Air Ion Detector
The DLY's Air Ion counter is designed for measuring the concentration and the mobility of air ion. This instrument incorporates very high sensitivity. So,it can measure very low air ion level;for example, the background level of air ion in the atmosphere. The maximum measuring scale of them can reach up to 3.999~109 ions/cm3. These instruments are very effective to measure any types of artificial air ion generator or air purifier. Some model of these instruments can measure and display the positive and nagetive ions simultaneously. Some model of them can work in high humility area. Some model of them can automatically measure both positive and negative air ion concentration,record the test data and work out the variation curve of them by computer.The latest development of this instrument is DLY-71 air ion mobility spectrometer.It can measure large,medium and small air ion.It is very important to know the quality of the air by the concentration of them and the rate between large,medium and small ions.
This instrument is one of the most important equipment to the people who work in the fields regarding science, medicine, environment protect, education, etc.