In-Line Fat Measurement
TOMRA’s new FatScan fat analyzer allows for the continuous analysis of meat to precisely determine its fat content. This functional and compact machine can be easily integrated in production lines and is specifically designed to assist smaller meat processors in delivering a consistent and uniform product. The innovative FatScan can analyse both fresh and frozen meat and it measures fat in real-time, delivering highly accurate and consistent results. The hygienic and robust analyser penetrates deeply into the meat, and measures across the full 500 mm width of its conveyor belt. The design is open, so all surfaces can be visually inspected and sanitized, using high pressure water. The FatScan is able to analyse up to 7 tons of meat per hour, making it an ideal choice for small and medium size processors. This, along with the consistent end product quality and savings generated through reduced lean give-away, helps you to drive up your profits.