Metabolites Method Package Suite
This suite allows comprehensive analysis of over 1900 metabolites without the need for investigation of separation conditions, MRM optimization or parameter settings. The range of metabolites spans both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds, including amino acids, short-chain fatty acids, sugars, nucleotides, bile acids, and lipids. The suite consists of five LC/MS/MS Method Packages including ready-to-use methods for the LCMS-8050/8060 series, the LC/MS/MS MRM Library for Phospholipid Profiling, the Smart Metabolites Database™ for GC/MS(GC/MS/MS), and a Multi-omics Analysis Package.
The Multi-omics Analysis Package included in this product supports not only regular analysis but also large volume data analysis and interpretation. The Multi-omics Analysis Package includes metabolic pathways and other contour maps corresponding to the Method Packages. This makes it easy to visualize fluctuations in the quantitative values of metabolites across metabolic pathways. Data filtering functions and statistical analysis can be applied to the network of compound relationships, providing a total solution for metabolite analysis.