Dry Arc Resistance Tester
Dry Arc Resistance Tester is designed to conduct high voltage,low current Arc Resistance test on solid electrical insulation material as per:
ASTM standard D495-99 (2004) and UL 746A.
Why Arc Resistance Test? Many Cases of insulator failure are due to deterioration of its surface because of sustained electrical discharge or Arc. This test method is intended to test the resistance of insulating material when a high -Voltage low -current Arc close to the surface of insulation, intending to form a conducting path therein or in causing the material to become conducting due to decomposition and erosion.
AdvantagesThis Test ensures that your products meet high standards of quality & safety. This product is meant for all Switchgears/ insulator/ Polymer/ electro plastic manufacturers and manufacturers who use insulators in their products e.g. Wiring Accessories, Appliances, HT/LT line insulators etc.