1μΩ-4kΩ AC Milliohmmeter Low Resistance Tester
TH2521 - Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd. (Cxin)
TH2521 AC Milliohmmeter is a high-performance and intelligent tester widely used to test contact resistance, internal resistance and battery voltage. The application of constant current source with 1kHz frequency can greatly eliminate the potential error caused by thermoelectricity on DUT. This meter has the function to automatically detect contact failures on test cable. At the range of 30mΩ, basic R resolution can reach 1μΩ. It is applicable for transformer, inductance coil copper resistance, relay contact resistance, switch, connector contact resistance, wire resistance, PCB line and via reistance dan metal defect detection, etc. In the mean time, signals, such as HIGH, LOW, PASS, can be output through HANDLER interface, thus it is very convenient to be used in automatic production line.