Linescan SWIR Camera
LINECAM12 - Princeton Infrared Technologies, Inc. (PIRT)
The LineCam12 is an advanced linescan SWIR camera with 14-bit digital data at 37klines/s on USB3 or Camera Link™ outputs. The SWIR camera currently comes in two varieties: 250 μm tall pixels for spectroscopy and 12.5 μm square pixels for machine vision applications. The camera has incredible versatility enabling full wells from 75ke- to 100Me- with 128 steps of variation as well as integration times from 10 µs to 150s. On chip optical pixel binning (where every other detector is disconnected from the ROIC thus signal is captured by neighboring pixels) is available by command to trade spectral resolution for increased signal level. Pixel skipping or binning is also available allowing for 48k lines/s at 512 resolution in the same camera platform, activated by a simple command structure. The TEC stabilized camera has 31 non-uniformity correction (NUC) tables with 15 factory set and 16 user defined tables to enable flexibility for the given environment.