Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, B2983 / B2987
N1418A - Keysight Technologies
Use for the B2983A femto/picoammeter and the B2987A electrometer/high resistance meter.
- Accessories
- Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, B2983 / B2987
- Adapters and Connectors
- Amplifiers
- Attenuators
- Bias Networks
- Cables, Cable Assemblies, and Leads
- Calibration Modules and Kits
- Chassis and Controllers Accessories
- Comb Generators
- DC Blocks
- Detectors
- Directional Couplers & Bridges
- Frequency Meters
- Smart Harmonic Mixers
- Interface Cards, Cables, and Modules
- Interposers
- Power Dividers & Splitters
- Power Limiters
- Probes and Probe Accessories
- Racks, Rackmount Kits, and Rack Accessories
- Switches
- Test Fixtures & Test Sets
- Transition Time Converters
- Cable Assemblies
- Terminations (Loads)
- Thermocouple Kit
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 (50 Mm Electrodes)
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 (26/50 Mm Electrodes)
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 With B2980 Series (26/50/76 Mm Diameter Electrodes)
- Extreme Temperature Active Probe, 1.5 GHz
- Accessories For RF And Microwave Handheld Analyzers
- Thermocouple (K-Type) And Temperature Probe Adapter
- Test Probe Leads, With 19-mm Tips And 4-mm Tips
- Alligator Clips
- Air Temperature Probe
- Immersion Temperature Probe
- Industrial Surface Temperature Probe
- Temperature Probe Adapter
- Soft Carrying Case, 4-5/7 In. D, Black
- Temperature Module
- Handheld Digital Multimeter, Soft Carrying Case
- IR Connectivity Bracket For U1240 Series Handheld Digital Multimeters
- Accessories For DCA Oscilloscopes Family
- 2U Dual Flange Kit
- RF Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC To 13.5 GHz, 4-ports
- RF Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC/300 KHz To 9 GHz, Type-N, 2 Port
- Thermistor Kit
- Terminal Blocks
- Economy Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC To 3 GHz, Type-F, 75 Ohm
- Spring Clip Fixture
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender, Pulsed DC Bias
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender, Pulsed DC Bias
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 30 A Current Shunt
Electrometer / High Resistance Meter, 0.01fA, Battery
B2987B - Keysight Technologies
The B2987B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter is the world’s only graphical electrometer that allows you to confidently measure small currents with 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) resolution and large resistances of up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω). In addition, battery operation eliminates AC line noise from your critical measurements.
Femto / Picoammeter, 0.01fA, Battery
B2983B - Keysight Technologies
The B2983B Femto/Picoammeter is the world’s only graphical picoammeter that allows you to confidently measure small currents with 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) resolution. In addition, battery operation eliminates AC line noise from your critical measurements. It possesses a 4.3” color LCD with a graphical user interface that provides trend chart and histogram data in addition to numeric information. These front-panel capabilities enable you to capture transient behavior and to perform quick statistical analyses without a PC. The available Setup Integrity Checker software option allows you to compare the noise levels of different cabling and fixturing arrangements to help isolate external noise sources.