ECPR System (Electrically Calibrated Pyroelectric Radiometer)
Rs-5900 - Laser Probe Inc.
Developed in conjunction with NIST, the Rs-5900 ECPR is a ±1% absolute accuracy radiometric transfer standard for the visible to near-IR (0.25-2.0µm), with the RsIR Option extending the ±1% accuracy to >20µm. The RsP-590 Pyroelectric Probe requires no cooling and maintains ±1% accuracy from 1 µW to 100 mW. The ECPR uses an auto-nulling, electrical substitution technique that allows the instrument to be referenced against NIST electrical standards, insuring maximum accuracy and precision. Unlike most electrically calibrated radiometers, there is a direct correlation between electrical and optical heating because the same material serves as both the optical absorber and electrical heating element.