3D Scanning Services
The 3D scanning services provided by our 3D scanning facilities can capture 3D measurements from objects as small as a pin head or as large as a nuclear power generation facility. When we remove the constraints imposed by conventional measurement technologies, the scope of applications becomes virtually limitless with 3D digital data in hand.
3D Scanning Reverse Engineering Services
Reverse engineering is oftentimes a catch-all term used for many design and engineering applications. But trust us, there is so much more to this category for the uses of our 3D scanners, portable CMMs and laser trackers. Also, reverse engineering tends to imply that the 3D scanning will be used solely for product design, when in fact it can be used to address many other engineering functions such as:
CMM Contact Measurement (Probing)
A method of collecting single points relative to each other in small or large volumes. This information can then be used for evaluation, inspection, layout or basic geometric reverse engineering. For capturing localized or small volume information, digitizing or articulating arms are ideal. For larger volumetric projects, optical solutions like laser trackers and photogrammetry CMMs perform best.
Dimensional Inspection (3D Inspection)
The 3D measurement data from our scanners and PCMMs offers a comprehensive definition of a physical object that is used for measurement, inspection, comparison and reporting. When a part is defined by millions of points, you can see subtle deviations, slight variations and fine details, which gives you the confidence that a part (or mold) meets your specifications. To deliver the best of both worlds, we combine 3D scanning with our contact, touch-probe measurement tools to deliver precise dimensions on geometric shapes.
Long Range Scanning
Our contract measurement services include a variety of short-range (< 20 feet) and long-range (20 to 900 feet) high definition technologies, which use both contact and non-contact processes. With over a decade of experience in long range scanner technologies, we have the experience to determine the most affordable approach to your project and the expertise to do the job right. Our tools for long range scanner services include portable CMMs (PCMM) – both touch probes and laser trackers – and 3D laser mapping scanners.
Scan To CAD
Scanning or hard probing, large or small, we have a large arsenal of hardware & software to fit our clients’ needs. With all the reference data coming directly from the CAD model this eliminates any human error that would have come through manually entering nominal information.
3D Scanning Reverse Engineering Services
Reverse engineering is oftentimes a catch-all term used for many design and engineering applications. But trust us, there is so much more to this category for the uses of our 3D scanners, portable CMMs and laser trackers. Also, reverse engineering tends to imply that the 3D scanning will be used solely for product design, when in fact it can be used to address many other engineering functions such as:
CMM Contact Measurement (Probing)
A method of collecting single points relative to each other in small or large volumes. This information can then be used for evaluation, inspection, layout or basic geometric reverse engineering. For capturing localized or small volume information, digitizing or articulating arms are ideal. For larger volumetric projects, optical solutions like laser trackers and photogrammetry CMMs perform best.
Dimensional Inspection (3D Inspection)
The 3D measurement data from our scanners and PCMMs offers a comprehensive definition of a physical object that is used for measurement, inspection, comparison and reporting. When a part is defined by millions of points, you can see subtle deviations, slight variations and fine details, which gives you the confidence that a part (or mold) meets your specifications. To deliver the best of both worlds, we combine 3D scanning with our contact, touch-probe measurement tools to deliver precise dimensions on geometric shapes.
Long Range Scanning
Our contract measurement services include a variety of short-range (< 20 feet) and long-range (20 to 900 feet) high definition technologies, which use both contact and non-contact processes. With over a decade of experience in long range scanner technologies, we have the experience to determine the most affordable approach to your project and the expertise to do the job right. Our tools for long range scanner services include portable CMMs (PCMM) – both touch probes and laser trackers – and 3D laser mapping scanners.
Scan To CAD
Scanning or hard probing, large or small, we have a large arsenal of hardware & software to fit our clients’ needs. With all the reference data coming directly from the CAD model this eliminates any human error that would have come through manually entering nominal information.