Photon Counting PMT Detection System
For spectroscopy and microscopy experiments in the UV/Vis/NIR region of the spectrum, a photomultiplier tube (PMT) is the ideal detector for quantitative low light level measurements. A PMT is extremely sensitive, with very wide dynamic range so it can also measure high levels of light. PMT’s are also very fast so rapid changes in optical signals can be reliably monitored. As a practical matter, PMTs are durable, long-lived, and economical.
HORIBA provides a simple, self contained PMT housing that operates in either analog or photon counting modes with the flick of a switch. This ambient PMT housing is ideal for standard side-on PMTs that are used from 185 to 900 nanometers. It has a very low dark count for a non-cooled PMT housing providing a dark count of only ~ 50 to 500 counts per second (cps) depending on the PMT selected.