radio astronomy. It is also used to study basic phenomena through low-temperature physics research as we have seen with the growth in quantum computing. These devices can achieve noise performance that push beyond the limits of classical physics into the quantum realm. Cryogenics LNA’s find use from low frequencies through several hundreds of gigahertz fo ruse in a variety of technologies. Without cryogenic low noise amplifiers, entire branches of experimental science simply would not exist.View more Low Noise Cryogenic Microwave Amplifiers
Cryogenic Mill for Sample Sizes 0.1 - 100 Grams
Cryogenic Gringer 6870
Large cryogenic mill that accommodates sample sizes ranging from 0.1 - 50 grams. Specifically designed for cryogenic grinding and pulverizing tough and/or temperature sensitive samples immersed in liquid nitrogen. CE Approved.
Cryogenic Terahertz Detectors
QMC Instruments Ltd. has nearly forty years experience in the design and manufacture of cryogenic Terahertz detectors. This experience, enables us to develop and build detector systems that are uniquely tailored to the needs of the customer, resulting in a performance that is optimised for each experiment.
Dry Cryogenic Systems
Part of the speciality of QMC Instruments Ltd, is integrating detectors and optics into cryogenic systems, which are suited to it's customers requirements. By packaging our detectors in this way we can ensure that they will perform exactly as quoted.
Small Cryogenic Mill Accommodating Sample Sizes 0.1 - 4 Grams
Freezer Mill 6770*
The 6770 Freezer/Mill® is our small cryogenic mill that accommodates sample sizes ranging from 0.1 - 4 grams. It is specifically designed for cryogenic grinding and pulverizing of tough and/or temperature sensitive samples immersed in liquid nitrogen. CE Approved.
16-Channel RTD Signal Conditioning Card
ProDAQ 5821
The ProDAQ 5821 series of Signal Conditioning Cards is designed to interface with a variety of sensors, principally RTDs, Thermistors, Cryogenic Diodes and Voltage type sensors. Each version of the 5821 provides the capability of precise 4-wire measurement. In order to achieve this, a precise 500μA constant current source is provided per channel. The current source can be disabled on a per channel basis and is monitored to ensure that current is flowing. The value of the output current is stored on-board after calibration. In order to achieve the highest accuracy the output current may be automatically calibrated 'on-the-fly' using the ProDAQ 3416 24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC card and an on-board precision resistor.
AC Resistance Bridge
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SIM921 AC Resistance Bridge is a precision, low-noise instrument designed for cryogenic thermometry applications. With excitation power below 100 aW, thermistors and other resistive samples can be measured at temperatures below 50 mK with negligible self-heating errors