CL PX4 Dual Frame Grabber
Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual - Teledyne DALSA (Dipix (Vision Solutions Group))
Building on the field proven technology and performance of Teledyne DALSA’s X64 frame grabbers the new Xcelera Series leverages the PCI Express (PCIe) platform to bring traditional image acquisition and processing technology to new levels of performance and flexibility. The PCIe host interface is a point to point host interface allowing simultaneous image acquisition and transfer without loading the system bus and involving little intervention from the host CPU. The X64 Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual is a highly versatile PCIe frame grabber capable of acquiring images from two independent Camera Link™ Base cameras and performing image transfers at rates up to 1024MB/s. Its low cost, combined with its ability to support multiple tap configurations from area and linescan monochrome/RGB cameras simultaneously; in addition to its onboard FPGA Bayer decoding and real-time shading correction makes the X64 Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual an ideal solution to a wide variety cost-sensitive applications.