PCI Express Card
EXC-4000PCIe/xx - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The EXC-4000PCIe/xx card for the PCI Express bus supports up to four dual redundant 1553 channels using the M4K1553Px(S) module and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1553 (A, B).
- Boards
- PCI Express Card
- Adapter
- Express Card
- cPCI Card
- Mini PCI Card
- PC/104 Plus Card
- PMC & ccPMC Card
- VME/VXI Card
- ccVME 16-Channel Card
- ccVPX Card
- Rugged Ethernet
- Module for VME & VXI Systems
- Conduction Cooled Interface Board Supporting up to 5 Multi Function Channels
MIL-STD-1760 - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The MIL-STD-1760 interface card is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 and provides a wide range of features normally found only on full size testers. The cards can operate simultaneously as a Bus Controller and/or multiple (up to 32) Remote Terminals, or as a Triggerable Bus Monitor. The card supports Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words as well as error injection and error detection.
Mini Munitions Store Interface
MMSI - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
Mini Munitions Store Interface (MMSI) (EBR 1553) modules support up to 8 MMSI hub ports and composite Bus Monitor output using the M4KMMSI module. Each module can operate in one of three modes of operation: Remote Terminal, Bus Controller/Concurrent-RT/Concurrent Monitor, and Bus Monitor.
ARINC-429 - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
Aeronautical Radio INC (ARINC) is an organization composed of major airlines and airplane manufacturers, which promotes standardization within aircraft equipment. To facilitate this end ARINC puts out specifications describing communications busses as well as certain types of avionics systems. One of the more popular busses used in commercial aircraft today is the ARINC-429 bus.
ARINC-708 - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The Weather Radar protocol consists of 1600-bit ARINC-708 words, which, when interpreted and plotted together, form a picture of weather patterns in the surrounding area. The various weather conditions are indicated by the colors displayed.
ARINC-717 Bus
The ARINC 717 bus defines the communication between DFDAU(Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit) and the DFDR(Digital Flight Data Recorder). The Data over the bus is a collection of all various data to be recorded.
Serial (RS-232/422/485) Module for Multi Protocol 4000 Boards
Serial Module for Multi Protocol 4000 BoardsNOTE: The M4KSerial module is now a Legacy product. All new projects should use the M4KSerialPlus module (these modules are not compatible)
Discrete Module for Multi Protocol 4000 Boards
Discrete Module for Multi Protocol 4000 BoardsThe M4KDiscrete is an interface module for the multimode, multiprotocol Excalibur EXC-4000 family of carrier boards. The M4KDiscrete provides a complete solution for developing and testing discrete voltage-level interfaces.The module contains control I/O registers that may be accessed in real time. The module supports 20 discretes. The user can set each discrete:• Either as input or output.• Either to TTL (0 – 5V) or Avionics (0 – 32V) voltage levels and• Either enable or disable external debounceOutput discretes are open collector, capable of handling up to 32V with a maximum current of 100 mA each. There is a 4092 word FIFO, capable of storing 1023 Discrete entries containing the discrete data and Time tags.
CAN Bus & ARINC-825 (825CAN)
The 825CAN module is an intelligent multichannel ARINC 825 (CAN bus) interface module for the multiprotocol Excalibur 4000 & 8000 family of carrier boards. The module supports up to ten ARINC-825 channels. In receive mode, the module stores all or selected messages with status and Time Tag information appended to each message. In transmit mode, the module operates via a transmit Bandwidth Frame which allows scheduling of data transmissions and reduces the need for host computer intervention.