USB-C/eDP Video Generator / Analyzer Module
980 DP 1.4 - Teledyne LeCroy quantumdata (Quantum Data)
The Teledyne LeCroy quantumdata 980 DP 1.4 USB-C/eDP Video Generator / Analyzer module supports video, audio and protocol functional testing high-end DP HBR3 displays and optionally sources. The module supports HBR3 data rates including 1.62, 2.70, 5.40 & 8.10 Gbps on 1, 2 & 4 lanes on its Tx ports and its Rx port. All features and functions are supported on both DP standard connectors and USB-C connectors using DP Alt Mode. The module features a DisplayPort video generator output for testing displays and an input for analyzing and testing sources.