Handyscope TP450-250XM-W5
The Handyscope TP450 is a power quality analyzer, connected via USB to the computer. The advanced measurement software delivered by default contains Quick Setups that allow to start mains power logging measurements without specialized instrument knowledge. With the 450 V input range, the Handyscope TP450 can be plugged directly in a (110 - 230 V) wall socket to measure the mains voltage. No additional attenuator is required. Logging mains voltage can be done at a high rate of 250 thousand measurements per second, with a resolution of 16 bit, which is equal to a 5½ digit voltmeter. The Handyscope TP450 is an accurate voltmeter, but one that performs 5000 measurements on each cycle of the mains voltage, while a standard voltmeter performs 3 measurements per second. Even with the very high measurement rate of the Handyscope TP450, the mains voltage can be measured continuously for weeks, and afterwards each period of the mains voltage can be analyzed thoroughly. Using this fast continuous measuring method, no voltage peak or dip is missed, even if it lasts just a msec. The maximum measuring duration of the mains voltage is only limited by the available hard disk space. Measuring one week takes approximately 0.69 GB disk space. During a measurement, also RMS value and frequency are logged. It is possible to measure various properties, like e.g. Minimum, Maximum, Peak to peak, Mean, Variance, Standard deviation.