2U Dual Flange Kit
34191A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 34191A (5063-9212) dual rackmount flange kit secures the instrument to the front of the System II cabinet. This kit can be used with the 34194A Dual Lock Link Kit to mount two Keysight System II (half-width, 2U height - 88.1mm) instruments side-by-side.
- Accessories
- 2U Dual Flange Kit
- Adapters and Connectors
- Amplifiers
- Attenuators
- Bias Networks
- Cables, Cable Assemblies, and Leads
- Calibration Modules and Kits
- Chassis and Controllers Accessories
- Comb Generators
- DC Blocks
- Detectors
- Directional Couplers & Bridges
- Frequency Meters
- Smart Harmonic Mixers
- Interface Cards, Cables, and Modules
- Interposers
- Power Dividers & Splitters
- Power Limiters
- Probes and Probe Accessories
- Racks, Rackmount Kits, and Rack Accessories
- Switches
- Test Fixtures & Test Sets
- Transition Time Converters
- Cable Assemblies
- Terminations (Loads)
- Thermocouple Kit
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 (50 Mm Electrodes)
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 (26/50 Mm Electrodes)
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 With B2980 Series (26/50/76 Mm Diameter Electrodes)
- Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, B2983 / B2987
- Extreme Temperature Active Probe, 1.5 GHz
- Accessories For RF And Microwave Handheld Analyzers
- Thermocouple (K-Type) And Temperature Probe Adapter
- Test Probe Leads, With 19-mm Tips And 4-mm Tips
- Alligator Clips
- Air Temperature Probe
- Immersion Temperature Probe
- Industrial Surface Temperature Probe
- Temperature Probe Adapter
- Soft Carrying Case, 4-5/7 In. D, Black
- Temperature Module
- Handheld Digital Multimeter, Soft Carrying Case
- IR Connectivity Bracket For U1240 Series Handheld Digital Multimeters
- Accessories For DCA Oscilloscopes Family
- RF Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC To 13.5 GHz, 4-ports
- RF Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC/300 KHz To 9 GHz, Type-N, 2 Port
- Thermistor Kit
- Terminal Blocks
- Economy Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC To 3 GHz, Type-F, 75 Ohm
- Spring Clip Fixture
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender, Pulsed DC Bias
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender, Pulsed DC Bias
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 30 A Current Shunt
350 MHz RF Frequency Counter, 10 digits/s
53210A - Keysight Technologies
Single-channel, RF frequency counter One 350 MHz input channel, plus optional second channel (6 GHz or 15 GHz)10 digits/second resolution Built-in math analysis and color, graphical display (trend and histogram)LXI-C/LAN, USB, GPIB Optional: Lithium Ion Battery BenchVue software enabled: Do more with your PC and instrument together, no programming required. Easily control your counters, quickly build automated tests and log data for faster analysis and save precious time.
Waveform Generator, 20 MHz, 2-Channel
33510B - Keysight Technologies
The 33510B waveform generator provides Keysight’s exclusive Trueform technology which offers unmatched capabilities for generating a full range of signals for your most demanding measurements.
350 MHz Universal Frequency Counter/Timer, 12 digits/s, 100 ps
53220A - Keysight Technologies
Two 350 MHz input channels, plus optional third channel (6 GHz or 15 GHz)12 digits/second resolution, 100 p sec time interval resolution LXI-C/LAN, USB, GPIB Built-in math analysis and color, graphical display (trend and histogram)Optional: Lithium Ion Battery Bench Vue software enabled: Do more with your PC and instrument together, no programming required. Easily control your counters, quickly build automated tests and log data for faster analysis and save precious time.
Isolated Amplifier - 2 Channel, 50 Vpp
33502A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 33502A is a dual-channel, high voltage output amplifier. It has an isolated analog front end with up to 50 Vpp (25 V) output voltage range. It is also a very low-distortion amplifier with < 0.01% @ 10 kHz and 40 Vpp. The 33502A is designed to work as a companion for function generators to offer low-distortion, higher voltage outputs.
6.5 and 7.5 Digit Multimeters
Truevolt Series
Truevolt Series - Keysight Technologies
Truevolt digital multimeters (34460A, 34461A, 34465A, 34470A) enable you to get quick insights, measure low-power devices, and maintain calibrated measurements with Keysight’s new patented technology. Truevolt offers a full range of measurement capabilities with higher levels of accuracy, linearity, speed, and resolution.
Digital Multimeter, 6 Digit
34465A - Keysight Technologies
Resolutions up to 6 digitsReading rates up to 50,000 readings/sMemory up to 2 million readingsCurrent ranges from 1 A to 10 AUSB and LAN interfaces, optional GPIBBenchVue software enabled: Do more with your PC and instrument together, no programming required. Easily control your DMM, quickly build automated tests, log measurements and save precious time.
Digital Multimeter, 7.5 Digit, Truevolt DMM
34470A - Keysight Technologies
Resolutions up to 7 digitsReading rates up to 50,000 readings/sMemory up to 2 million readingsCurrent ranges from 1 A to 10 AUSB and LAN interfaces, optional GPIBBenchVue software enabled: Do more with your PC and instrument together, , no programming required. Easily control your DMM, quickly build automated tests, log measurements and save precious time.
Digital Multimeter, 8.5 Digit
3458A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 3458A has a 30-year industrial-benchmark legacy for remarkable DC accuracy and stability. The redesigned 3458A multimeter also has standard lab 8.5-digit precision with leading-edge DCV linearity accuracy, lowest internal noise, and it is RoHS compliant.
Digital multimeter, 6 digit
34461A - Keysight Technologies
Color, graphical display with built-in bar chart, histogram, trend, math, and statisticsI/O: USB, LAN/LXI, GPIB (optional)BenchVue software enabled: Do more with your PC and instrument together, no programming required. Easily control your DMM, quickly build automated tests, log measurements and save precious time.
Digital multimeter, 6 digit, basic Truevolt DMM
34460A - Keysight Technologies
Keysight's Truevolt 34460A digital multimeter (DMM) is the entry level into Keysight's 6 digit family. The Truevolt Series of DMMs is the next generation of bench/system DMMs from Keysight. Only with Keysight's Truevolt DMMs can you:
350 MHz Universal Frequency Counter/Timer, 12 digits/s, 20 ps
53230A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 53230A universal frequency counter/timer serves all your frequency and time interval measurement needs. In addition to the typical frequency and time interval measurements, continuous/gap-free measurements are available for basic modulation domain analysis. Optional burst measurement software is available. An optional microwave channel can be added to measure 6 or 15 GHz.