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Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence for elemental analysis.
See Also: XRF, XRF Analyzer, TXRF, WDXRF
ED-XRF Spectrometer
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The new portable SPECTROSCOUT ED-XRF analyzers deliver much of the analytical power of top-grade laboratory benchtop analyzers. They provide fast, dependable, truly lab-quality results in the field or on the production floor all at a surprisingly low cost. The SPECTROSCOUT analyzers provide exceptional performance, at wide concentration levels, for all of the relevant elements in the range of Na-U. SPECTROSCOUT impresses with unprecedented precision and speed making it the ideal portable XRF for onsite applications where results matter.
Low cost EDXRF Elemental Analyzer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
As a premium low-cost benchtop EDXRF elemental analyzer, the Rigaku NEX QC+ QuantEZ delivers wide elemental coverage with easy-to-learn Windows®-based QuantEZ software. Non-destructively analyze from sodium (Na) through uranium (U) in almost any matrix, from solids and alloys to powders, liquids, and slurries. The 50 kV X-ray tube and Peltier cooled silicon drift detector (SDD) deliver exceptional short-term repeatability and long-term reproducibility with excellent element peak resolution. This high voltage capability, along with multiple automated X-ray tube filters, provides a wide range of XRF applications’ versatility and low limits-of-detection (LOD).
Process Elemental Analyzer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
Featuring advanced third generation EDXRF technology, the Rigaku NEX OL represents the next evolution of process elemental analysis for liquid stream and fixed position web or coil applications. Designed to span from heavy industrial through to food grade process gauging solutions, the NEX OL is configurable for use in both classified and non-classified areas.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The new SPECTROCUBE ED-XRF analyzer delivers easy, reliable, accurate, high-throughput analysis for a variety of applications, e.g. analysis of precious metals, compliance screening or analysis of fuels and lube oils.
Advanced EDXRF Spectrometer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
As a premium high-performance benchtop EDXRF elemental analyzer, the NEX DE delivers wide elemental coverage with an easy-to-learn Windows®-based QuantEZ software. Non-destructively analyze sodium (Na) through uranium (U) in almost any matrix, from solids and alloys to powders, liquids, and slurries.
Affordable EDXRF Analyzers
NEX QC Series
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
NEX QC is the lowest cost variant of a line of affordable benchtop EDXRF spectrometers designed for rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of elements from sodium (Na) to uranium (U) in solids, liquids, alloys, powders, and thin films. For more demanding applications, or for situations where short analysis time is critical, we recommend the NEX QC+ spectrometer. Employing the next generation silicon detector technology, the enhanced NEX QC+ affords significant improvement in elemental peak resolution and counting statistics.
X-ray fluorescence spectrometers
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
SPECTRO is a world leader in the manufacture of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers. In recent years, SPECTRO has set standards by further developing X-ray fluorescence technology to create many new fields of operation for ED-XRF spectrometers.
X-ray Fluorescence, XRF Analysis Services
Two XRF systems are available, a wavelength dispersive system (WDXRF) and an energy dispersive system (EDXRF). The difference is the manner in which the x-rays are detected. WDXRF instruments have very good energy resolution which leads to fewer spectral overlaps and improved background intensities. EDXRF instruments have higher signal throughput which can shorten analysis times. The higher signal throughput also makes EDXRF systems suitable for small spot or mapping analysis.
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) Spectrometer
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The new SPECTRO XEPOS spectrometer represents a quantum leap in energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technology. It provides breakthrough advances in multi-elemental analysis of major, minor, and trace element concentrations. New developments in excitation and detection deliver outstanding sensitivity and detection limits yielding remarkable gains in precision and accuracy. The amazing SPECTRO XEPOS excels at critical tasks from rapid screening analysis to precise product quality control. Apply it for at-line processing in a variety of industries, for geology and mining, for environmental and waste monitoring, and for research and academia.
Portable XRF Analyzer
The Olympus X-5000™ is engineered to provide safe and superior in-the-field energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis. Functioning as a portable laboratory, this high-powered instrument is equipped with a secure closed-beam sample chamber and flexible analytical software that features a wide range of factory default and user-defined calibrations. The X-5000 offers the performance and safety of traditional benchtop EDXRF, merged with the cost-effective benefits and ruggedness of proven, portable XRF technology.
elemental analyzer
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
An elemental analyzer designed for demanding applications – the SPECTRO XEPOS energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometer redefines XRF analysis with exceptional new levels of performance
Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Analyzers
The powerful Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzers of Xenemetrix are capable of more sensitive and precise analysis than can be expected from a laboratory class analyzer.
NEX CG II Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
NEX CG II, a powerful second-generation energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types — from oils and liquids to solids, metals, polymers, powders, pastes, coatings, and thin films.
Portable EDXRF Analyzer
ElvaX Mobile
ElvaX Mobile is a portable EDXRF analyzer for testing all kinds of materials. Sampling tray as in a benchtop instrument allows for convenient placement of x-cells. High resolution SDD detector and the absence of collimators ensure high count rate, which is crucial for quick detection of trace elements.
X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer
HORIBA has been selling the XGT-WR series of EDXRF analyzers for many years, providing screening measurements of samples containing hazardous elements such as Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, Br, Sb, As for RoHS, ELV, and Cl for halogen free applications.XGT systems are used daily throughout the world. HORIBA has now developed the new MESA-50 EDXRF analyzer, based on its long experience with customer requirements and knowledge. MESA-50 provides user friendly operation and good performance. MESA-50 includes three analysis diameters, suitable for every sample, from thin cables and electronic parts to bulk samples. The combination of SDD detector and Digital pulse processor(DPP) changes the image of EDXRF.HORIBA's new MESA-50 supports ecological procurement; it contributes not only to EU RoHS and ELV compliance testing, but also regulatory work for many other countries.
Process EDXRF Spectrometer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
Featuring advanced third generation EDXRF technology, the Rigaku NEX LS represents the next evolution of scanning multi-element process coatings analyzers for web or coil applications. To deliver superior analytical performance and reliability, the EDXRF measuring head assembly was derived from the established Rigaku NEX Series high-resolution benchtop instrumentation. With this proven technology, the Rigaku NEX LS delivers rapid, non-destructive, multi-element analyses — for coat weight, coating thickness and/or composition — for elements from aluminum (Al) through uranium (U). The measuring head is mounted on a rigid beam and is equipped with a linear traversing mechanism positioned over a roller so that the head-to-surface distance is constant. Common applications include silicone release coaters, converters, denesting Si for vacuum-formed plastics, RoHS compliance, conversion coatings, metalized plastic, top coatings on metal coil and fire retardants on fabric.
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur/Chlorine-in-oil Analyzer
The MESA-7220V2 measures both sulfur and chlorine in petroleum based products using the Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) method. A monochromatic X-ray source is used in order to obtain an ultra-low noise background which affords the best detection limits for both sulfur and chlorine.The detector window size was increased to collect more fluorescent X-rays and thus achieve lower level ppm values. This provides excellent, repeatable performance at both low and high concentrations of both elements.By adjusting the angle of the graphite crystal, the excitation beam can be measured to excite sulfur in the sample, increasing sensitivity.
Precious Metal Analyzer
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
Small spot energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometer optimized for precious metal testing. Analyzing precious metals alloys, SPECTRO MIDEX provides high precision and accuracy for a wide range of concentration levels — plus record-setting testing times (as low as 15 seconds). For small jewelry items or drill cuttings from remelted samples, it analyzes a small spot (typically 1.2 mm). For silver samples, which may be relatively inhomogeneous, averaged results from an optional larger spot size maintain high-accuracy results.
Handheld ED-XRF Spectrometers
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The SPECTRO xSORT family of handheld ED-XRF spectrometers supplies elemental testing and spectrochemical analysis of myriad materials in widely varying conditions. These energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence devices are recognized for ruggedness and reliability on the job. They offer metals or nonmetals identification in seconds, with innovative technologies and designs that provide repeatable, laboratory-quality results. Simple, user-friendly displays and efficient ergonomics make these instruments extremely easy to use. At a range of affordable prices, SPECTRO xSORT spectrometers are leaders in their class for a broad spectrum of applications. - See more at:
XRF analysis
XRF analysis (X-ray fluorescence) with the highly flexible and powerful energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer X-Supreme8000 for quality assurance and process control requirements across a diverse range of industries.
Small Spot Advanced EDXRF Spectrometer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
Specially designed and engineered for heavy industrial use, whether on the plant floor or in remote field environments, the superior analytical power, flexibility, and ease-of-use of the NEX DE VS adds to its broad appeal for an ever-expanding range of applications, including exploration, research, RoHS inspection, and education, as well as industrial and production monitoring applications. Whether the need is basic quality control (QC) or its more sophisticated variants — such as analytical quality control (AQC), quality assurance (QA) or statistical process control like Six Sigma — the NEX DE VS is the reliable choice for routine elemental analysis.
RoHS Testing Equipment (EDXRF)
Rapid development of global economy brings serious environmental issues, which is becoming the focus of all around the world. The RoHS directive EU announced on Feb 13th of 2003 became effective on Jul 1st of 2007 for the purchase of restricting the pollution caused by the dispose of electronic and electrical products. Facing this environmental protection requirement, after years of hard work on R&D, Lisun has successfully developed EDX serious EDXRF spectrometer. EDXRF can detect and measure the hazardous substances restricted in RoHS directive quickly, precisely and nondestructively.