Computer-Based Instruments
GT210PXI - Guide Technology, Inc. (GuideTech)
GuideTech’s GT210PXI 3U form factor, meets industrial standard chassis with an expandable platform, achieving optimal test system with optimal cost. The ability to precisely resolve frequency and time yields both increased accuracy as well as reduced measurement time. For example, with the GT210PXI-1 you can determine any frequency to 0.01 part per million (eight digits) in just 1 mS, and resolve each time measurement to 8pS. Couple that with 2300 measurements per second, one of the fastest rates available and you can acquire more data in a single second than a typical GPIB counter can in one minute! Faster measurements and higher resolution, along with built-in statistics functions give you a more thorough analysis of your signal. Standard deviation, peak to peak jitter, or a graph of the measurements are available at the push of a button.
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1